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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Now ads are being pulled from tv? Why?? Ugh all around at everything now. Back to box office, no need to wait for Nikki, first update will be $80m and rest of the weekend will be hurt cause of the Colorado tragedy.

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I disagree about it being very funny, especially the funniest of the three. Saw the trilogy and it got the least laughs of the three by far. I mean c'mon, Joker alone had a bazillion more laughs than anything in this.

Agreed. Got almost zero laughs in TDKR. But the audience reaction after the movie was rambunctious. People loved it.
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Ugh I was afraid of that... One freakin loon is basically changing history. I hope there's a death penalty in CO.

Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.
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I disagree about it being very funny, especially the funniest of the three. Saw the trilogy and it got the least laughs of the three by far. I mean c'mon, Joker alone had a bazillion more laughs than anything in this.

He said funnest, not that that's actually a word.
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I don't this weekend will be affected very much. Too many advance tickets sold and people who wanted to see it will go and see it. I think this tragedy will probably make a person think twice about attending midnight shows for an event film. Cause really that's when the most loonies appear.

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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

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