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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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I don't know ... this is pretty bold. Paramount fudged their numbers by just a 1-3% during the actual event taking place. Sony is retroactively re-writing history by about 25%.

We need a moniker for this now. Puerto Rico has its own identity, but I feel like Sony has earned its place as a new legend with this kind of revisionist history. Something simple. "The Spider Spin"?

Seems good to me :rofl:

Sony is in desperation to that to their own movie...

And this thread will hit 100 pages in about 1 hour.

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Jack, they're also claiming it's the same result as Pirates 2. Pirates 2 opened to $9m at midnight, which is 20% higher than $7.5 million. And it happened 6 years ago with no 3D, no IMAX, and no 6 years of ticket price inflation. It's laughable that Sony is spinning it as the "same" opening.


On Friday, Dead Man's Chest raked in $55.8 million (including $9 million's worth of 2,100 midnight showings)

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TF2 did 198M in the first 5 days. Paramount said there were some theaters to be counted in Puerto Rico and changed the OD number to hit the 200M over the 5 days.

Oh wow. Did they spin SM3 too?
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It has been treated as $10m for 5 years. The fact that Sony is attempting to rewrite history is lame.

Read the post above and THINK. I know that among the not so enthusiastic over TASM you are one of people that can think here. It was never said on the Deadline article that it came from the midnights, it could have come from advance sneak ups before midnight. I'm just giving Sony the benefit of the doubt here, something that people would do for other studios, but people are just a little trigger happy against both Sony and The Amazing Spider-Man here.
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Whether Spidey 3 did 7.5 or 10 doesn't matter. ASM has 5 yrs of inflation, IMAX, a record number of IMAX they pointed out, and 3D. So 7.5 is not that great. As Winston Wolf so eloquently stated, "Let's not start suckin each other;s dicks just yet."

Still higher than your answer in your game!WRONG ANSWER!NO POINTS!
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The crazy thing is is that it's totally unnecessary for Sony to do this; NO ONE was going into the weekend with the expectations that it'd come close to Spider-Man 3 by any metric. Coming in $2.5m under SM3 doesn't diminish the midnight total at all.

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Spider-Man 3 had 7.5M midnights


This is the most pathetic and yet hilarious spin I've EVER seen! Their movie isn't even officially a failure yet and Sony is treating it as such by trying to spin it like this!!! Oh good lord I need oxygen from the laughter deprivation!!!!!!!

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Telemachos, instead of grabbing pitchs and forks, think for a second: I remember a lot of anticipation for SM3 back then? Does we know completely without any doubt that this supposed $2.5m came from the midnight screenings? Or it came from special advance screenings BEFORE midnight, days before in the week, since Spidey is a superhero likely to have advance shows even before the midnight for the kids? Seriously, some of you are just TOO FAST jumping the trigger here.

Yes, because it was reported as such. Seriously, it's not a big deal to admit Sony's wrong on this. I don't know why you're suddenly trying to spin the facts. It's not rumor. It's not haterade. It's data -- REPORTED BY SONY -- and was announced in the trades and box-office reports five years ago.
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Meh. People talking about epic meltdowns in this thread. I haven't seen one yet. I guess I'm just used to Baumer's and Noctis and some others over at mojo. This thread is mild.

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TF2 did 198M in the first 5 days. Paramount said there were some theaters to be counted in Puerto Rico and changed the OD number to hit the 200M over the 5 days.

Paramount didn't break a record with Puerto Rico, they just reached a big milestone ($200m 5-day). TDK still had the record at $203m.
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Read the post above and THINK. I know that among the not so enthusiastic over TASM you are one of people that can think here. It was never said on the Deadline article that it came from the midnights, it could have come from advance sneak ups before midnight. I'm just giving Sony the benefit of the doubt here, something that people would do for other studios, but people are just a little trigger happy against both Sony and The Amazing Spider-Man here.

THINK, 7.5 does not equal 10.
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Jack, they're also claiming it's the same result as Pirates 2. Pirates 2 opened to $9m at midnight, which is 20% higher than $7.5 million. And it happened 6 years ago with no 3D, no IMAX, and no 6 years of ticket price inflation. It's laughable that Sony is spinning it as the "same" opening.http://boxofficemojo...?id=2111&p=.htm

Huh.When did Sony buy Disney? :P
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