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The Warner Bros. Thread | Will NOT merge with Paramount...capitalism is still terrible

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Warner Brothers certainly are quitters when the going gets tough, I mean (for now) they're still planning on making 5 Fantastic Beasts movies and The Flash movie has been though development hell but it's apparently gonna start shooting in a few months. They'll only let go of something as a last resort and Wonder Woman still seems worth it to continue in some way.

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5 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

She's beloved in the role and WB made a lot of money out of her casting. It was objectively not a dumb decision.

Anyone would've been beloved in that role. Gadot could've been replaced by literally any other actress that fits that role and the movie would've been just as successful. 

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16 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Anyone would've been beloved in that role. Gadot could've been replaced by literally any other actress that fits that role and the movie would've been just as successful. 

Part of what people love about the first Wonder Woman movie is Gal Gadot and Chris Pine’s chemistry. 

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She’s fine. But doing more than 3 movies had got to look a lot less attractive than it might have 2 months ago...   


On the other hand they don’t have that much else going on — it WW3 rebounds doing a 4th is probably good business sense.

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33 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

Part of what people love about the first Wonder Woman movie is Gal Gadot and Chris Pine’s chemistry. 

That's because of the writing and because Pine's actually charismatic. Gadot delivers every single line exactly the same and just feels like she's reading off the script every time. 


Edit: She definitely had the right physicality for the role but she's terrible every time she says something.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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Lethal Weapon and Wonka prequel just reek of desperation. Nobody will see either of them. That + FB3 will be colossal wastes of money. 


They need to green light a big budget, Michael B. Jordan starring, Abrams/Cooper directed telling of PEARL HARBOR. That would do gangbusters business. Have Cooper star as Nimitz and make a sequel based on MIDWAY. $1.5b+ between the 2 films and would establish artistic draws to whoever is attached for future WB IP films.

Edited by excel1
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On 1/21/2021 at 8:34 PM, Ms Lady Hawk said:

Do you have a link for this? Seems like a pretty huge pay day, especially for Patty! A director making that much money on one film is insane. Good for both of them! Well deserved since they were underpaid for the first movie.

For a major sequel after buying all your points, the original deal was probably between 7-9 million + points they had to buy.


To give a range Edgar Wright starting point of what he was asking to make is own high risk dream movie Baby Driver was asking:

$4.5MM v. 3.5% FDG, escal to 5%GP @ CB0%, escal to 7.5%GP @ CB5%, escal to 10%GP @ CB15% --> but WT has only budgeted $2.5MM for Wrights' director fee  and expects his contractual fee will be renegotiated down to budgeted amount.


If he achieved a deal that ramp up to 10% after a point, maybe he made 8 figure on that one.


Paul Feig made around that on Ghostbuster once you put writing and directing fee:


Feig on GB3:


Directing: 8 mil escalates to 8.5 if spy 150dbo/300wbo escalates further to 9 if spy 175/350 OK

Producing: 500K

Writing: 2 million for one draft and one rework, 350K for rework after that and 100k by polishing pass

Backend: 12 reducible to hard 10 of cb0, with video going to 35% instead of 20% pass breakeven


The Russo to direct and write The Gray Man asked:



7 v 7

8 v 8 at CA3 800m

9 v 9 at CA3 1b


Would it have released in theater and been a success, she would have made probably a good amount more than $13M, it seem quite standard for a giant sequel.

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3 minutes ago, excel1 said:

Lethal Weapon and Wonka prequel just reap of desperation. Nobody will see either of them.


They need to green light a big budget, Michael B. Jordan starring, Abrams/Cooper directed telling of PEARL HARBOR. That would do gangbusters business. Have Cooper star as Nimitz and make a sequel based on MIDWAY. $1.5b+ between the 2 films.

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your sad, strange little mind.

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1 hour ago, lorddemaxus said:

Anyone would've been beloved in that role. Gadot could've been replaced by literally any other actress that fits that role and the movie would've been just as successful. 

That rolling a dice, that face/smile and that statuesque SH person was maybe part of what made it work, same goes for Aquaman casting.


It is not in the same way Phoenix made the Joker work, but physicality is a lot of job of someone being photographed and that exuding charisma a big part of the movie star that take giant portion of the big screen for big part of a film.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Gardner said:

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your sad, strange little mind.


You don't think people would pay to see those movies? 


A big-budget, Jordan as Doris Miller starring telling of Pearl Harbor attacked from a name brand director released in early/mid December would be a monster hit for sure. 

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9 minutes ago, excel1 said:

Lethal Weapon and Wonka prequel just reek of desperation. Nobody will see either of them. That + FB3 will be colossal wastes of money. 


They need to green light a big budget, Michael B. Jordan starring, Abrams/Cooper directed telling of PEARL HARBOR. That would do gangbusters business. Have Cooper star as Nimitz and make a sequel based on MIDWAY. $1.5b+ between the 2 films and would establish artistic draws to whoever is attached for future WB IP films.

You don’t say no to the guy who made both paddington movies when he comes to you with an idea(or part of the team making the movie). They can make big blockbuster IP movies while still taking chances on movies like this. 

Edited by cax16
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1 hour ago, lorddemaxus said:

That's because of the writing and because Pine's actually charismatic. Gadot delivers every single line exactly the same and just feels like she's reading off the script every time. 


Edit: She definitely had the right physicality for the role but she's terrible every time she says something.

It’s a stretch to say that she “delivers every single line exactly the same.” 

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2 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

That's because of the writing and because Pine's actually charismatic. Gadot delivers every single line exactly the same and just feels like she's reading off the script every time. 


Edit: She definitely had the right physicality for the role but she's terrible every time she says something.

Exactly. There's a reason why they automatically brought Pine back for the sequel* and it isn't because they thought WW84 needed those essential dress-up and "what's a trashcan?" scenes. 


*and are rumoured to be trying to bring him back again


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1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

Where’d you hear that?

Daniel Richtman, one of the more reliable internet scoopers (he's the one who recently leaked that the GVK trailer would be released today) posted on his Patreon feed that WB was trying to get Pine to come back for either WW3 or a spinoff. 


Obviously, he's still an internet scooper, with all the caveats that entails. However, he's usually very on point when it comes to WB stuff.



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25 minutes ago, TerwillikerInst said:

Daniel Richtman, one of the more reliable internet scoopers (he's the one who recently leaked that the GVK trailer would be released today) posted on his Patreon feed that WB was trying to get Pine to come back for either WW3 or a spinoff. 


Obviously, he's still an internet scooper, with all the caveats that entails. However, he's usually very on point when it comes to WB stuff.



Did he actually say that? All I’m finding on that are some articles that cite We Got This Covered. 

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32 minutes ago, TerwillikerInst said:

Daniel Richtman, one of the more reliable internet scoopers (he's the one who recently leaked that the GVK trailer would be released today) posted on his Patreon feed that WB was trying to get Pine to come back for either WW3 or a spinoff. 


Obviously, he's still an internet scooper, with all the caveats that entails. However, he's usually very on point when it comes to WB stuff.



The rumour is that WB wants him in The Flash, not WW3.


And Pine signed a contract for multiple movies so somehow he had to be in WW84, not exactly what you said.

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1 hour ago, belblazer said:

And Pine signed a contract for multiple movies so somehow he had to be in WW84

That sound like an extraordinary claim to me.


People could be lying obviously but apparently the decision was made during the production of the first movie:


 During the set visit, it also became clear that the decision to bring him back wasn’t dictated by the success of the 2017 flick; director Patty Jenkins came up with Steve’s continuing role in her Wonder Woman movies when she, Pine, and Gadot were filming the first one.

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