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Eric Wilson


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Colin Treverow vastly overrated how much people care about Maisie and her story..... 


Noe Malta although felt more like an action thriller than Jurassic at beginning, was what movie should've been..... Dinosaurs with people, chaos here and there. 


Also even in Malta scene, there could've been more screentime to Carnotaurus and Allosaurus and their breakout and subsequent carnage.


And Pior Carnotaurus isn't getting anything to eat LMAO, in Fallen Kingdom he got bullied by Rexy and in Dominion. Both times Allosaurus ate the people. Poor Carno is still hungry.



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Also Colin Treverow is really stupid as he listened to those internet idiots who freaked put on Zara's death in Jurassic World.


Not only he cut 2 death scenes from Fallen Kingdom, but he also made Jurassic World Dominion the least brutal movie of the franchise.


Apparently there was also a scene where Atrociraptors were supposed to turn on Santos and kill her..... But i guess Colin got Jurassic World internet flashbacks.


And that's you don't listen to social media snowflakes

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3 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

Also Colin Treverow is really stupid as he listened to those internet idiots who freaked put on Zara's death in Jurassic World.


Not only he cut 2 death scenes from Fallen Kingdom, but he also made Jurassic World Dominion the least brutal movie of the franchise.


Apparently there was also a scene where Atrociraptors were supposed to turn on Santos and kill her..... But i guess Colin got Jurassic World internet flashbacks.


And that's you don't listen to social media snowflakes

I agree. We need more dead innocent characters. And I mean 'characters', not background extras. Heartbreaking ones too. Eddie Carr comes to mind.

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Also screw Colin Treverow for killing Giga for no reason.


It wasn't the Joker, it wasn't an unstable hybrid which needed to die, it wasn't doing anything villain like, it was just an animal defending its territory.


Absolutely waste of a cool dinosaur, Whike Colin has taken many creative decisions, this one ois aming the most baffling..... While i knew this would happen, i used to think that Giga would be this craze unhinged animak that is unstoppable killing machine and kills for sport.


Turns out it was just a normal animal vibing and curious in nature. 

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I’m just going to throw out here a ton of thoughts I had and noted down as I sat, fuming once I got home. 


On reflection I think it’s more the treatment of the OG characters, and the insulting call backs to moments in the original that bothered me the most. 


Learning that the story was more about stopping locusts destroying crops than it was about the dinosaurs was a disappointment. That story in itself wasn’t done badly particularly, but the way it then got Alan and Ellie involved just didn’t work for me. They could have used Daniella Pineda and Justice Smith to interact with Malcolm and get a sample of the locust. Watching Sam Neill and Laura Dern bumbling about in hazmat suits was embarrassing.  Neill really struggled with some lame one liners. One that comes to mind where he says to everybody before the T-Rex and Giganotosaurus fight, “this is not about us” or something. Wtf. 


Then there was the painful call back to the power grid recharge. There was even a brief repeat of Ellie’s words to Hammond when she was conversing about doing better with Claire. Garbage. 


The dilophosaurus strangle and knifing utterly atrocious undermining of a classic scene in the first.  


Dodgson’s character was awful. There was no sense in why he wanted Maisie and Beta the raptor if they were going to be the solution to a problem he wanted to remain. 


I didn’t like the way the poaching operators were sidelined after Malta. 


I didn’t like the use of DeWanda Wise, who was merely a means to be a pilot but there was no effort at a character arc - other than when she told Owen she had a similar navy background.


The actual set pieces themselves were not suspenseful. The least creative as far as suspense goes in any of the sequels. Time and again we were shown dinosaurs we hadn’t seen before, almost like a roll call. Yet not with anything particularly creative for them to be involved in. They’re just, there. 


What was with that bizarre ninety second silent treatment Ramsey gave Dodgson when he revealed he’d been working with Malcolm? Absolutely bizarre. 


The opening news reel, explaining what’s happened since Fallen Kingdom was dreadful. Almost as bad as the Superman news footage at the opening of Justice League. Just tonally not good. Should have opened with the night rescue of the triceratops with Claire and co. There had to be a better way of some exposition that wasn’t a news report. Seemed like a late addition. 


Overall, as a trilogy ender it felt like it built up to relatively nothing. The cautious message delivered in the first World film, and the next two films didn’t further anything really. Not needed. 

Most of all though, I think this film’s execution left a lot to be desired as the previous two were just better made films. Treated with more care and reverence that they were part of something special, rather than coming up with regurgitated scenes and call-backs that undermined, rather than elevated anything. 


If your story isn’t very strong then you’d better have the directing chops to make something that distracts from that. Trevorrow is no Bayona, never mind Spielberg. Fallen Kingdom probably got away with more than it would have if Trevorrow had helmed that one. 

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15 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

I’m just going to throw out here a ton of thoughts I had and noted down as I sat, fuming once I got home. 


