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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I don't think the incident can be ignored in any meaningful analysis of the weekend numbers but, at the same time, there's no way of quantifying its impact. They should acknowledge it and let readers make up their own minds.

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Heath argument in what way?

That people who showed up for TDK because of Heath won't turn up for TDKR. That argument has been proven wrong. The UK and OZ numbers are clear, TDKR opened bigger than TDK. Edited by The Dark Alfred
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I understand the desire to be respectful of the families, but I don't see how analysts can reasonably agree... I don't think it's their place to try and play psychologists and throw out numbers that they aren't qualified to support for how it affected it, but at the same time, it's completely unavoidable. I don't think you'd be doing your job to ignore it and to how can you make arguments about how it did without referencing the incident.

I don't think the incident can be ignored in any meaningful analysis of the weekend numbers but, at the same time, there's no way of quantifying its impact. They should acknowledge it and let readers make up their own minds.

Fair points. But in the end, the answer has been said already: there's no way to quantify the impact. And everyone already knows there was an effect anyway. I'm sure that after some time has passed we can start to theorize it publicly more, but for this week its still too close to the time of the tragedy and would come off as disrespectfully stating the obvious.This isn't something that can be blown over in 72 hours, unfortunately. Wounds take time to heal and the media should do its best to avoid perpetuating the notion that box office records are equally on the minds of anyone during this tragic time.Nobody wants theories right now, just the facts. Edited by ShawnMR
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You can't divorce this weekend's box office results from the tragedy in Colorado. There will never be a quantifiable number, of course, but these two events are tied together in history. And we know there was a significant effect on the box office results. There really is no disputing it. That said I do of course respect the sentiment behind the decision.

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That people who showed up for TDK because of Heath won't turn up for TDKR. That argument has been proven wrong. The UK and OZ numbers are clear, TDKR opened bigger than TDK.

The opening in those countries does not tell the whole story, though. Not everyone who saw TDK because of the Ledger factor went opening weekend. It could be a similar situation to the box office of TPM compared to the other prequels. AOTC and ROTS had bigger openings (even with the backlash against TPM), but lower totals because they didn't have the "first SW movie in 16 years" factor driving the box office and pulling in non-fans. Only TDKR's legs (both domestic and OS) will show us how much of its predecessor's audience it was able to maintain. Edited by Darth Homer
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I watched the Obama press conference last night after he visited the families and some of the survivors. Obama was beyond eloquent, as usual, but even moreso this time as he said he came there not as a president but as a husband and a father.The story he shared about the two girls, for those of you who are not aware of the story, is quite remarkable and it choked me up. I don't remember their names, but I think it was Stephanie and Allison. Stephanie had been shot in the neck, in a vain. She was spewing blood and her friend Allison jumped on her, as the fucktard was still shooting, took her two fingers, plugged the wound, used her cell to call 911 with the other hand, and then picked up her friend and carried her across a parking lot to waiting paramedics. Stephanie is going to survive, and as I type this I am going misty eyed again. The human spirit is remarkable at times. This was one of them. Heroes are not those who are paid 10 million dollars to stop a puck or throw a ball or judge a singing competition. Heroes are people like Allison, who saved her friends life. There are acts like this that happen everyday somewhere in the world and they never go noticed. I'm glad Obama took the time to regale us with that story. Allison is my hero. I'll never meet her, but she is.

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Hours after the horrible events in Aurora, Colorado unfolded, Warner Bros pulled ads of The Dark Knight Rises that featured gun violence, and likewise pulled a theatrical trailer for Gangster Squad that played before the Batman film in many venues because of a scene that shows thugs with automatic weapons marching through a movie screen, firing into the theater's audience.

Just last week, many of us were eager to see Ruben Fleischer's historical drama about the Los Angeles police force's war against the rise of organized crime brought by East Coast mobster Mickey Cohen. But in the wake of the Aurora tragedy, the film's flashy gun violence is less fantastical and more a harsh reminder of the murders of innocent moviegoers.

Already Warner Bros. has considered delaying the release of Gangster Squad, which was due to open September 7th. And alternate option was cutting the movie theater sequence altogether, but as it has been described as a key scene, this move would call for involved reshoots. Now, Variety confirms via anonymous studio sources that Warner Bros. has opted for the latter, and is moving fast to maintain the film's original release schedule.

Having not seen the film, it's hard to say which option (waiting or re-cutting) would be best for Gangster Squad. Typically sitting on a film hurts its box office as it becomes tainted in the view of the public as something unworthy of a release, and waiting would additionally mean more money lost on marketing. However, the scene in question has been described as critical, and it's hard to imagine how such a hasty revision will affect the finished product. But it seems we'll find out on September 7th, as Warner Bros. is sticking to that release date at this time.

Source: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Wake-Aurora-Tragedy-Warner-Bros-Re-Shoot-Gangster-Squad-32066.html

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Yep, it would be like after 9/11 if there was a film that showed people flying into a building. It's too sensitive. It's make believe but scars run deep, wounds even deeper. You have to remove that scene from the trailer for sure. From the movie? Hmmmm, I'd say keep it.

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Yep, it would be like after 9/11 if there was a film that showed people flying into a building. It's too sensitive. It's make believe but scars run deep, wounds even deeper. You have to remove that scene from the trailer for sure. From the movie? Hmmmm, I'd say keep it.

Yup. Altering the composition of a promotional vehicle in light of an unrelated external event is one thing, but from what is ostensibly an artistic endeavour... makes me uneasy. Edited by Hatebox
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I personally don't think the scene should be removed from the movie, Trailers Yes, but movie No. QT shot up Hitler and company in a theater for IB. There have been theater shootings before this but not on a mass scale like this. But I understand WB on this. It's sad but I think "Recall, Expendables and Bourne" could be affected, this whole thing just connects violence and movies and it shouldn't but it does. Remember after 9/11 they changed the Spiderman 1 trailer that used the Twin Towers. Sadly any violent movie in the wake of this may be effected before people can move on from the tradegy.

Edited by filmscholar
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WOW um look what Nikki just posted:


Headline: "Oh No You Didn't Issue This Press Release"


Edited by MovieGuyKyle17
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