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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Yes, we do:1) Shooting2) No joker3) No Heath death4) underwhelming trailers

I completely agree. It is hard to quantify the impact of the shooting in terms of numbers. But again the same was true of Heath's death impact for TDK. TDK did benefit from that event and TDKR lost some due to the shooting.But the the other items mentioned by Baumer are just as valid. The underwhelming midnight gross proved it since that is one gross that was not affected by the shooting and that was not even close to record breaking territory.
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Bane was second only to Heath's Joker until the big reveal. Then he tumbled.


Bane was awesome until he was made completely useless and irrelevant toward the end.

Although I'd still say I like Neeson's Ra's more. Maybe that's just the Neeson fan in me.

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Even TDK, as dark as it was, was much more fun, lively, humourous and exciting. It wasn't dark and depressing like this one. The joker obviously had EVERYTHING to do with that. He was a maniac but he had fun doing it, and subsequently the audience had fun with him. There isn't much fun in this one. Bane's about as much fun as the plague.

I did like Bane - in fact, other than Gordon-Levitt's character, he was fun to watch. However, I agree with you otherwise. I think you said it perfectly - a sense of "fun" was missing from this film. TA, despite the possibility of the entire planet being invaded by aliens, was fun to watch. As you wrote, TDK was fun - there's a part where you wanted to see what would happen if the Joker got his way! But TDKR, despite some attempts at fun with Hathaway, was just too serious. Nothing wrong with being serious at the right moment, but for nearly 3 hours?
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I think the problem is also how many more people will see this.I imagine 99% of people watching this watched TDK and such.So its really the people who watched TDK that need to come out more.Also Adjusted this is the biggest weekend after TA, TDK, Spider Man and DMC.We always forget how big DMC was..

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Yep, 30 mill is great, no question, but that's less tickets than all of the Twilights that did it and less than DH2. Still great, but not a record.

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I thought it made him irrelevant. His death is a complete non-event for all he did for the duration of the movie.

His death was hilarious and great. It got cheers from my audience. And in terms of relevance, at that late point in time, his life or death

was largely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. He -- and Talia -- had succeeded, all they had to do was wait for the bomb to finish decaying.

This might be a spoiler so

Bane was so strong in the beginning, he even went all Darth Vader on us and killed a man by strangling him with one hand and lifting him off the ground. Then he gets all wimpy and can't beat Batman in a fight. Did his steroids run out? Not enough protein in the city to keep his muscles strong?

Batman had torn off several tubes from his mask. Bane was (mostly) overwhelmed by physical agony.

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TDKR:Cinemascore = A (TDK A- or A, I can't find the original score)Current IMDb rating = 9.2/10 (TDK 8.9/10)Current RT rating = 87% (TDK 94%)Current Metacritic rating = 78% (TDK 82%)

Edited by Punishment
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I also think it's time for the media to stop talking about how "Smart" James is and keep it real. This was a Terrorist act on the American People. I'm tired of terrorist only being linked to people from the middle east.

Yea and I wish they would stop saying he had a "mental illness". That is BS. If this murderer was middle eastern they would call him a terrorist. If he was black they would label him a thug. White on the other hand means he is "mentally unstable". That's America for you.
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the WOM for this film seems nothing but positive. I can't tell you how many people I have seen that have said it was great and there was applause at the end and some teared up

I'm happy to hear this. My friends and I left the theater going "meh" and there was NO applause or tearing up or anything. Granted, my world is small and perhaps my expectations were TOO high for this film, but I'm still not sure of how great the WOM is.
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TDKR:Cinemascore = A (TDK A-)Current IMDb rating = 9.2/10 (TDK 8.9/10)Current RT rating = 87% (TDK 94%)Current Metacritic rating = 78% (TDK 82%)

The imdb rating will drop once all the normal people get to grade it. Right now you have all the loonies who have flooded the rating system. And it is not updated on the weekend. I'm not saying it's going to plummet, but it will drop below TDK.
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the 30m midnight gross was fine for a superhero movie. Nothing disappointing about it

But not for a superhero movie that was being hyped as the second coming of Christ.They started issuing tickets for this one month in advance. and there all these reports of unprecedented sales for midnight. A lot of these tuned out to be overblown hype.
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