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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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We need to unban ijack to witness his meltdown.I am imagining if this movie was not in 3d it would have made less than 100 million on 6 day weekend

Nice sentiment but iJack doesn't even have the common decency to provide a proper meltdown... he'll just spin, spin, spin, like SONY... **DUN DUN DUN**
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LOL, it's the fucking SECOND DAY of a film and it isn't happening? And people are asking me to grow a pair?


And I dare some mod to give me an infraction point for this, since people can call me a psychopath EVERY DAY here and get away with it.


How did I miss this???

There's a difference though- Jack IS a psycho!

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TDKR will hurt TASM on its opening weekend. It is anybody's guess after that as the lineup gets weaker and there won't be any direct competition for weeks. TASM is not going to lose most of its theaters until August so I think it will have better legs than people are expecting. It will come down to whether young females are interested in this movie or not because TF1 didn't have that.

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Eh, not a good number but not disastrous either. I'll wait to see how it performs over the weekend before making a call. I've still heard nothing but positive WOM except from members here.

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My hair is short, graying like fuck.. I weigh 188 LBS, 5'10 and a pretty big build since I work out every day now for the last 2 years.. No goatee cause I work for a hotel and you sort of need to be clean and well groomed and my voice is not raspy like Bale sounds screaming "IT'S NOT A CARRRRR!!!" in that hoarse voice of his that sounds like he's in need of a throat lozenge..

Alrighty then. Gotta change my mental image of you. :lol:
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