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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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"I thought it was pretty consistent throughout -- the voice of an elegant, educated, and utterly ruthless man who had total contempt for those opposing him."Thing is I found TDK and TDKR to be great films but they are just sooo depressing and sombre. I find that kind of stuff funny... Just lighten up the mood.

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Let's be honest here, Nolan doesn't do Comic Relief. Besides it would've ruined the awesome mood he built up.

Its the same mood/intensity that makes a film suffer if it is goes on to long. There was no clear cut climax or stand out moment, its sort of flat if you can understand that. That's why I think the previous Dark Knight was much superior.
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crowd did some clapping in the end but the crowd never really broke out in laughter or cheered anywhere in the film...Very somber crowd as the film is soo somber...

Damn man. Why don't you just come out and say you hated the film instead of passing it along that 'your friends' aren't raving about it or 'the crowd'
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Fifth?Jesus. I couldn't do that in one weekend.

Well I did a print check, saw the regional premier, watched the first showing at the BFI, plus I was working whole weekend, so I watched two of the midnight screenings. It's getting better and better. Crowd reaction is great. Watching in the BFI again tomorrow then take a break.
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Really wanted to go see it again tonight, but my wife said xnay on the going out ay, needed help with the kids-ay.Anyway, sounds like we are seeing both Fri and Sat underestimated slightly, and that Sunday is flat-ish. Both Rth and notfabio seem to think its doing rather well today. Hopefully tomorrow it puts up an absurd number then.

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"Damn man. Why don't you just come out and say you hated the film instead of passing it along that 'your friends' aren't raving about it or 'the crowd'Its what I saw...Unlike TDK which was as dark and sombre, the audience did not seem as much in the film...Jesus Christ Chill out Bro?Do I need to bring out the lemur?? :P

Edited by Lordmandeep
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"I thought it was pretty consistent throughout -- the voice of an elegant, educated, and utterly ruthless man who had total contempt for those opposing him."Thing is I found TDK and TDKR to be great films but they are just sooo depressing and sombre. I find that kind of stuff funny... Just lighten up the mood.

Oh, I find his voice hilarious and awesome all at once. But then again, I'm the guy who loves the Bat-voice too. :)
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I like that this film is RISING. Even though something terrible happened this weekend. I was watching memorial on CNN and they said that some folks were wearing Batman shirts there because they wanted to take back control over that image /logo.

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Really wanted to go see it again tonight, but my wife said xnay on the going out ay, needed help with the kids-ay.Anyway, sounds like we are seeing both Fri and Sat underestimated slightly, and that Sunday is flat-ish. Both Rth and notfabio seem to think its doing rather well today. Hopefully tomorrow it puts up an absurd number then.

It would be awesome, if Sunday has an increase. :) :) :)
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Yes, Bale delivered, I give him his props his emotions in "Rises" was his best performance of the trilogy. Bale is an underrated actor to me, people don't give him his props. I think people forget he's been acting since he was a little kid. I think Anne was great but low expectations is why everyone was surprised. Keaton, Ledger and Anne all shut the critics up who said they weren't right for their respective roles.

I don't know if I'd call him underrated - he is an Oscar winner.
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Oh, I find his voice hilarious and awesome all at once. But then again, I'm the guy who loves the Bat-voice too. :)

I've never had a problem with the Bat-voice and I thought Bane's voice was great.
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I like that this film is RISING. Even though something terrible happened this weekend. I was watching memorial on CNN and they said that some folks were wearing Batman shirts there because they wanted to take back control over that image /logo.

Definitely, Just like some of the survivors going back to see TDKR. To show that terrorist didn't win. I think we could see a better hold on Sunday than TDK.
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"But then again, I'm the guy who loves the Bat-voice too"lol Same its great in many parts and other parts its just... :lol: :lol:

I only really disliked the batvoice in TDK. I liked it in BB, especially when he was questioning Flass:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=OfFbxIHBdjo&NR=1Especially the "Swear to me!" line.
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Believe me, Nolan had complete control over what ended up in the movie. It is absolutely his cut -- his editorial choices about what to keep and what to trim.

Also, Nolan was well aware of the time-limit that IMAX would impose when filming this. So, it is very much his cut.
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Nolan does not do Comic Relief??Have you seen TDK and BB.So many great one liners." I dont wear Hockey pads!!!!!!!!!!" :lol::D

I actually thought that line was cringe worthy, definitely proved to me that Nolan shouldn't do Comic relief.
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