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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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i still don't believe skye ! she's hiding something and her sob story is the perfect cover 

but i guess this is going to calm down some people doubts and make them totally discard her until the big reveal where she does something dastardly evil , just you wait and see !


after the private convon she had with her bf i felt like everything they said was in code ,in order to make her look less guilty and salvageable for the team 


i thought the episode was better than last one for sure ! its better when they're following up on a main plot from previous episodes as oppose to random whatever of the week plot 


ps : i'd love to see coulson and may duke it out in a ring for old time sakes

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i still don't believe skye ! she's hiding something and her sob story is the perfect cover 

but i guess this is going to calm down some people doubts and make them totally discard her until the big reveal where she does something dastardly evil , just you wait and see !


after the private convon she had with her bf i felt like everything they said was in code ,in order to make her look less guilty and salvageable for the team 


i thought the episode was better than last one for sure ! its better when they're following up on a main plot from previous episodes as oppose to random whatever of the week plot 


ps : i'd love to see coulson and may duke it out in a ring for old time sakes

I hope Skye ends up being good. She's perfect :wub:


Also, did anybody else notice that they used a device that was also used in the first Iron Man? Remember the scene when Pepper and S.H.I.E.L.D. was going after Stane and Coulson put this thing on the door to blow the door open? They used one in the episode too!

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Ugh! I want to like this show, but it is so stupid. I mean SHIELD is supposed to be this bad ass organization and if you fuck up, your gone. I know that this is based in a comic book world, but after this incident, I can't believe they are keeping Skye. I just wished there was a little more realism in this show. Honestly, this show is a let down. Firefly was amazing. I kind of have my doubts about Whedon's involvement beyond casting and, I guess, developing some of the story, but beyond that, I think he probably let abc do their thing while working on AOU.

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i still don't believe skye ! she's hiding something and her sob story is the perfect cover 

but i guess this is going to calm down some people doubts and make them totally discard her until the big reveal where she does something dastardly evil , just you wait and see !



God damn it, now I can't stop imagining her constantly twiddling a Dick Dastardly moustache. 

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After seeing the new Captain America trailer, that is how I imagine SHIELD to be, this corrupt organization with secrets that does things its way and takes away liberties. Whatever we're getting in this show is so unrealistic. It is nothing like how I imagine SHIELD from what we have seen in the films so far.

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The show is at 8 PM on ABC, of course it's going to be more upbeat. No surprise there. Plus, we're only following one team and have gotten next to no look at the deeper mechanisms of SHIELD in the show so you're crying wolf with no sightings, no tracks, no nothing.

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Even if it wasn't at 8PM on ABC, it still wasn't going to happen. One of the main reasons for Marvel's success is that their films appeal to everyone, kids and adults. They're not going to throw away a decent part of their demographic for their flagship TV show, by making it darker and gritter. 


Also, 'darker and grittier' doesn't necessarily mean better.

Edited by rukaio101
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I didn't say make SHIELD darker or grittier. Just more realistic with what we have come to expect of SHIELD from the movies and the new Cap trailer. In the show, they are mostly portrayed as the good guys. And, while they are the good guys, it is obvious SHIELD has secrets and doesn't also do things in the best interests of others. I would like to see more of that explored. But, that won't happen with Skye around since that goes against her moral values even thought that is what SHIELD is really about.

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I'll wager that we'll go into the organization's darker side eventually but SHIELD is currently preoccupied with developing it's team/characters/premise. If they showed the side of SHIELD you're talking about right now, Clone, the series would be biting off more than it can chew. You need to lay out the groundwork for the good guys first. How do I know this? It's actually because of Skye. Her character partially exists so that we could be introduced to the team via a newbie. The other reason she exists is because she's not an agent: meaning she exists to conflict with SHEILD overall. She's right now seeing the good side of the organization. This is necessary so she become loyal to the team and start to at least believe in some of it's cause. If they started out with SHIELD's dark side immediately, it would be impossible to properly integrate her into the team. Her parent's mystery is a strong motivation for her to infiltrate them but not enough to make her an actual member of the team.


Since her character's belief system is strong...it's going to create conflict when we explore the darker aspects of SHIELD. She'll be conflicted between her loyalty to her team and her loyalty to SHIELD. But you can't start this out immediately: you have to lay the groundwork. I mean, you keep looking at what the show isn't doing but the hints that SHIELD isn't completely good exist for a reason: because eventually this is going to be become a core conflict between Skye and the rest of the team.


This is exactly how you know it's a Whedon show (despite his limited involvement). Look at the first season of Buffy. It's a fucking joke compared to where it would later go: that's because he was busy laying down the groundwork before he made the show depressing as hell.


I think the show has gotten off to a good start but it needs to really establish itself better before it should really start to go where you want it, Clone.

Edited by Water Bottle
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By the time it establishes itself, it might have already driven off most people with how boring the first however-many-episodes it took to get interesting.


I guess this is where you try to decide whether you care more about ratings or care more about the creative process.

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I guess this is where you try to decide whether you care more about ratings or care more about the creative process.

If they really cared about the creative process so much they wouldn't have made these first few episodes so cliched and generic.  Every character follows some generic archetype that we've seen hundreds of times already with no modifications to the protocol.  The plot is as contrived and pointless as you can get right now, and a personal pet peeve of mine is how much they throw in pseudoscience mumbo jumbo terminology to sound smart but it really just detracts from the flow of the plot because of how ridiculous the way they explain things.

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If they really cared about the creative process so much they wouldn't have made these first few episodes so cliched and generic.  Every character follows some generic archetype that we've seen hundreds of times already with no modifications to the protocol.  The plot is as contrived and pointless as you can get right now, and a personal pet peeve of mine is how much they throw in pseudoscience mumbo jumbo terminology to sound smart but it really just detracts from the flow of the plot because of how ridiculous the way they explain things.


I'm guessing you would have hated Buffy when it first aired. As well as most Whedon shows.

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