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The Box Office Buzz and Tracking Thread (December 2021 - July 2023)

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4 hours ago, Porthos said:


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Greater Sacramento Area Premiere Night Seat Report:







Seats left

Total Seats

Seats Sold

Perct Sold










Total Showings Capped Since Last Night


Total Seats Sold Since Last Night



T-0 [Mid-Day] Comps





Sold Since
Last Night






Seats Left

Total Seats






% of





MoM [11:30-12:40]














L&T [11:30-12:25]














FINAL SOLD NOTES: "Final sold" is the number of tickets sold for the movie in question at stop of tracking while "% of final" is the percentage of Black Panther 2's current tickets sold versus that final number.


Regal:     3887/13217  [29.41% sold]
Matinee:    969/4761  [20.35% | 6.57% of all tickets sold]




Pretty standard walkups for a large Marvel film (L&T was still seeing slight pickup from the 4th). Looks to be converging to around 28m or so.


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Greater Sacramento Area Premiere Night Seat Report:







Seats left

Total Seats

Seats Sold

Perct Sold










Total Showings Added Since Mid-Day


Total Seats Added Since Mid-Day


Total Seats Sold Since Mid-Day



T-0 Comps





Sold Since






Seats Left

Total Seats






% of



















MoM [3:30-4:35]














L&T [3:45-4:35]














FINAL SOLD NOTES: "Final sold" is the number of tickets sold for the movie in question at stop of tracking while "% of final" is the percentage of Black Panther 2's current tickets sold versus that final number.


Regal:     4461/13217  [33.75% sold]
Matinee:    1217/4761  [25.56% | 7.24% of all tickets sold]




VERY nice finish to the day.  People treating this like a pseudo-Friday thanks to Veteran's Day, perhaps?  Or just the good reviews kicking in?  Either way, stellar end to the track.


As noted by @Legion By Night funnily enough, MoM and L&T did indeed harmonize in comps.  Who could have possibly guessed? :lol:   Even the NWH comp is in the same-ish ballpark.  So who am I to ignore my local Marvel comps?


Let's call for 28.7m +/- .7m


Be curious to see if it over-indexing in places like Philly will drag up the comp or not.  Or if this is just playing well locally (if not Philly well).

Edited by Porthos
Should be a slightly higher error bar after reflection - changed to give a 28m - 29.5(-ish) range
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5 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Let's call for 28.7m +/- .7m


Be curious to see if it over-indexing in places like Philly will drag up the comp or not.  Or if this is just playing well locally (if not Philly well).


1 hour ago, katnisscinnaplex said:


Hopefully other areas reaffirm this, but with this data I'm going to up my final prediction to 28.8m


Let the record show that I did NOT see this post from katnisscinnaplex before I also called for pretty much the same number. ;)


Edited by Porthos
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Black Panther 2 (no direct comps)

Nov 11

SW/Toronto Ontario

  # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent
Fri 20 400 16106 51658 66608



No time for final Thurs, this will probably be final count for Friday, I have stuff to do tomorrow and probably wont get a better count.


Again unoffical comps-is selling about 7000 more than Thor4, 3000 More than Dr Strange too-big boost for Friday sales recently it seems.


I thought I posted this in this thread but maybe not-if so apologies for double post.



Not going to try and estimate Ontario numbers....well I mean if you bent my arm fine 7.5 Mil OD for Canada incl Thurs? Maybe? 


For US I don't know, seeing the to and fro about what US numbers will do esp with a holiday....Im not that brave!:ph34r:

Edited by Tinalera
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33 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

Nice finish in Sacramento. Any like for like comps with 1st movie. Back then you posted it sold 70% of seats over in your area.


*double checks*


Yeaaaaaah, but it's pretty worthless.  No, strike that.  It is 100% worthless.


