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The Top 50 of STAR WARS - A Countdown | countdown is complete #1 on page 8

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Sorry. my family was visiting from out of state and between spending time with them and work I have had almost no free time. I am going to continue today and hopefully finish by the end of the month. 

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On 3/16/2023 at 3:09 PM, George Parr said:

Funny, I can't think of a single thing that was set up in TFA that was somehow "forgotten about" in TLJ, much less "shit on". The movie did in fact adhere strictly to everything TFA said. It was TFA that split up the heroes prior to the second part. It was TFA that claimed that Luke blamed himself for what happened and left everything behind, it was TFA that showed us that Finn cared mostly about Rey and saving his own skin and not about being a hero of the resistance. That the list goes on and on.


I think some people just confuse what they read into the story - or wanted to happen - with what TFA actually said.


There is one thing it doesn't do very well. in TFA the Resistance wins. they destroy starkiller base. and in TLJ. it shows the resistance being on the brink of extinction. which would be ok. expect we know TLJ takes place directly after TFA because Rey is still meeting Luke. granted I guess we can believe the resistance forces we're really dwindled down already. but then we kind of get into a FA problem, don't get me wrong I enjoy TFA and TLJ. but I feel like it was kind of redundant to make the good guys the rebels again basically. and JJ Abrams just was too lazy to want to write the politics of the New Republic. and his obvious hatred for the prequels shows, by trying to avoid anything they could be seen as similar or political. but really it's just poor world building imo.

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#7 Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens - 472 Points 


Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) - IMDb


-1 The Force Awakens ranked #6 in 2020 countdown. 


Forgive me. I feel it again. The pull to the light. Supreme Leader senses it. Show me again, the power of the darkness, and I will let nothing stand in our way. Show me, Grandfather, and I will finish what you started. - Kylo Ren



The World was caught by storm when in October 2012. it was announced by George Lucas that he would be selling his company Lucasfilm to Disney and that yes there were going to be more star wars movies. and that Kathleen Kennedy was going to be the head of Lucas film. and then the world went even more crazy when it was announced they they were going to do a version of the long rumor sequel trilogy taking place after the ordinal and they the entire original cast (namely the three main characters) Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford would all be returning as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo. it was perhaps the biggest announcement in fandom history and the internet and the world exploded with excitement and anticipation.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens IMAX poster features Rey, BB-8 and Jakku -  Nerd Reactor


Aside from the fact that it would take place about 30 years after Return of The Jedi and that there would be a new trio of characters that would make up the new trilogy, there was a lot of secrecy surrounding what the new movies would actually be about, Disney did not even announce who the main character was in it's advertising. and it let to countless fan discussions  and hype for the film. 


What the Whump — one-blog-to-whump-them-all: Poe Dameron -...


When the film was finally released on December 18th 2015. it was a perfect storm it was getting massively positive reviews from critics, fan anticipation was at a fever pitch high. and it finally landed in theaters and broke the opening weekend worldwide and domestically with a $529,000,000 worldwide opening and $247,000,000 stateside. beating out Jurassic world's opening of $208,000,000 earlier that year, by $39m. audience for the most part loved the film and it would go on the become the highest grossing film of all time domestically with $936,000,000 and is the #1 highest grossing film domestically to this day. it had to settle for #2 worldwide, it now stands at #5. but remains the highest grossing Star Wars film of all time and is the king of Domestic box office and the only film to ever gross over $900,000,000. truly an astounding feat.



We all know that Rey is the main character now and Finn and Poe act as the Han and Leia to Rey. and audiences for the most part were fine with this, there was some complaints that the film was kind of a soft remake of A New Hope but for the most part Star Wars fans and Critics alike liked the film. the film holds a 93% positive critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes with the consensus stating "Packed with action and populated by both familiar faces and fresh blood, The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series' former glory while injecting it with renewed energy." it also holds an 85% audience score. miles ahead of The Last's Jedi 46% and strangely just below The Rise of Skywalker at 86% (WTF??). on IMDB it holds a 7.8 out of 10. by far the highest of the sequel trilogy. the film was nominated for 5 Oscars more than any Star Wars film except for Star Wars (1977).