On reflection I think it’s more the treatment of the OG characters, and the insulting call backs to moments in the original that bothered me the most. 


Learning that the story was more about stopping locusts destroying crops than it was about the dinosaurs was a disappointment. That story in itself wasn’t done badly particularly, but the way it then got Alan and Ellie involved just didn’t work for me. They could have used Daniella Pineda and Justice Smith to interact with Malcolm and get a sample of the locust. Watching Sam Neill and Laura Dern bumbling about in hazmat suits was embarrassing.  Neill really struggled with some lame one liners. One that comes to mind where he says to everybody before the T-Rex and Giganotosaurus fight, “this is not about us” or something. Wtf. 


Then there was the painful call back to the power grid recharge. There was even a brief repeat of Ellie’s words to Hammond when she was conversing about doing better with Claire. Garbage. 


The dilophosaurus strangle and knifing utterly atrocious undermining of a classic scene in the first.  


Dodgson’s character was awful. There was no sense in why he wanted Maisie and Beta the raptor if they were going to be the solution to a problem he wanted to remain. 


I didn’t like the way the poaching operators were sidelined after Malta. 


I didn’t like the use of DeWanda Wise, who was merely a means to be a pilot but there was no effort at a character arc - other than when she told Owen she had a similar navy background.


The actual set pieces themselves were not suspenseful. The least creative as far as suspense goes in any of the sequels. Time and again we were shown dinosaurs we hadn’t seen before, almost like a roll call. Yet not with anything particularly creative for them to be involved in. They’re just, there. 


What was with that bizarre ninety second silent treatment Ramsey gave Dodgson when he revealed he’d been working with Malcolm? Absolutely bizarre. 


The opening news reel, explaining what’s happened since Fallen Kingdom was dreadful. Almost as bad as the Superman news footage at the opening of Justice League. Just tonally not good. Should have opened with the night rescue of the triceratops with Claire and co. There had to be a better way of some exposition that wasn’t a news report. Seemed like a late addition. 


Overall, as a trilogy ender it felt like it built up to relatively nothing. The cautious message delivered in the first World film, and the next two films didn’t further anything really. Not needed. 

Most of all though, I think this film’s execution left a lot to be desired as the previous two were just better made films. Treated with more care and reverence that they were part of something special, rather than coming up with regurgitated scenes and call-backs that undermined, rather than elevated anything. 


If your story isn’t very strong then you’d better have the directing chops to make something that distracts from that. Trevorrow is no Bayona, never mind Spielberg. Fallen Kingdom probably got away with more than it would have if Trevorrow had helmed that one. 

One thing i agree is that story doesn't matter 90-95% of times if the director is strong.


Although in Jurassic World Dominion and Dr Strange Multiverse, story would've tanked the movie even if someone great was director. 


Reason being that Story goes against what was promised by movies, Dr Strange was supposed to be final chapter of Multiversal saga that started in WandaVision, an Avengers level event..... Jurassic World Dominion was supposed to be Dinosaurs and Humans in the world and a mega adventure to end the Saga.


Story just didn't deliver these things, a good director can make Good movies with such stories but how can they satisfy audience with wrong marketing and misinformation. 

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Bumbling around in hazmat suits, waving off CG locusts for two beloved legendary characters. That was the point I started to really reject the movie. I didn’t want to, but it was starting to really hurt me as a fan. 

The dilophosaurus strangle was the icing on the cake. 

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5 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

Bumbling around in hazmat suits, waving off CG locusts for two beloved legendary characters. That was the point I started to really reject the movie. I didn’t want to, but it was starting to really hurt me as a fan. 

The dilophosaurus strangle was the icing on the cake. 

They might be legendary characters, but they are still humans, i mean it's understandable if we had Dwayne Johnson. 


He would've killed all Locusts by his bare hands and then ended up punching Giganotosaurus in the face so hard that he would've adopted Vegan lifestyle.


I think they were treated well, nothing major disgraceful portrayals like Captain Jack Sparrow in POTC 5.

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2 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

They might be legendary characters, but they are still humans, i mean it's understandable if we had Dwayne Johnson. 


He would've killed all Locusts by his bare hands and then ended up punching Giganotosaurus in the face so hard that he would've adopted Vegan lifestyle.


I think they were treated well, nothing major disgraceful portrayals like Captain Jack Sparrow in POTC 5.

Sure, but I don’t want to see Ellie and Alan sneaking around a lab, avoiding security in hazmat suits.  They’re not Murray and Joyce in Stranger Things.  Like I said earlier, give Pineda and Smith that material. 

I don’t think the OG’s, and particularly those two, brought anything to the film but distraction. I didn’t enjoy much of what they did with them at all to be honest.  Shoehorned in is an understatement. 

I’ve had such a bad reaction to their use, as well as the dilophosaurus scene with Claire, the forced power grid switch on rehash,  and that news reel at the start - that I think I’m being overly harsh on the film itself. 