My local like-for-like BP comp comes in at 41.3m. (see different number below)




That's because since BP opened, we have two brand new theaters in town, one of which is solidly in the A-tier and another which is in the upper B tier. Not only that, but a third theater opened which replaced another theater down the road and that replacement theater is doing much much much better than the older one (it's now solidly in the A tier where before it straddled the B/C tier line).


Making things worse, back then Disney had the... interesting practice of not using every theater in my region for their event films (as long timers might recall me mentioning from time to time). 


Occasionally they would have some sort of non-compete going on between MTC2 and MTC3 locally, if the two chains had a theater very close to each other (within a couple of miles of each other).  They stopped doing that around the time of Infinity War, but it was something they had been doing for SW and Marvel films before then, which makes comping BP1 even more useless.


There's more than one reason why I haven't even done an "unofficial" track against BP1 since I'd have to change so many variables that it goes from being art to alchemy. 


If I did a pure, exact, theater-for-theater track and just said "nuts" to the new theaters in the region as well as the theaters BP1 didn't get screened at, I get: 30.6m.


Which at least is in the ballpark, but then we have the dueling problems of ticket inflation since 2018 and my long term observation that Sacto is taking more of the share of the DOM market than they did back then.  Whether or not those two forces have more or less cancelled each other out by now, I have no idea.


Either way, that 30.6 is only in the right area by sheer luck, IMO.  And even then, I wouldn't use it for anything.

Edited by Porthos
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14 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:

Technically all US comps should over-index a bit as CAN will be under Thor 4 but most comps will have demographic funkiness, so don't matter. 

Yea, SW/Toronto area is a pretty dense area and will def skew the numbers a bit (heck even looking at numbers between the SW theatres alone, there was some funkiness with some theatres really getting sales while others were pretty quiet. And SW/Tor is one area in isolation, now maybe if started doing East coast numbers and maybe West numbers.....


Nope nope nope that way leads to true darkness as far as my sanity is concerned....:stretcher:

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Update 1 with time zone comps:



Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,488 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 46,869 123.9% 97.9%   7:00-7:59 25,624 119.0% 84.4%
8:00-8:59 29,346 127.7% 94.7%   8:00-8:59 12,812 97.3% 70.4%
9:00-9:59 17,684 50.4% 43.4%   9:00-9:59 6,059 30.0% 28.4%
10:00-10:59 22,159 88.7% 73.1%   10:00-10:59 9,467 82.7% 54.6%
11:00-11:59 14,522 232.3% 177.2%   11:00-11:59 4,723 193.1% 125.9%
12:00+ 3,098 94.6% 62.3%   12:00+ 333 17.8% 16.8%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,037 70.0% 59.2%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,312 80.0% 61.0%
6:00-6:59 4,242 67.9% 59.3%   6:00-6:59 12,284 69.0% 53.9%
7:00-7:59 5,329 102.3% 76.9%   7:00-7:59 20,317 115.2% 86.8%
8:00-8:59 2,397 71.5% 60.7%   8:00-8:59 13,864 102.0% 84.5%
9:00-9:59 1,278 23.5% 23.6%   9:00-9:59 8,319 47.8% 40.2%
10:00-10:59 2,330 99.8% 54.2%   10:00-10:59 9,538 73.3% 53.1%
11:00-11:59 572 76.6% 81.3%   11:00-11:59 7,370 163.2% 101.0%
12:00+ 145 38.3% 27.4%   12:00+ 2,020 46.2% 30.6%



About 70k walkups so far.

