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Weekend Numbers [05.24 - 05.27, 2024] | 4-day actuals | 32.3M FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA | 31.3M THE GARFIELD MOVIE | 22.3M IF | 17.6M KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES

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Posted (edited)

Hollywood is smart enough to know the success/failure of this film was never going to be on ATJ shoulders unless she was terrible, which clearly she wasn't.

Edited by excel1
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4 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

One thing I'll say - yes it's just Twitter and online news, but I am seeing a record amount of conversation among "normal" people about the box office this weekend and the meltdowns have gone as close to mainstream as I've seen them in the past couple years. I don't know if it ends up making any difference, but at least people are talking and maybe that inspires some positive shifts? Idk. Just being hopeful.

It's because everyone was enjoying the cinematic masterpiece of the JLo AI war movie called... (Checks notes)... Atlas on Netflix and decided that was enough of movies forever.

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10 hours ago, Gavin Feng said:

wtf. Korea is the biggest international market???




I was in Korea a couple of weeks ago on vacation and the Furiosa marketing was everywhere. It was the only movie I saw any marketing for - full mall posters, bus posters, moving billboards, the works. Koreans definitely knew Furiosa was coming out if nothing else.

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For all the doom and gloom over Furiosa bombing, it seems everyone quickly forgot that the highest grossing movie of the year so far is a Dune movie that’s 166 minutes long. Yeah, that’s an IP movie, but so is Furiosa

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Furiosa and Garfield weekend internal multiplier is far worse than other comparable title actually make a case why long weekend holiday bump is over. Garfield IM of 12x is worse than IF (19x) and KP4(15x) where latter debut during normal weekend. Likewise for Furiosa (7.2x), civil war and KoTFM has a much better IM of close to 9x without holiday window.


All this prove how moviegoing fell out as activities option during long weekend in post-Covid era. The holiday distraction factor is real here. 

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1 hour ago, Speedorito said:

I like how the discourse went from “People are tired of sequels/reboots/remakes/franchises/CGI slop and want real films” to “Oh, I guess people just don’t like movies anymore” in such a sort amount of time.

Tbf that first sentiment was never more than people massively wishcasting with no grounding in reality 😛 

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8 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

Furiosa and Garfield weekend internal multiplier is far worse than other comparable title actually make a case why long weekend holiday bump is over. Garfield IM of 12x is worse than IF (19x) and KP4(15x) where latter debut during normal weekend. Likewise for Furiosa (7.2x), civil war and KoTFM has a much better IM of close to 9x without holiday window.


All this prove how moviegoing fell out as activities option during long weekend in post-Covid era. The holiday distraction factor is real here. 

Lots of people are out of school this Thursday, hurts IM relative to full schooltime same as summer does 

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4 hours ago, Potiki said:

Notably, Here are those prices in 2023 dollars (adjusting Dec of year to Dec 2023 in all cases):

2023 —10.84

2022 — 10.88

2021 — 11.19

2020 — 10.81

2019 — 10.93

2018 — 11.12

2017 — 11.16

2016 — 10.99

2015 — 10.92

2014 — 10.70

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57 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:


How to spot a millennial 101


That's probably true...


... because a GenXer would style it as:


*checks notes*



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5 hours ago, AMC Theaters Enjoyer said:

I’ve started to sour on Horizon more after the bad reviews it’s gotten, but then again that might not deter people. The bigger concern is how part one is allegedly just set up. Quiet Place also gives off odd vibes in terms of performance, idk.


Fly Me To The Moon I go back and forth on. It looks charming enough to be counterprogramming but the plot might be too odd for some folks. 

A Quiet Place could make as much (or should that be, in this case, as little?) as Furiosa and would still be in a much better position to make a profit since the budgets on these movies are relatively cheap. I imagine if it doesn't do as well as the first two, it'll still make enough money to be considered a jolt for the mostly struggling horror genre this year so far.

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7 minutes ago, Legion Again said:

Notably, Here are those prices in 2023 dollars (adjusting Dec of year to Dec 2023 in all cases):

2023 —10.84

2022 — 10.88

2021 — 11.19

2020 — 10.81

2019 — 10.93

2018 — 11.12

2017 — 11.16

2016 — 10.99

2015 — 10.92

2014 — 10.70

Somethings not right about that. Theaters were closed for much of 2020 because of covid so that year should be lower. 

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3 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

Somethings not right about that. Theaters were closed for much of 2020 because of covid so that year should be lower. 

As usual with economic stats, good to be careful with interpreting 2020 or throw it out entirely. In this case, of the 2.2B gross for 2020, ~1.8B is from Jan/feb/March pre-shutdowns, so while I wouldn’t take that number super at face value it’s probably reasonably close to meaningful — if you really dig deep and made a bunch of sophisticated tweaks to further correct it I doubt it would change by more than a few %.

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Posted (edited)

Dune 2 will make more in its opening weekend than Furiosa will make in its entire DOM run. Just to visualize how much bigger Dune 2 was.

Edited by Mojoguy
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I don’t buy that people are being kept away from theaters due to rude moviegoers tbh. Yes, it’s an issue but every public event and location has rude people. If you go out to eat you might experience a poorly behaved child at a nearby table but people will still go to restaurants. Clearly the price of a ticket + concessions as well as the quality of films is playing a role. 

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I know that many 2.5 hour blockbusters do well, but anecdotally a lot of friends and family are reluctant to see movies that long in a theater. Comedy and horror rarely needs to be longer than 1.5 hours anyway. 

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On 5/26/2024 at 10:54 AM, ListenHunnyUrOver said:



I feel its less about this and more that every prequel made in Hollywood feels the need to answer every single question fans have ever had about the character in a single movie. So by the end of the prequel, the character reaches the stage we knew them as in the original movie even if there are decades in between the prequel movie and the movie we know. Its like their character development gets frozen between the prequel and the original movie.

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