My thoughts: The Force Awakens was my most anticipated movie of all time. and that level of anticipation for a movie never be topped again, partly because I think that level of anticipation was a little unhealthy looking back, and I just don't trust film studios to do justice to films by an announcement, if they announced a Knights of an Old Republic movie,it would be awesome. but I would have to wait and see if they would do it justice. I did love this movie when it first came out, I went to the opening showing with like 12 people, I was screaming like literally screaming when the words Star Wars popped up on the screen. everyone clapped with it shows Han Luke and Leia on screen it was probably one of the best experiences I had in theaters. I saw it 4x in theaters still the most I have seen a film in theaters and I do like this movie alot. but not quite as much as I used it. I guess the ending of the trilogy has dampened it for me a bit, and I just wish they would have drawn more from the Expanded Universe. it Rey and Kylo Ren were kind of already a watered down version of Jacen and Jaina Solo. so I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if they had actually used them, the political aspect was pretty lacking and the world building could have been better. but yes overall I really like this movie, Daisy Ridley was really good as Rey. Oscar Isaac was awesome and it was great to see the original cast back. albeit in a smaller capacity then I would have liked. honestly the best thing to come out of this trilogy character was is Adam Driver's performance as Kylo Ren, who is this unstabble dark Jedi, he could eaasily come across AS annoying and weak, but Driver manages to give his character nuance and make him somthing of a tragic vilian that you kind of feel sorry for as a victim of abuse who just choose the wrong path, rather then a simple villain to hate. honestly without him this whole trilogy would be a lot weaker. had the trilogy been about him I do think it would have been better. The Score by John Williams is just amazing. so yeah I can see why this movie ended up placing as the highest of the Sequel trilogy. to my surprise I think I prefer TLJ slightly now, but this is a really good if not great film imo.


Star Wars Kylo Ren GIF - Star Wars Kylo Ren Rey - Discover & Share GIFs


The Force Awakens ranks 5th out of 11 of the Star Wars films and is the highest ranking of the sequel trilogy.


and wins the yellow lightsaber award for ranking as #1 of the sequel trilogy


   My Art. My Choice. — Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker...



Tribute to Kylo Ren one of the best characters in the star wars saga: 



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1 hour ago, Kalo said:


There is one thing it doesn't do very well. in TFA the Resistance wins. they destroy starkiller base. and in TLJ. it shows the resistance being on the brink of extinction. which would be ok. expect we know TLJ takes place directly after TFA because Rey is still meeting Luke. granted I guess we can believe the resistance forces we're really dwindled down already. but then we kind of get into a FA problem, don't get me wrong I enjoy TFA and TLJ. but I feel like it was kind of redundant to make the good guys the rebels again basically. and JJ Abrams just was too lazy to want to write the politics of the New Republic. and his obvious hatred for the prequels shows, by trying to avoid anything they could be seen as similar or political. but really it's just poor world building imo.

That whole thing was a given. It was part one of a trilogy, the bad guys were always going to come back and look more powerful than the heroes, that's what part 2 is for. Just look at the original trilogy. The Death Star gets destroyed. How does the next movie start? With the Empire hunting down the Rebels who are hiding in the middle of nowhere.