I think I’ll go back and see next week, just to see if it plays better, accepting the things I hated are going to be there. 

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I think Campbell Scott will be razzie nominated, he was dreadful. Sam Neill’s line delivery isn’t great either. 

I’m not sure if it was due to covid, but I was slightly disappointed that the end scene was so clearly a soundstage/CGI environment just like most of the superhero films (Endgame etc). 

Jurassic World’s third act is so clear and looks like they’re in a real place. 

I have no time for the cloning or bug plots. After Jurassic World played like a slasher film, I was disappointed there weren’t more deaths. 

MVPs: Claire, Ellie and Kayla. Loved seeing some new dinosaurs. Despite the last act’s CGI environment, it was still fun and exciting. Loved Claire’s scene in the pond, her and Ellie with the locusts and Kayla/Owen being chased on the ice.


Sad to see that the T-Rex at the drive-in and Ellie screaming from the trailer weren’t actually in the film (?). 

Edited by Krissykins
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3 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

I think Campbell Scott will be razzie nominated, he was dreadful. Sam Neill’s line delivery isn’t great either. 

I’m not sure if it was due to covid, but I was slightly disappointed that the end scene was so clearly a soundstage/CGI environment just like most of the superhero films. 

Jurassic World’s third act is so clear and looks like they’re in a real place. 

I have no time for the cloning or bug plots. After Jurassic World played like a slasher film, I was disappointed there weren’t more deaths. 

MVPs: Claire, Ellie and Kayla. Loved seeing some new dinosaurs. Despite the last act’s CGI environment, it was still fun and exciting. Loved Claire’s scene in the pond, her and Ellie with the locusts and Kayla/Owen being chased on the ice.


Sad to see that the T-Rex at the drive-in and Ellie screaming from the trailer weren’t actually in the film (?). 

I don’t think we’re miles off in what we thought of it to be honest. 

The things that are wrong with it (like shockingly bad) have tipped the balance a little too far towards me being overly negative. It’s hard to be rational when I have such a connection with a franchise. 

I’ll go again and see if I like it a little more. 

I keep seeing Owen, off-camera, about to choke a dilophosaurus and it’s just pathetic. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? 

They should have let it actually spit on Claire, and then they all had to work to get some kind of antidote to save her. A race against time with real stakes.  Nope, let’s just have Star Lord wring its neck. 

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I thought the OG characters were treated well, not sure what the issue is with them being in hazmat suits (am I missing something here or...). 


Still don't really get what people's problems with the locusts was, I thought they were an effective plot device. It's not like they had massive screentime in the movie.


The movie definitely leans more into spectacle than suspense. I'm not really a horror fan so I didn't mind this, but I understand why others don't like it.



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Not as good as getting a quart of Cherry Garcia and streaming the original, but not the complete disaster I had feared either. Leave your brain at the door and it's a perfectly passable way to spend a summer afternoon.



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2 hours ago, Menor Reborn said:

Still don't really get what people's problems with the locusts was, I thought they were an effective plot device.


The movie definitely leans more into spectacle than suspense. 



Locusts weren't the problem, problem was Maisie subplot that made Locust Plot device worse, just Locusts destroying world good song and OG trio finding ways to stop Biosyn would've been ok. Maisie and Beta angke just made it overconvulated and boring. 


And i think the main problem of this movie was that the Spectacle wasn't Spectacular at all, We needed Dinosaurs in the world, but we got Dinosaurs in a sanctuary which is basically an island redone. 


Juat see how chaotic and entertaining Malta sequence was and then compare with rest of Biosyn sequences.

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8 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

Locusts weren't the problem, problem was Maisie subplot that made Locust Plot device worse, just Locusts destroying world good song and OG trio finding ways to stop Biosyn would've been ok. Maisie and Beta angke just made it overconvulated and boring. 


And i think the main problem of this movie was that the Spectacle wasn't Spectacular at all, We needed Dinosaurs in the world, but we got Dinosaurs in a sanctuary which is basically an island redone. 


Juat see how chaotic and entertaining Malta sequence was and then compare with rest of Biosyn sequences.

Yeah Maisie subplot was kinda weird and added bloat but wasn't too big an issue to me.


I agree with you that spectacle would've been better with more stuff like Malta but found the sanctuary stuff still pretty entertaining with a good variety of dinosaurs (and related creatures).

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4 hours ago, Menor Reborn said:

I thought the OG characters were treated well, not sure what the issue is with them being in hazmat suits (am I missing something here or...). 


Still don't really get what people's problems with the locusts was, I thought they were an effective plot device. It's not like they had massive screentime in the movie.


The movie definitely leans more into spectacle than suspense. I'm not really a horror fan so I didn't mind this, but I understand why others don't like it.



I’m in the same boat.

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