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Taken 1 is the most awesome movie of all-time. :lol: Neeson is amazing in this movie, I love every second of it. The speech in the beginning will be remembered for many years.

Edited by CJohn
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D-I hated it. I feel like this movie has been done several times before and several times better. That ex-wife and that daughter have to be two of the most annoying people in the history of film. I wonder what the writer has against women? Or maybe he just doesn't know any? The only reason i'm not giving this a F is because that hotel maid had the presence of mind to call security right away (so maybe the writer deserves a cookie).Anyway it will still make a shit load of money but hopefully by Taken 38947: The Blood Feud Lives On, audiences will have had enough.

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Why did the Taken thread changed to Taken 2? Anyway, the movie is trash. I am greatly disappointed by it. The action scenes are poorly edited, the story is just a bad excuse to make this and they turned Neeson into the fucking terminator. WOM will be toxic. This is an offense to the first movie.

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Taken 1 is the most awesome movie of all-time. :lol: Neeson is amazing in this movie, I love every second of it. The speech in the beginning will be remembered for many years.

LMAO you had to fix your post. I thought you were commenting on Taken 2.
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Sequels are hard to do. In today's day and age studio's are always looking to create the next franchise. they even add post credit scenes to create plot holes for the next film. But not all movies need sequels. But money sometimes forces people's hands.Taken, released 3 years ago, was the story about a father trying to get back his kidnapped daughter from human traffickers. There were many things to discuss with the film. It had action. It raised awareness of human trafficking. It had a nice repartee between a father and ex wife. This retrospective is important because Taken 2 forgets all about that.In Taken 2, the father of one of the anonymous bad guys that Brian (Liam Neeson) killed on his way to find his daughter is seeking revenge. With that, he plans to take Brian and Lenore and their daughter.This is where Taken 2 make sit's first of many many many mistakes. It's not just the fact that the filmmakers wanted us to remember the random anonymous bad guy was such an important key plot point of the 2nd movie, it's the fact that the villain is the stereotype of the stereotype of movie villains. The dude only speaks in monologue. Well, most of the time. The rest of the time, you can understand what in the hell he is saying and there are no subtitles!And there's more! In Taken there were some logic leaps but they were explained away because Brian was ex CIA or whatever. In this one, it seems having a particular set of skills are not just skills but part of the DNA because first Brian tells his wife an overly obnoxiously complicated set of instructions that don't even end up being used. Then his daughter turns into Spider Man and oh yeah, she is a code breaker too.This is also leads to another issue. THERE IS NO DRAMA. THERE IS NO TENSION. THERE IS NO DANGER. Brian somehow became more of a superhero then Super Man. Even when it kind of seems that something bad may happen, the movie pulls it's punches or telegraphs them. Instead of the wife being tortured, the bad guy snips her dress. Instead of the daughter being afraid like a daughter should do, she throws grenades randomly in the air to no effect to pedestrian or building.Oh yeah, this is key. Where before the repartee between the ex wife and Brian would be kind of funny and corny, in Taken 2, it 's like a lifetime movie! Everything is super serious which is kind of crazy since the goddamn new husband isn't even in the movie. So the ex wife can only react to crap off screen.Oh but this is an action movie so the action should be good, right? NOPE. Instead of being great like the first one, the fight scenes are shot so choppily that you can't even see anything. Bad guys dies by Brian laying their head on the ground! Ridiculous!Oh and don't worry, this movie sets up a Taken 3 since this one is practically assured to rake in the cash. I can't wait for Brian's ex wife's grandmother's uncle to get kidnapped.

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Well, I've seen it too.First off, it really is not as bad as the critics say. It isn't any good, it doesn't even come within a galaxy of Taken, but, it's basically what you get from Hollywood most of the time anyway with their action movies, so I don't see how it deserved 16% or whatever rating it achieved.The action, basically the only reason you'd see this, was disappointing, not much happens, or everything you've seen before. Gone are the set pieces, gone are the massive body piles and creativity. They really tried to give the audience a story, which, ironically, they didn't need to. Funny, how Hollywood still manages to screw up a movie that needs no story. It was shot well, well, anything that didn't involve action. At times, you could be forgiven for thinking it was a drama.Neeson can't carry the film because it commits the cardinal sin of boredom. It's not as bad as your DTV action heroes but it's so forgettable and pointless. You never feel as though there's anything on the line despite their lives being at stake. Still, Neeson at his age, effortlessly looks cool, calm and collected. Easy paycheck for being himself.Saw Dredd as well, and will review it too, but that was a much better movie, too bad it won't make in total what Taken 2 will rake in a couple hours.

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I give it a B -, they kept the formula the same. Liam was bada$$ of course. But I like how they handled the daughter. Before the movie came out I thought that was going to be cheesy and we were going to see her shooting bad guys. But she was scared girl that found the heart of her father. My biggest complaints were the bad guys were terrible and just out right dumb. I think the perfect story for "Taken 3" would be for Mills and his team to go on a mission of some kind and not involve the family. Overall good sequel, I think crowds will like it but "Taken" 1 was better overall.

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Taken 21:55PMAbout 40% full on the biggest screen there.Trailers:Argo (I'm kind of tired of this trailer, yeah it looks good but really its been the same trailer for months now!)Skyfall (new trailer-looks fantastic)Parker (Hey he has hair!)Broken City (Wait this is a January film? Looks pretty good, cast is great)Identity Thef (Some laughs, does not look like it is coming out in the Spring as it seemed complete)Die Hard 5 (People really loved this one)Movie: I thought this was pretty good, action scenes were good and I loved the car chase scene! My only complaint was Maggie Grace-terrible actress. But I couldn't blame them for casting her as she was in the first.I give this a solid B.Crowd seem to enjoy it.

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