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Weekend Thread (8/11-13) | Demeter 750K Previews

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18 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

Just looked at MI7's WW BO - it's up to $522M.  Since I haven't been following its INT gross closely, does this still have a shot at 2x production budget or $580M, and thus an overall positive result?


I know it has about $15Mish or so in the DOM tank, so it would need the rest ($40Mish) INT...

580m is still a major bomb . There is nothing positive about that number .

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5 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

580m is still a major bomb . There is nothing positive about that number .

I doubt it’s a “bomb” at that gross, but agree it’s not a positive number at all when I’m sure everyone involved assumed this movie would push $1b. 

It’s funny, if you swap Opp and DR grosses, that would prob match up with what the studios were actually expecting. 

Also adds further fuel to the argument that you can’t put such 40+ skewing blockbusters so close and not expect one to be affected. There was prob never a scenario where both Opp and DR could have been so huge so close together, one of them had to pay a price. 

Edited by MovieMan89
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1 hour ago, LonePirate said:

Has there ever been a film which has had so many previews?



They did something like a limited release plus FSS sneaks for 3-4 weeks before officially opening it wide 

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11 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I doubt it’s a “bomb” at that gross, but agree it’s not a positive number at all when I’m sure everyone involved assumed this movie would push $1b. 

It’s funny, if you swap Opp and DR grosses, that would prob match up with what the studios were actually expecting. 

Also adds further fuel to the argument that you can’t put such 40+ skewing blockbusters so close and not expect one to be affected. There was prob never a scenario where both Opp and DR could have been so huge so close together, one of them had to pay a price. 


Just gotta control the budgets, that is the bottom line. Hollywood needs to take a long look at this in general. Disney is pretty guilty of spending too much money on "brand" name movies, without consideration of the possibility that the public might not be super interested in each movie.


The good thing for Paramount & Mission Impossible is the next movie should have a lower budget, since there hopefully will not be another Pandemic ruining the movie's production & release. 

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9 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I doubt it’s a “bomb” at that gross, but agree it’s not a positive number at all when I’m sure everyone involved assumed this movie would push $1b. 

It’s funny, if you swap Opp and DR grosses, that would prob match up with what the studios were actually expecting. 

Also adds further fuel to the argument that you can’t put such 40+ skewing blockbusters so close and not expect one to be affected. There was prob never a scenario where both Opp and DR could have been so huge so close together, one of them had to pay a price. 

If it falls at that no  it is. As long as it losses money it is defined as a bomb.


TLM  2.2* it's budget to breakeven  and that was quite Dom heavy (55% goes back to studio)


MI is not as Dom heavy and 2.2* it's budget is 638m and its not reaching anywhere near that . 


Scheduling it close to barbenhiemer was dumb and dents it's box office  but a bomb is still a bomb whether it's shitty circumstances are involved.


Will it even reach 580m?

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1 hour ago, kayumanggi said:


Topping 1.5B worldwide means topping TOP GUN: MAVERICK. I don't see that for now, but who knows?

in order to beat TGM  barbie would have to have 660m domestic with same domestic/international split. Maybe with expansion, re-release, another version barbie can make 660m in NA but 825 with disappointing income from japan i dont think it's possible.  

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5 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

If it falls at that no  it is. As long as it losses money it is defined as a bomb.


TLM  2.2* it's budget to breakeven  and that was quite Dom heavy (55% goes back to studio)


MI is not as Dom heavy and 2.2* it's budget is 638m and its not reaching anywhere near that . 


Scheduling it close to barbenhiemer was dumb and dents it's box office  but a bomb is still a bomb whether it's shitty circumstances are involved.


Will it even reach 580m?

according to forbes TLM  budget was 212m.

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10 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Just gotta control the budgets, that is the bottom line. Hollywood needs to take a long look at this in general. Disney is pretty guilty of spending too much money on "brand" name movies, without consideration of the possibility that the public might not be super interested in each movie.


The good thing for Paramount & Mission Impossible is the next movie should have a lower budget, since there hopefully will not be another Pandemic ruining the movie's production & release. 