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1 hour ago, ZackM said:

Update 1 with time zone comps:



Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,488 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 46,869 123.9% 97.9%   7:00-7:59 25,624 119.0% 84.4%
8:00-8:59 29,346 127.7% 94.7%   8:00-8:59 12,812 97.3% 70.4%
9:00-9:59 17,684 50.4% 43.4%   9:00-9:59 6,059 30.0% 28.4%
10:00-10:59 22,159 88.7% 73.1%   10:00-10:59 9,467 82.7% 54.6%
11:00-11:59 14,522 232.3% 177.2%   11:00-11:59 4,723 193.1% 125.9%
12:00+ 3,098 94.6% 62.3%   12:00+ 333 17.8% 16.8%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,037 70.0% 59.2%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,312 80.0% 61.0%
6:00-6:59 4,242 67.9% 59.3%   6:00-6:59 12,284 69.0% 53.9%
7:00-7:59 5,329 102.3% 76.9%   7:00-7:59 20,317 115.2% 86.8%
8:00-8:59 2,397 71.5% 60.7%   8:00-8:59 13,864 102.0% 84.5%
9:00-9:59 1,278 23.5% 23.6%   9:00-9:59 8,319 47.8% 40.2%
10:00-10:59 2,330 99.8% 54.2%   10:00-10:59 9,538 73.3% 53.1%
11:00-11:59 572 76.6% 81.3%   11:00-11:59 7,370 163.2% 101.0%
12:00+ 145 38.3% 27.4%   12:00+ 2,020 46.2% 30.6%



About 70k walkups so far.



Update 2 - 85.7k walkups and 473.5k total.


Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,484 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 47,184 124.8% 98.6%   7:00-7:59 26,381 122.6% 86.9%
8:00-8:59 30,905 134.5% 99.7%   8:00-8:59 14,295 108.6% 78.5%
9:00-9:59 19,544 55.7% 47.9%   9:00-9:59 6,786 33.6% 31.8%
10:00-10:59 23,409 93.7% 77.2%   10:00-10:59 10,196 89.1% 58.8%
11:00-11:59 15,167 242.6% 185.1%   11:00-11:59 5,113 209.0% 136.3%
12:00+ 3,237 98.8% 65.1%   12:00+ 350 18.7% 17.7%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,125 70.9% 59.9%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,496 82.4% 62.8%
6:00-6:59 4,334 69.4% 60.6%   6:00-6:59 12,826 72.0% 56.3%
7:00-7:59 5,712 109.7% 82.4%   7:00-7:59 21,421 121.5% 91.6%
8:00-8:59 2,686 80.1% 68.0%   8:00-8:59 14,649 107.8% 89.3%
9:00-9:59 1,467 26.9% 27.1%   9:00-9:59 8,958 51.5% 43.3%
10:00-10:59 2,393 102.5% 55.7%   10:00-10:59 10,181 78.3% 56.6%
11:00-11:59 636 85.1% 90.3%   11:00-11:59 7,879 174.5% 108.0%
12:00+ 160 42.2% 30.2%   12:00+ 2,164 49.5% 32.8%
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On 7/7/2022 at 10:46 PM, ZackM said:

Last Thor4 update of the night.  I'll have final numbers in the morning.  Alpha comps would put it around 29M.