TFA wa a bit sloppy in regard to just how capable each side was. It should made it clearer how powerful the First Order was. It mostly hinted that the Resistance was rather weak, but due to nothing about the official stance of the New Republic being mentioned, it remained a bit too vague. The resistance was meant as a group that was kind of shunned by the Republic due to being too "radical". The whole storyline mirrored the period from WW1 up to WW2. The general financial situation requiring a massive reduction in military capablities, as no one could afford the massive wartime armies anymore. A fallen Empire, rising from the ashes in an even more fanatical way, rearming in secret. Appeasement. Democracy undermined by elements who pretend they are democratic, or who use the means of democracy to undermine it. Attempts to whitewash those who were responsible for the past, attempts to make fanatical groups seem benign, while portraying those who warn about the threat as scare-mongers lusting for war. The elements are all there. And in itself it is a great basis for a story. Sadly, only a bare minimum of the circumstances got mentioned directly. JJ Abrams went more with the adventure and general feeling, not so much with an in-depth story behind the whole thing.


Going with Empire vs. Rebels again was rather cookie-cutter. But in a way it offered the easiest way to please everyone. You could get the heros back, you could use the designs everyone knew and loved, and in a way it offered the biggest stakes as well. It appealed to the broadest possible audience, with no real risk involved. And seeing how the movie was received, it excelled at that. At the cost of not being the most creative, as well as being too vague about the whole scenario its story was based on.

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#6 Andor - 499 Points


Andor: Star Wars Won't Ever Be Permitted to Be Better Than This | Goonhammer


New! Andor was not out in 2020 and therefore is a new entry!


"Get's to you doesn't it? that's what a reckoning sounds like" - Merva 


Star Wars Andor is a tv series, created by Tony Gilroy and released on Disney+ on Sept 21st 2022, making it the most recent entry on the countdown. it center's on the Character of Cassian Andor from Rogue One A Star Wars story and takes place about 5 years before that. it also focuses on the formation of the rebellion, expanded the role of Mon Montha and shows how her and Lurthren fund the rebellion under the watchful eye of the empire which is believe to be at it's height of power. it's also incredible.


 Banging The Bell Star Wars Andor GIF - Banging The Bell Star Wars Andor  Sounding The Alarm - Discover & Share GIFs


Andor debuted to near universal acclaim with a 96% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an average rating of 8.50/10 based on 580 critic reviews. The website's critics consensus reads, "A gritty adventure told from the ground perspective of the Empire's reign, Andor is an exceptionally mature and political entry into the Star Wars mythos – and one of the best yet."



The show also consistently ranked first in the top ten on numerous publications' "Best of 2022" lists for television series, including that of IGN, Polygon, USA Today, Vulture, and Empire, among others.



I feel god in this chili's tonight. — ANDOR 1x06: The Eye 2022 | dir.  Susanna White


Andor while not as widely viewed as some other star wars shows, was also embraced among the fandom, having an 8.4 score out of 10 on IMDB and an 85% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. many calling it the best "Star Wars" since the original trilogy.


Andor ranks #1 of all Star Wars tv shows and is the highest ranking non-film in the countdown. just missing the top 5 at #6 (which was a very very close race). 



Star Wars Andor was already renewed for a second season before release, so there will be a season 2, but it has been confirmed it will close with that season. 


My Thoughts: I was intrigued by hearing about this show, I really liked Rogue One and thought Cassian Andor was a good character, but not sure he was interesting enough for a full series about him. Well it turns out that he is and also the show is not really about him, I mean it is he is the main character, but what this so really is about is the formation of the rebellion under the iron grip of the empire, and this shows shows brilliantly what the rebellion had to go through to become what it is by the time we get to the original star wars, it makes the empire seem competent and menacing, making them really seem a force to be feared. and has the best written dialogue I have ever seen in any star wars median, the acting is outstanding, and most of the set pieces are real and they have a budget to show it it, it looks amazing. the story is incredible, it's very young in star wars terms, but it may just be my most favorite star wars after Empire Strikes back. like seriously if you haven't watched this show yet, do yourself a favor and go see it already. I can't wait for season 2.




Syril eating cereal :D


Andor was nominated for a golden globe for best actor in a tv series (Diego Luna) and I am sure once the Emmy nominations hit it will be hitting a morsel of noms in that category as well. 





Andor wins an entire shipment of imperial credits for ranking as the #1 tv show in the countdown. 