I feel like a huge budget is justified on the MI movies. We need big setpieces and crazy action or it’s not gonna work. Though if Cruise wants to take a pay cut, that wouldn’t hurt anything…


The bad news for MI is they saddled themselves with this horrific title. Not only is DR itself a terrible name as I’ve gone into, which they now have to reuse, but 2 is now stuck being directly tied to the least popular one in the franchise.  Not to mention it’s really not a good idea to release a part 2 very long after 1, part of the whole point of that naming convention is when you have back to back releases. Who knows when DR2 even comes out now. 

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19 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

If it falls at that no  it is. As long as it losses money it is defined as a bomb.


TLM  2.2* it's budget to breakeven  and that was quite Dom heavy (55% goes back to studio)


MI is not as Dom heavy and 2.2* it's budget is 638m and its not reaching anywhere near that . 


Scheduling it close to barbenhiemer was dumb and dents it's box office  but a bomb is still a bomb whether it's shitty circumstances are involved.


Will it even reach 580m?

The budget was 300?? Hmm, yeah that’s pretty bad then. Get redfire’s mention about budget control now. 

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1 hour ago, MovieMan89 said:

I feel like a huge budget is justified on the MI movies. We need big setpieces and crazy action or it’s not gonna work. Though if Cruise wants to take a pay cut, that wouldn’t hurt anything…


The bad news for MI is they saddled themselves with this horrific title. Not only is DR itself a terrible name as I’ve gone into, which they now have to reuse, but 2 is now stuck being directly tied to the least popular one in the franchise.  Not to mention it’s really not a good idea to release a part 2 very long after 1, part of the whole point of that naming convention is when you have back to back releases. Who knows when DR2 even comes out now. 

but is it the least popular one in the world, or just in the US? Asking on behalf of the rest of most countries around the rest of the world where it has done great.  Even with appalling exchange rates from local currency to dollar compared to most of the rest of the franchise. 

You guys were off 20% or so percent in attendance because ‘reasons’.

Not our problem! 
We were also fine with the title and look forward to seeing the second film with the same, if not greater numbers. 

further to this ludicrous notion that DR1 has somehow not done well relative to budget, did you consider the literal miracle they pulled off even finishing with what happened to them during this shoot? That they managed to finish it and it be so good is a testament to Paramount and the whole production for leading the way as far as getting movies going again. 

The budget itself factually is massively inflated because it took them years to make it due to an event nobody could have forseen. Paramount would have greenlit it, thinking a back to back shoot for two films would save them money overall. 

That didn’t happen because of the circumstances we all lived through, but it’s absurd to suggest Paramount did much wrong except maybe bungle the release date slightly. Like I said though, in most territories it’s done very well - with the budget kind of irrelevant (which you can also say for several other tent poles this summer that were in a similar pandemic shoot situation).  

Edited by wildphantom
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16 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

but is it the least popular one in the world, or just in the US? Asking on behalf of the rest of most countries around the rest of the world where it has done great.  

You guys were off 20% or so percent in attendance because ‘reasons’.

Not our problem! 


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I think the last 5-10 years has kind of skewed box office tracking, in terms of people’s perception of what a “bomb” is. Nowadays, if you’re not a billion dollar grosser, someone’s calling you a bomb.


I remember last year when people were calling Multiverse of Madness a bomb because it didn’t make a billion… just stop. 

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4 hours ago, Jonwo said:

Sony previewing GT is a way for them to essentially boost what will likely be bad OW numbers if OS is anything to go by. 

The movie is actually pretty good so maybe theyre hoping for WOM to spread. My audience was into it

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6 minutes ago, DAJK said:

I think the last 5-10 years has kind of skewed box office tracking, in terms of people’s perception of what a “bomb” is. Nowadays, if you’re not a billion dollar grosser, someone’s calling you a bomb.


I remember last year when people were calling Multiverse of Madness a bomb because it didn’t make a billion… just stop. 

This all the way. Some people on this forum just want to make me bang my head on a wall. 

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Yeah Dead Reckoning is not a bomb. The Flash, Indy 5, Haunted Mansion those are bombs. Dead Reckoning is a major underperformer for sure, but "bomb" is a word that should be reserved for the true misfires.

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