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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Baumer, I had TDKR doing less than 100m OD and less than $200m OW, but I think your being a little unrealistic to suggest that the shootings, extra security measures, and the pulled advertising to have no effect on its gross. Nobody knows how much it impacted the gross, but it definitely had some impact.

Fine, I never said it didn't have some effect. I said not much. 10 mill? Sure. But 35-40 mill? Sorry, no way.
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Of course, not saying there wont be any midnight showings anymore, but no HUGE midnight ? Probably.

BD2 will do 30 mill.
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Sure, me, personally yes, if it WAS BY MY HOUSE. If someone gets shot and killed in Aurora Colorado, I'm not taking any precautions near my house.

People are currently taking these measures, near Aurora or not. They might have cancelled their plans to show respect to those who died or are just still scared that copycats might follow.
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165-170 OW? SMH @ some of you downplaying the Shooting like it wasn't going to have an effect. The shooting was clearly going to affect it's opening weekend. Before the Shooting 185-195 was the range. People stayed home, people were paranoid. People changed their schedules. This is the worst tradegy EVER that a Blockbuster had to endure and it's still going to do over 165 without 3D. So "Disappointing"? Don't think so cause this Tradegy has clearly overshowed the movie. I still think you guys should go see it, it's a really good film and closed out a comicbook Trilogy better than any of it's predessors. As I said in my review, there are flaws but the good outweight the bad where as other comic part III's the Bad was Really Bad. Again I know a lot of people will be saying how low and disappointing this number is but some people just don't want to admit the shooting has clearly got into the consiousness of movie goers in America and I felt and predicted this would happen when I 1st heard the news. I'm sorry and sad for the Victims and I'm sad for Nolan and Crew to have this ruin what would of been a great movie experience for so many people. Even people that see the film and like it, in the back of their minds they will be talking about or thinking about what happen in Colorado. Overall again I was very pleased and reguardless of Box Office, Nolan gave me what a truely wanted. A satisfator conlcusion to a comic book trilogy. Something, Superman, Ninja Turles, The original Batman series, Blade, X-men and Spidey could not do.

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I'm not making anything up. Just because there isn't a readily available link for something doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I'm telling you. You got facts mixed up. There was no shooting in 2003.
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Fine, I never said it didn't have some effect. I said not much. 10 mill? Sure. But 35-40 mill? Sorry, no way.

I say 10-15M effect. It would have done 80-85M without the shooting. Seems right, IMO.
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Sure, me, personally yes, if it WAS BY MY HOUSE. If someone gets shot and killed in Aurora Colorado, I'm not taking any precautions near my house.

But you said yourself that killing and massacres happen all the time. By that logic, people might think the same, but spin it into a negative scenario. Instead of thinking, "well, it happens all the time, why should I be scared?" they might think, "well it happens all the time, what if it happens to me in a crowded theater today?" I know the people I've spoken to, and the social media sites I follow, there were quite a few people who changed plans because of the shooting.
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Here’s the Top Ten list based on Friday estimates:

1. The Dark Knight Rises (Legendary/Warner Bros) NEW [4,404 Theaters]

Friday $77.2M, Weekend $170M

2. Ice Age 4 (Blue Sky/Fox) Week 2 [3,886 Theaters]

Friday $7.5M (-55%), Weekend $24.7M, Cume $93.4M

3. The Amazing Spider-Man (Columbia/Sony) Week 3 [3,753 Theaters]

Friday $4.0M, Weekend $14.0M, Cume $231.7M

4. Ted (MRC/Universal) Week 4 [3,214 Theaters]

Friday $3.4M, Weekend $11.0M, Cume $181.4M

5. Brave (Pixar/Disney) Week 5 [2,899 Theaters]

Friday $2.5M, Weekend $8.7M, Cume $211.4M

6. Magic Mike (Warner Bros) Week 4 [2,606 Theaters]

Friday $1.7M, Weekend $4.6M, Cume $102.2M

7. Savages (Universal) Week 3 [2,336 Theaters]

Friday $1.0M, Weekend $3.6M, Cume $40.2M

8. Madea’s Witness Protection (TPerry/Lionsgate) Week 4 [1,540 Theaters]

Friday $800K, Weekend $2.5M, Cume $60.5M

9. Moonrise Kingdom (Focus Features) Week 9 [895 Theaters]

Friday $600K, Weekend $2.1M, Cume $36.3M

10. To Rome with Love (Sony Classics) Week 5 [552 Theaters]

Friday $435K, Weekend $1.6M, Cume $11.3M

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I'm not making anything up. Just because there isn't a readily available link for something doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Get a grip, please, you are a mod for god's sake.Why do you insist on making shit up ? It is beyond me...This event never occured.Only in your head.Really, a killing in a theater for the biggest movie event of 2003 ?And nobody has heard of this except YOU ?REALLY ?Apologize to this board and stop. Edited by The Futurist
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