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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I see a lot of movies in the theater, and I think I might have seen the crowd going crazy ONCE. I guess I'm going to the wrong theaters...Having said that Avengers got quite a reaction when I saw it, but for TDKR I might as well have been in a church.

Edited by Adm56
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Oh, I find his voice hilarious and awesome all at once. But then again, I'm the guy who loves the Bat-voice too. :)

I love the Bat-voice too. Glad I'm not the only one. The Bane voice was okay, but it wasn't great or anything. It worked, but Hardy's Bane wasn't on the level of Ledger's Joker in TDK.
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I see a lot of movies in the theater, and I think I might have seen the crowd going crazy ONCE. I guess I'm going to the wrong theaters...Having said that Avengers got quite a reaction when I saw it, but for TDKR I might as well have been in a church.

I wasn't sure if my midnight crowd liked it or not until they erupted in cheers at the end. Re: Bane voice. Probably the most jarring part in the film is when Bane gives his monologue outside the prison. Hardy is being so theatrical with his dialogue, eyes, and hands, but you can't see his lips move! It's the most bizarre thing to watch.
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I wasn't sure if my midnight crowd liked it or not until they erupted in cheers at the end.Re: Bane voice.Probably the most jarring part in the film is when Bane gives his monologue outside the prison. Hardy is being so theatrical with his dialogue, eyes, and hands, but you can't see his lips move! It's the most bizarre thing to watch.

Also, his speech went on for too long. I felt that Bane's talking needed to be dialed back, especially in that scene.
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I only really disliked the batvoice in TDK. I liked it in BB, especially when he was questioning Flass:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=OfFbxIHBdjo&NR=1Especially the "Swear to me!" line.

:lol:It is almost better in TDKR

When Batman finally gets upperhand on Bane and Bale is going wild saying 'Where is the trigger!?!? Where is the trigger!?!?!?'

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Agree. She could have used a bit more screen time especially after the prison break-out.

That's because you knew when to expect her. The joy of watching Catwoman the first go-round was not knowing when she'd sneak her way back in next (in my humble opinion).Also, Nolan said in an interview that leaving the audience wanting more of her was exactly what he was trying to do.
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I loved the Swear to me in BB...

Same. I thought it really established Batman as a "you seriously don't wanna screw with me" type of guy to his enemies. Added a great intimidation factor to him in a way no other interpretation of the character had. The "WHERE IS SHEEEEEEE!!!" in TDK did border on too much and silliness though I'll admit.
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TDKR is making Avengers type money in the overseas countries it has opened so far. No joke. Ray Subers might have been on to something with that big prediction. (though I still don't think it will reach that high)

What is his prediction?
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