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Gods of Egypt | Feb 26, 2016 | IMAX release confirmed

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The "Battlefield Earth of sword-and-sorcery movies" eh? Well, that sounds frightening. A lesser man would cower in angst, shaken to the bone. But not me. Ya 'ear me Kyle Smith?! I am not scared! I am ready for this movie and I am not scared!

Edited by incognitoo
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On May 1, 2015 at 7:35 AM, DAJK said:
On May 1, 2015 at 7:14 AM, AplandRey said:

Does anyone think this will be successful? I can't see it being bigger than Exodus. Although, I do root for Lionsgate's success in becoming a major studio. Even if their recent marketing endeavors have left me a bit cold ahem*MJ2*ahem.

As long as they don't screw up the marketing ala Insurgent and MJ1, I think Gods of Egypt could do well, insurgent numbers DOM and a little better OS.

Oh god who is this DAJK fellow huh? What an idiot, he thought this would open to 50M and finish with over 120DOM. Yikes, wouldn't want that guy as a studio exec would we guys? Guys?



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That being said, this movie is tons of fun and certainly doesn't deserve the reviews it's getting. Sure the whitewashing is a problem and there are typical "dumb blockbuster" cliches but this certainly isn't as bad as say Jahns or Stuckmann are saying. Solid, fun flick that I wouldn't mind seeing again if it pops up on Netflix in six months. 7/10


Here's the thing, if you look at old Egyptian mythology, a lot of the stories are silly and far fetched and filled with holes, and that was one of the reasons I cut the film some slack. It was the only way you could make a movie surrounding "Egyptian mythology or loosely based" is for it to be campy, colourful and loud.

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Going to see a matinee of this in a bit...excited to endure the hopefully laugh-out-loud pain. 


I say this as a devoted fan of Proyas' work since the beginning...so this is all a disappointment to me, as it is to many who know his work.

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Like reading reviews of my own movies. I usually try to avoid the experience - but this one takes the cake. Often, to my great amusement, a critic will mention my past films in glowing terms, when at the time those same films were savaged, as if to highlight the critic's flawed belief of my descent into mediocrity. You see, my dear fellow FBookers, I have never gotten great reviews… on any movie I’ve made really, apart from those by reviewers who think for themselves and make up their own opinions. Sadly those type of reviewers are nearly all dead. I guess I have the knack of rubbing reviewers the wrong way - always have. This time of course they have bigger axes to grind - they can rip into my movie while trying to make their mainly pale asses look so politically correct by screaming "white-wash!!!” like the deranged idiots they all are. They fail to understand, or chose to pretend to not understand what this movie is, so as to serve some bizarre consensus of opinion which has nothing to do with the movie at all. That’s ok, this modern age of texting has rendered them less than worthless, so they will probably go the way of the dinosaur shortly - doesn’t everybody let their friends know what they thought of a movie? Seems most critics spend their time trying to work out what most people will want to hear. How do you do that? Why these days it is so easy... just surf the net to read other reviews or what bloggers are saying - no matter how misguided an opinion of a movie might be before it actually comes out. Lock a critic in a room with a movie no one has even seen and they will not know what to make of it. Because contrary to what a critic should probably be they have no personal taste or opinion, because they are basing their views on the status quo. None of them are brave enough to say “well I like it” if it goes against consensus. Therefore they are less than worthless. Now that anyone can post their opinion about anything from a movie to a pair of shoes to a hamburger, what value do they have - nothing. Roger Ebert wasn’t bad. He was a true film lover at least, a failed film-maker, which gave him a great deal of insight. His passion for film was contagious and he shared this with his fans. He loved films and his contribution to cinema as a result was positive. Now we have a pack of diseased vultures pecking at the bones of a dying carcass. Trying to peck to the rhythm of the consensus. I applaud any film-goer who values their own opinion enough to not base it on what the pack-mentality say is good or bad.


-- Alex Proyas, director.





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Proyas does not stop.






Not real. But maybe it should be. Most are white and male, are they not? So as an Egyptian guy, being called a racist by some of these people makes me feel a little queasy.

You know it must be hard to be a movie critic these days. I mean you are subjected to movie after movie to review for a “cynical” public - several every week sometimes - it must really take its toll on one’s nerves. And then there are some movies which come along with bloggers already bitching about them so doesn’t it make things a little easier if you are struggling for something to say? Well why not just say what those bloggers are saying, even if they haven’t seen the movie like you have. That will result in a review that will be received well. Won’t it? Only the film-makers will be annoyed with you. Who cares about them.

This way of thinking is human nature I suppose - it does not surprise me in the least as the web and the Rotten Tomatoes school of criticism supports this idea of reducing someone’s work to a series of stars awarded. I for one do not care about stars. Nor is this my vendetta against all critics. I know there are ones out there who are brave enough to express their own opinions about movies - and I want to encourage them in any way I can to stick to their guns, even if I have to criticise the critics, which for an artist means you will be instantly labelled as “crazy”.

People think I am angry because my film was not reviewed favourably. But you see I do not care if the reviews are positive or negative. I usually don't read them either way. And yes I generally take a fan’s opinion above a critic's. My fans are quite honest with me and tell me if they like something or not. I respect that. And most importantly I can trust their opinion as it is coming from a real place. Nor do I mind the bloggers who criticise for whatever reason - even over the racial controversy. As I have already stated I have sympathy for them, though I do not believe I could have done more in this regards for reasons I have stated elsewhere.

What I'm angry about is consensus reviewing - and how it damages movie making universally. I question the motives behind many critics response to my movie in this case. Some reviews so perfectly reflect the opinions of "hate" bloggers before the movie opened. Wonder why? Bloggers shape critics opinions - there is no denying that - more and more so. And the first professional reviews of a movie can poison the well - so that people are frightened to drink from it. I have seen that happen to many of my friends films recently and particularly to many original fantasy movies released in the past few years. So studios will probably stop making big budget original fantasy movies altogether. As a fan of the genre I think that would be a real shame. And... funny how the people who love to be so negative about films are the ones who have the hardest time being criticised.



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3 minutes ago, DAJK said:

The sad thing is, behind all of his words, he sorts does have a point :(

Not really. There's no case of 'critics just agreeing with each other without judging it on their own' here, reviews were universally negative from the get go.

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