Alpha - Thor: Love & Thunder - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Thor: Love & Thunder - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales NWH Comp DS2 Comp   Showtimes Sales NWH Comp DS2 Comp
3:00-3:59 32,725 55.5% 86.4%   3:00-3:59 19,532 52.3% 93.3%
4:00-4:59 20,129 54.2% 82.0%   4:00-4:59 10,113 46.0% 76.6%
5:00-5:59 12,836 40.2% 74.7%   5:00-5:59 7,338 39.9% 70.0%
6:00-6:59 36,565 70.4% 82.8%   6:00-6:59 24,215 68.7% 91.5%
7:00-7:59 37,822 58.9% 79.0%   7:00-7:59 21,223 50.9% 69.9%
8:00-8:59 22,977 51.7% 74.1%   8:00-8:59 13,084 46.8% 71.9%
9:00-9:59 35,080 82.9% 86.0%   9:00-9:59 20,017 89.3% 93.7%
10:00-10:59 24,972 48.4% 82.3%   10:00-10:59 10,986 33.1% 63.4%
11:00-11:59 6,005 41.9% 73.3%   11:00-11:59 1,839 17.7% 49.0%
12:00+ 3,172 46.1% 63.8%   12:00+ 1,716 30.0% 86.6%
Alpha - Thor: Love & Thunder - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Thor: Love & Thunder - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales NWH Comp DS2 Comp   Showtimes Sales NWH Comp DS2 Comp
3:00-3:59 5,618 60.5% 98.3%   3:00-3:59 17,003 57.2% 84.8%
4:00-4:59 3,152 59.7% 92.4%   4:00-4:59 10,051 50.2% 84.5%
5:00-5:59 2,370 55.4% 89.8%   5:00-5:59 7,886 52.3% 76.3%
6:00-6:59 6,245 75.1% 87.3%   6:00-6:59 17,802 67.8% 78.1%
7:00-7:59 5,208 53.6% 75.1%   7:00-7:59 17,632 58.2% 75.4%
8:00-8:59 3,354 64.0% 85.0%   8:00-8:59 13,435 62.7% 81.9%
9:00-9:59 5,260 92.5% 97.1%   9:00-9:59 16,448 88.4% 79.6%
10:00-10:59 1,904 22.0% 44.3%   10:00-10:59 11,352 41.4% 63.2%
11:00-11:59 588 16.9% 83.5%   11:00-11:59 3,296 18.0% 45.2%
12:00+ 343 22.9% 64.8%   12:00+ 3,886 29.4% 58.8%


43 minutes ago, ZackM said:



Update 2 - 85.7k walkups and 473.5k total.


Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,484 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 47,184 124.8% 98.6%   7:00-7:59 26,381 122.6% 86.9%
8:00-8:59 30,905 134.5% 99.7%   8:00-8:59 14,295 108.6% 78.5%
9:00-9:59 19,544 55.7% 47.9%   9:00-9:59 6,786 33.6% 31.8%
10:00-10:59 23,409 93.7% 77.2%   10:00-10:59 10,196 89.1% 58.8%
11:00-11:59 15,167 242.6% 185.1%   11:00-11:59 5,113 209.0% 136.3%
12:00+ 3,237 98.8% 65.1%   12:00+ 350 18.7% 17.7%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,125 70.9% 59.9%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,496 82.4% 62.8%
6:00-6:59 4,334 69.4% 60.6%   6:00-6:59 12,826 72.0% 56.3%
7:00-7:59 5,712 109.7% 82.4%   7:00-7:59 21,421 121.5% 91.6%
8:00-8:59 2,686 80.1% 68.0%   8:00-8:59 14,649 107.8% 89.3%
9:00-9:59 1,467 26.9% 27.1%   9:00-9:59 8,958 51.5% 43.3%
10:00-10:59 2,393 102.5% 55.7%   10:00-10:59 10,181 78.3% 56.6%
11:00-11:59 636 85.1% 90.3%   11:00-11:59 7,879 174.5% 108.0%
12:00+ 160 42.2% 30.2%   12:00+ 2,164 49.5% 32.8%


Thor L&T vs BPWF - Taken about 1.5 hours apart on equivalent nights. 

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This data is beautiful. You can see where the overperformance is happening(especially east coast) and rest are par or below Thor. Mountain Time sucks big time but that is the least important region. Thor finished at 523,201. This is probably finishing low 490s. You can do that math on what that means. 



Edited by keysersoze123
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1 hour ago, ZackM said:



Update 2 - 85.7k walkups and 473.5k total.


Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,484 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 47,184 124.8% 98.6%   7:00-7:59 26,381 122.6% 86.9%
8:00-8:59 30,905 134.5% 99.7%   8:00-8:59 14,295 108.6% 78.5%
9:00-9:59 19,544 55.7% 47.9%   9:00-9:59 6,786 33.6% 31.8%
10:00-10:59 23,409 93.7% 77.2%   10:00-10:59 10,196 89.1% 58.8%
11:00-11:59 15,167 242.6% 185.1%   11:00-11:59 5,113 209.0% 136.3%
12:00+ 3,237 98.8% 65.1%   12:00+ 350 18.7% 17.7%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,125 70.9% 59.9%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,496 82.4% 62.8%
6:00-6:59 4,334 69.4% 60.6%   6:00-6:59 12,826 72.0% 56.3%
7:00-7:59 5,712 109.7% 82.4%   7:00-7:59 21,421 121.5% 91.6%
8:00-8:59 2,686 80.1% 68.0%   8:00-8:59 14,649 107.8% 89.3%
9:00-9:59 1,467 26.9% 27.1%   9:00-9:59 8,958 51.5% 43.3%
10:00-10:59 2,393 102.5% 55.7%   10:00-10:59 10,181 78.3% 56.6%
11:00-11:59 636 85.1% 90.3%   11:00-11:59 7,879 174.5% 108.0%
12:00+ 160 42.2% 30.2%   12:00+ 2,164 49.5% 32.8%


Final update of the night - 96.8k walkups and 484.5k total.  Comps will put it right around 27m.



Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Eastern Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Central Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 33,690 102.9% 89.0%   3:00-3:59 13,536 68.4% 64.6%
4:00-4:59 16,833 83.6% 68.6%   4:00-4:59 6,854 67.1% 51.9%
5:00-5:59 14,261 111.1% 83.0%   5:00-5:59 6,094 82.5% 58.1%
6:00-6:59 31,298 85.6% 70.9%   6:00-6:59 18,484 75.7% 69.9%
7:00-7:59 47,184 124.8% 98.6%   7:00-7:59 26,381 122.6% 86.9%
8:00-8:59 30,905 134.5% 99.7%   8:00-8:59 14,366 109.1% 78.9%
9:00-9:59 20,066 57.2% 49.2%   9:00-9:59 7,645 37.8% 35.8%
10:00-10:59 25,086 100.5% 82.7%   10:00-10:59 11,533 100.7% 66.5%
11:00-11:59 16,575 265.2% 202.3%   11:00-11:59 5,495 224.7% 146.5%
12:00+ 3,595 109.7% 72.3%   12:00+ 384 20.5% 19.4%
Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Mountain Time Zone   Alpha - Wakanda Forever - Pacific Time Zone
Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2   Showtimes Sales Thor 4 Dr. Strange 2
3:00-3:59 3,545 63.1% 62.0%   3:00-3:59 14,446 85.0% 72.0%
4:00-4:59 1,320 41.9% 38.7%   4:00-4:59 7,125 70.9% 59.9%
5:00-5:59 1,473 62.2% 55.8%   5:00-5:59 6,496 82.4% 62.8%
6:00-6:59 4,334 69.4% 60.6%   6:00-6:59 12,826 72.0% 56.3%
7:00-7:59 5,712 109.7% 82.4%   7:00-7:59 21,721 123.2% 92.8%
8:00-8:59 2,843 84.8% 72.0%   8:00-8:59 15,730 115.8% 95.9%
9:00-9:59 1,794 32.9% 33.1%   9:00-9:59 10,031 57.6% 48.5%
10:00-10:59 2,599 111.4% 60.5%   10:00-10:59 10,793 83.0% 60.0%
11:00-11:59 688 92.1% 97.7%   11:00-11:59 8,303 183.9% 113.8%
12:00+ 166 43.8% 31.4%   12:00+ 2,356 53.8% 35.7%
Edited by ZackM
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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Harkins Previews


Shows Capacity Sold % Sold Gross ATP
602 127,648 40,060 31.38% $467,472 $11.67




0.85x Thor: Love and Thunder - $24.25M

0.70x Doctor Strange in Multiverse of Madness - $25.31M


As we know from MTC 1, Mountain Time Zone is under-indexing. Regional variance was visible in chain itself, locations in California were 95% of Thor while Arizona were 80%. 


Would guess around ~$27M (+/- $0.5M).

