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Weekdays thread 19/8-22:8

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21 minutes ago, Migs20242 said:


Quite possibly

16 minutes ago, Jim Shorts said:


Does IO2 have $11m left in the tank to pass JW?

Almost certainly given expansion

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Using I2 as the model (and both get a Labor Day Expansion) I have the following for IO2

> $650M - Sat Aug 31st (Day 79)

> JW Original $652M DOM - Sun Sep 1 (Day 80)

> JW Current $653M DOM - Mon Sep 2 (Day 81)

> $660M - Sun Sept 15 (Day 94)

Thinking it ultimately ends around $661M maybe $662M.

I2 made $14.2M after Day 67 and IO2 is running well ahead of I2.


Ultimately I think it ends up at the following

#10 DOM 

#10 Intl 

#8 WW 

One of 11 movies to make it to $650M DOM (9th fastest to get there)

One of 12 movies to make it to $1B Intl

Given I thought this was a $300-350 DOM/ $800-900M WW movie its run has been ridiculous


As far as D&W, I'd say there is little chance it passes JW at this point. It is currently over $10M behind its original run and $12M behind its current DOM total. It is also running behind both JW and Barbie's daily totals at this point. It was 25% behind JW's total Monday ($3.095M vs $4.194M) and 36% behind Barbie's Monday ($3.095M vs $4.810M). Note it did make more than JW last weekend (by about $1M) but that doesn't come close to making up the difference it is losing on weekdays.


Also, JW had a Labor Day expansion that D&W will not have, which added about $5-5.5M to its final DOM total.

If D&W made JW's totals the rest of its run it would be at $641M as a final total. Take away the $5M JW expansion money and you are at $636M. 


If it runs at 90% of JW for the rest of its run then it would end at $631M. Take the $5M expansion money away and that is $626M.

Right now I am aiming for $625-630M for D&W.


I'm more interested to see if it can pass Barbie - I think that is the realistic target now. Barbie is beating it on both weekdays and weekends at this point so it is going to just be a matter of late legs and whether it will have enough juice left to hang on to its current cumulative lead.


I thought D&W would likely win the summer with a $400-$450M run so its run has also been insane.



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