Andor' episode 6 dials up the tension with a heart-pounding space heist |  Space




1# Rankings: 0
Top 3 Rankings: 9
Top 5 Rankings: 15
Bottom Rankings: 0

TV Show ranking 1#





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I actually have not watched Disney Plus since Obi Wan. (Heck the last Marvel show I watched was the first half of Moon Knight), yeah getting too disappointed anymore with them. Not excited for anything coming out by them even! (Yeah I know a little off topic, but I was thinking that due to the last entry.)

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Looks like my top 6 are the actual top 6. Not necessarily the same order but darn close.

Prediction for the top 5:


#5: Revenge of the Sith (my #3)

#4: Rogue One: (my #6)

#3: Return of the Jedi (my #5)

#2: ANH (my #1)

#1: TESB (my #2)

*** My #4 was TFA


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#5 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - 516 points 


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - IMDb


+2 Rogue One ranked #7 in 2020 countdown. 


“Rebellions are built on hope." - Jyn Erso

Rogue One A Star Wars story, was the first theatrical live action star wars film to not be part of the main episode arch, taking place just prior to "A New Hope" it is a prequel of sorts to the film and shows how the rebels stole the plans to the dearth star in the first major victory for the Rebel Alliance 



Released in theaters on December 16th, 2016, one year after The Force Awakens, there was a lot going for this movie as the force Awakens was met with mostly positive reception, and it would going on to gross $532,000,000 Domestically and over a billion dollars worldwide, the second highest grossing Star Wars film ever at the time, and the highest grossing film of 2016. a year later when The Last Jedi was released it would be bumped down to third, but still maintains that spot to date.  

 Despite some production issues (Apparently a lot of the film was reshoot, before release) the film was met with very positive reviews having an 84% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. and was received with almost universal praise from fans, and to date is considered by many to be the best Disney Era Star Wars film, and based on it's ranking it still hold true.





The film would later span a prequel series Andor, which stars Diego Luna as the main character, who was introduced as the Co-Lead second to Jyn Erso in Rogue, that series has aired it's first season and been met with universal acclaim. 




My thoughts: I love this movie, It was my favorite Disney Era Star Wars film it may be a little messy in the middle of the film here and there, but the story is strong, and has maybe the best last hour and final battle sequence in any Star Wars film (if you are counting battles, not lightsaber duels). it is just really emotionally impactful, the stakes feel real and we are with these characters just long enough to really feel for them, I would probably rank this as my 4th favorite Star Wars film (Below ESB, ROTJ and ROTS).



Rogue One was nominated for 2 Oscars, (Sound Mixing and Visual Effects.



1# Rankings: 2
Top 3 Rankings: 6
Top 5 Rankings: 12
Bottom rankings: 1
Movie Ranking: 5#



Edited by Kalo
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#4 Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 518 Points 


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

+1 Revenge of the Sith ranked #5 in 2020 countdown


"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the force... not leave it in darkness!" Obi-Wan Kenobi


In a stunning turn of events Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, a prequel film has made it into the top 5 films on the top countdown, not only that it has beat out every non-OT film in the entire countdown to be the true- under dog winner of the countdown, ranking in 549 points it is one of only five titles to receive over 500 points, having 3 #1 rankings, #9 in the top 3 and 13 in the top 5. only 3 films in the countdown received more #1 rankings. (one is already listed TLJ). meaning it actually received more than the one above it. 



This premise is well known this film is pretty much the reason the other to prequels were made, to show Anakin's eventual fall to the dark side and how he would dawn the iconic black helmet and cape he is known for. Revenge of the Sith is notable for a few things, coming after The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones expectation's were damped a little by those previous entries  luke warm reception, non-the less fan etispation was still through the ruff when the film was released. which promised to be the darkest film in the series thus was, that promise was kept as Revenge of the Sith became the first Star Wars film to receive a PG-13 rating, in fact there had to be a couple edits made from one particular scene to keep it from an R rating. but this film is not just know for being gory. it was the first and well last Star Wars Prequel to be met with, pretty universal praise. yeah it still was criticized for a couple things but not nearly to the level of the previous entries and the film is do date considered at the very least the best prequel and depending on who you ask, one of the best Star Wars films ever made ranking right up there with the original trilogy.