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On 11/9/2022 at 1:15 PM, Eric Killmonger said:

Quorum Updates

The Fabelmans T-14: 11.89% Awareness, 4.83 Interest

Strange World T-14: 29.4%, 5.26

Violent Night T-23: 32.31%, 5.66

Chevalier T-149: 14.6%, 4.69

Barbie T-254: 33.06%, 4.44


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever T-2: 66.05% Awareness, 6.93 Interest

*Note that Black Panther: Wakanda Forever's Final numbers are subject to change*

Final General Awareness: 100% chance of 100M

General Interest: 100% chance of 100M

DC/MCU Awareness: 100% chance of 100M

DC/MCU Interest: 100% chance of 100M


The Menu T-9: 23.4% Awareness, 5.32 Interest

*Note that The Menu's Final numbers are subject to change*

Final General Awareness: 4% chance of double-digit opening

General Interest: 68% chance of double-digit opening

Original - Low Awareness: 10% chance of 5M, 0% chance of double digits

Original - Low Interest: 64% chance of 5M, 36% chance of double digits


M3gan T-58: 32.73% Awareness, 5.77 Interest

T-60 General Awareness: 96% chance of double-digit opening, 85% chance of 20M, 77% chance of 30M

General Interest: 93% chance of double-digits, 86% chance of 20M, 79% chance of 30M

Horror Awareness: 100% chance of 30M

Horror Interest: 100% chance of 40M

Quorum Updates

Bones and All T-8: 16.37% Awareness, 5.04 Interest

Devotion T-13: 21.74%, 5.28

Babylon T-43: 24.79%, 5.03

The Little Mermaid T-197: 58.48%, 6.21


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever T-2: 67.72% Awareness, 6.92 Interest

Final General Awareness: 100% chance of 100M

General Interest: 100% chance of 100M

DC/MCU Awareness: 100% chance of 100M

DC/MCU Interest: 100% chance of 100M

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I know everyone's talking about Black Panther, but does anyone have any data on fanthom's showing of the Chosen that's going wide next weekend? It seems like the answer is no (only search mentions I found was for boxofficepro's long term forecasts which don't include a projection) but is that an oversight by people, randomness in showings or something inherent in how this sort of rollout works? It obviously would lack many good comps (especially with non theatrical event showings) but I want to get my head around that film's baselines. 

If it replicates last year's special event's 9M OW (using hollywood preview rules), it would seemingly have a 50/50 shot to finish second to Black Panther 2 next weekend.  Probably not happening but it's a weird outlier story that no one seems to be talking about. 


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23 hours ago, M37 said:


As of T-1, finally appear to be getting some clarity and convergence, but perhaps not the answer some hoped/expected. Generally, comps are trending up vs Strange at nearly the same ratio as down vs Thor, not really shifting the average, still bouncing around $28M, as it essentially has been since T-17/18

EDIT: updated with Alpha numbers posted below




Some caveats (aka hopium): Tuesday's Election Day, plus the uncertainty in results into Wednesday may have pulled attention away from ticket sales, while the nation's 3rd most populous state being engulfed by hurricane/tropical storm Nicole (👋) may also be a limiting factor, and the Friday holiday creating a higher walk-up potential for Thursday night.


With all of that said, IMO the chances of the preview's first digit flipping to a 3 have decreased by a fair amount with the softer sales over last few days. Signs look to be pointing to ~$28M ($27-$29M) for Thursday, but with less certainty on the ceiling than usual for this size of release


That, my friends, is what we call convergence, at least in each individual market, excluding Philly (who IIRC was pretty weak for Thor). Final Alpha numbers estimated from last update




The $27M-$29M range from yesterday help up, though with some greater market variance, trickier to pin down precisely. Disney seems to always round these big previews to an even number, so it will likely be 27, 28 or 29; might as well stick with $28M as the final estimate, which again is essentially where the average has bounced around for over 2 weeks

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