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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I didn't say they should feel guilty, but that they undoubtedly and understandably will feel some small bit of responsibility for those certain people being in that certain place at that certain time. It's human nature.

And that extends to the cashier that sold them the ticket and probably even the person who typed in that 12:01am showtime on their website. Anyone whose actions in any way indirectly led to 12 people losing their lives will probably feel a ping of guilt about it. Edited by tribefan695
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To the people who have seen the film: Is there any humor/lightness in the film at all, or is it just depressing, dour and disturbing throughout the whole thing?

Plenty of nice humor, a couple of moments that perhaps were not necessary.
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It's really hard for me to gauge the WOM. A lot of people love it, a lot of people like it, and good chunk of people are disappointed. Not sure what kind of cocktail that creates.

It almost seems like some of the few seriously disappointed people were waiting for Heath Ledger's Joker to magically make an appearance or something. I'd put TDK ahead of TDKR, but just barely. The movie was brilliant in its own way. Edited by Eraserhead
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I feel terrible for the cast and crew. You know in some sick, helpless way they must feel some guilt.

agreedLoosing two in TDK and then extra in TDKR and now this. That is so much tragedy in two films. The film crew must feel terrible.
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And that extends to the cashier that sold them the ticket and probably even the person who typed in that 12:01am showtime on their website. Anyone whose actions in any way indirectly led to 12 people losing their lives will probably feel a ping of guilt about it.

Sure, but don't twist my words (not you specifically, others). I never implied that the movie is responsible for those people dying but simply that those involved with the creation of it might feel that way, and certainly won't be in any mood to celebrate the film's success all things considered.
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To the people who have seen the film: Is there any humor/lightness in the film at all, or is it just depressing, dour and disturbing throughout the whole thing?

There was a lot more humor than I was expecting honestly. It was very funny at times.
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It almost seems like some of the few seriously disappointed people were waiting for Heath Ledger's Joker to magically make an appearance or something. I'd put TDK ahead of TDKR, but just barely. The movie was brilliant in its own way.

Everything I seen on twitter and facebook people loved the film.
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whats disgusting is a few TA fans on CBM saying how they happy their record is safe due to this shooting. Utterly disgusting thing to say. It prompted CBM to write an article about it.

Aw come on. It's no worse than the Batman fans saying Disney/Marvel set up the shooting so Batman wouldn't get the record. Dumb shit is said all over the place. Best not to even bring it up, especially if you are talking about the commenters on comicbookmovies.com. That place is a cesspool.
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