Revenge of the Sith would be the launch pad for most prequel era content movie forward. The Clone Wars released a couple years later would take many ques from Sith, including it's more mature themes about war and the delve into the more questionable ethics of the Jedi Order them selves. it was the first star wars film to really paint morality  in a grey light as in it wasn't just the empire that were the bad guys, and the corruption starts from within and if left unchecked could lead you to become the enemy you thought you were fighting. 



 On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 79% based on 304 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "With Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas brings his second Star Wars trilogy to a suitably thrilling and often poignant – if still a bit uneven – conclusion


Most critics have considered the film to be the best of the prequel trilogy.[84] A. O. Scott of The New York Times concluded that it was "the best of the four episodes Mr. Lucas has directed", and equal to The Empire Strikes Back as "the richest and most challenging movie in the cycle.


Despite being regarded as the best of the prequels it was only nominated for one Oscar Best Make and is the only Star Wars film to date not to receive a nomination for best Visual Effects. 



My thoughts: this movie will always have an extremely special place in my heart, I was 14 when the film released and that was back when midnight showings were still a thing, I stood in lone for hours, like I think over 5 hours the day before release to see the midnight showing of the film, the only other time I was that excited for a film was when the force Awakens came so yeah you might say I was looking forward to this film, and I saw and it was my favorite movie of all time and would be for years, I saw it three times in theaters, which was a lot for me (still is I have only seen The Force Awakens more with 4 times). and I still considere this a great film, a flawed masterpiece really. while it does still have issues, (mostly some continuity issues with the OT and some of the dialgue is a little cringe. it is much less so than the first two, pretty much the whole cast gives a better performance in this film, Hayden Christensen, while not perfect gives a much better performances as a slightly more mature Anakin and does a decent job imo, Ewan McGregor gives his best performance as Obi-Wan, Natalie Portman is.. better and Ian McDermand streals the shows as Sheev Palpatine. the story is tragic, like this movie is kind of depressing, but it is done well, and gives you just this tiny shred of hope after basically ripping your heart out. it is a great cautionary tale about government corruption, and how power corrupts, how fear can lead someone to darkness. it is an extremely moral story, all the star wars films are really, and being brought up Christian, I can just see the good vs evil and the obvious biblical parallels. it is very pro-religion and kind of anti-religion at the same time. Star Wars is kind of deep really. and I would Rank Revenge of the Sith in my top 3 star wars films and still in my top 10 favorite films of all time.  






1# Rankings: 3
Top 3 rankings: 9
Top 5 Rankings: 13
Bottom rankings: 0
Movie Ranking 4#


Edited by Kalo
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#3 Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi - 549 Points 


Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi


No Change - Return of the Jedi was #3 in 2020 countdown


"The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. and my sister has it" - Luke Skywalker 


Return of the Jedi was released on May 25th, 1983 and is the final film of the Original Trilogy created by Geroge Lucas and Jedi being directed by Richard Marquand. soon by some today as the "Lessor" of the OT. It was actually met by critic's with a better reception than then "Empire" initially. which believe it or not had mixed reviews at the time of it's release.  Still the fact that there has been numerous Star Wars films and content and this film consistently places above everything but the first two speaks for it's self. especially  since several films and media ranking below this has garnered universal acclaim. 



critically the film as a very positive reception Rotten Tomatoes, 83% of critics have given the film a positive review with an average rating of 7.30/10, based on 99 reviews from critics. The site's critics consensus reads: "Though failing to reach the cinematic heights of its predecessors, Return of the Jedi remains an entertaining sci-fi adventure and a fitting end to the classic trilogy"


The film has an 8.3 on IMDB and ranks #89 on the top 250 films of all time. 



