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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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It's probably been said in this thread, but one could argue that TDK made its OW because of Ledgers death.One does not simply TRIPLE it's predecessors OW.Things like this effect the box office - either way, Warner Bros made more than enough off of TDK, and they certainly aint gonna go broke on the $400m or so this is gonna make, so who cares if it missed out on 30m OW!

Edited by Robertron
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It's not fear that drove people away from theatres this weekend, they simply didn't want to spend 2 or 3 hours being constsntly reminded of the shooting. Big difference.

I'm sorry but people need to man up, if that is really the reason. I'm so tired of the PC culture. Especially if that China cancellation BS is true, it's a total exaggeration.
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Guys calling each other morons, idiots, stupid,retards and other colourful insults is not going to be accepted. There are different opinions and I think we should all try to respect each others. We can disagree but let's be civil about it. :)

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I'm starting to like TDKR more after thinking about it, but I'm hopefully going to watch it tomorrow to see what I really think.

I'm feeling the same. The stuff I liked about the movie I like even more on reflection and stuff I didn't like is fading. But another viewing is needed.
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As awful as this tragedy is, people are blowing up its effects on the box office all out of proportion. TDKR didn't lose $30 million+ of business this weekend. That would be almost four million people not showing up, for pete's sake. And the holdovers are mostly dropping as expected. I predicted Spidey to drop close to 70% because: 1. It's really not that good a movie; 2. TDKR is the definition of direct competition.At my theater, TDKR was way behind TA's attendance Fri, but a little closer on Sat. If there is an effect, it already seems to be wearing off. TDKR just didn't attract as many people opening weekend as TA, regardless of these events. It could still break 500 with decent WOM.

I agree completely. People that thought 90-100 for opening day (still after 30 midnights way below HPDH2) seem to be over exaggerating it the most. It also seems like mostly speculation...I just got off work so maybe there are actual reports of mass people staying out of theaters? I feel at most it would have only been affected no more than a few million. A lot of reviews even positive ones say the movie lacks the spark of Ledger's performance as The Joker. That performance helped the marketing which created the extreme hype TDK had which translated into a huge box office. TDKR lacks a lot of what TDK had, the box office will reflect that.
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There seems to be a rumour going around that the movie is being drastically underestimated and is on course for 190-200m. I've no idea if this is based on any actual evidence or simple wishful thinking. I find it very hard to believe it's being underestimated by $40 million but several people have posted it on twitter.

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There seems to be a rumour going around that the movie is being drastically underestimated and is on course for 190-200m. I've no idea if this is based on any actual evidence or simple wishful thinking. I find it very hard to believe it's being underestimated by $40 million but several people have posted it on twitter.

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