Return of the Jedi had 1 #1 placement 9 in the top 3 and a staggering 18 in the top 5. meaning, it may not be everyone's #1 film, but almost everyone loves this movie. and it holds pretty well with the test of time, celebrating it's 40th anniversary this year. 


Return of the Jedi is one of the lower grossing films, with $309m domestically. placing it #9 only about"Empire" and Solo" box office wise. although when accounting for inflation it places above all films expect for The first two star wars and The Force Awakens. the film was nominated for 4 Academy Awards.



My thoughts:


I love this movie and at times this has placed my #1 of all Star Wars films, the redemption arch of Vader is a near perfect ending for the series. and having a villain actually turn good in the end was pretty rare to see in the 1980s. it is a very Christian ending really. and it just speaks to me profoundly. proving that there is almost always hope for someone, even if they fall very far. I still believe it has the best ending of the entire saga and it is almost impossible to top it. the final battle with the Ewokes on the ground was yes a little cheesy, but I really don'y mind it that much, it's soundtrack is iconic. honestly there are so many scenes to this movie that are iconic. probably way it shows up in so many top 100 films off all time lists. I definitely like this movie more than 'A New Hope". but I would rank it just below Empire now for my favorite Star Wars ever. 





Edited by Kalo
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#2 Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope - 683 Points 


Star Wars at 40 | 7 Things You Didn't Know About the Original Star Wars  Poster | StarWars.com


No Change - A New Hope was #2 in 2020 countdown


 "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." -Ben Kenobi




 Star Wars (1977) was the very first film released in the saga, released on May 25th 1977, and directed by George Lucas, the film was released to critical acclaim and was embraced near universally by it's audience, the film had gone through numerous production issues, and many people involved with the production of the film thought that the film would bomb and no one would see it, instead. the polar opposite happened and the film would go on to become the highest grossing film of all time at the time of release, and to date is the only star wars film to be nominated for best picture at the Oscars (which it should have one). it also is the only Star Wars film to get an acting nomination from the Academy for Alec Guinness as Ben Kenobi. while neither won it did win six oscars, more than any star wars film including best original score by the iconic John Williams. as well as best visual effects for it's groundbreaking visuals, which launched the company industrial lights and magic. 




Star Wars through it's numerous releases has grossed $461m domestically and $775m worldwide. making it the 6th highest grossing star wars film in the saga and the highest of the original trilogy.




My thoughts: I love this movie, the score, the visuals the characters, it's all so original and awesome and without this film the others wouldn't exist , so I owe my appreciation for everything I love about star wars to this film, and that binary sunset scene is one of the most iconic best scenes in film ever. and the light of the force theme may just be my favorite film score ever. 




it is in my opinion it is a little rough around the edges compared to the rest of the OT, the visuals well still hold up pretty good considering it's age just aren't as good as the ones in ESB and ROTJ, it's story flow isn't quite as smooth and it's just a little bit boring in places (now anyways) so it is my least favorite OT film and I actually liked it less than ROTS and Rogue one, but it is still an amazing film I am talking about one of my favorite film series of all time, and I can understand why many would have this as their #1


.1# rankings: 9
Top 3 rankings: 21
Top 5 rankings: 24
Bottom ranking: 0
Movie Ranking 2#





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#1 Baby Yoda - 999 points 


Amazon.com: Erik Poster The Mandalorian Child Grogu Wall Decoration Baby  Yoda Star Wars : Everything Else


Well I didn't say that you could include characters per say, but I didn't say you couldn't and you guys had baby Yoda at #1 left and right in fact, he was number one on every list summited! so yeah he is cute as fuck so I can understand so yeah here he is for you all to see. 






Baby-yoda GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Baby Yoda GIF - Baby Yoda Baby Yoda - Discover & Share GIFs


Baby Yoda Egg GIFs | Tenor


lizzo gifs | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik


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