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Weekend numbers Oct 19-21

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I wonder if there will be a PA5 still? Or if it will skip a year? I think skipping a year might be a nice idea actually.

If they kept Saw going till number 7, there's no reason they should quit on this now. They're still too profitable.
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I wonder if there will be a PA5 still? Or if it will skip a year? I think skipping a year might be a nice idea actually.

Franchise is going in completely different direction.

the studio will begin production on a spinoff from the series, "The Oxnard Tapes." That film will be cast with Latino actors and aimed even more directly at that audience, although the spinoff will be largely in English. "They really love supernatural stories," Jason Blum, a producer on all four "Paranormal Activity" films, said of the Latino audience for the films.

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Wow. Did Sinister really saturate the horror market? This will be the first PA movie that isn't out of the red before the end of opening weekend.

It cost 5M to make so it is already out of the red.
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Paramount would be dumb to NOT make a Paranormal Activity 5; even if the next one makes $25M or so for its opening weekend, that's STILL five times the budget. Easiest $10M+ in three days. It's surprising that it had a little bit more of a dropoff than most of us anticipated, but considering that a well-reviewed (although not well-received) horror film the week before took its thunder, it did pretty fine.

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I've been reading some of the user reviews and many of the complaints I'm seeing come off as grasping and reaching to find something to complain about for the sake of complaining, practically overthinking the film.. Guess I'll find out sunday when I see this, but cannot imagine that it's THAT bad like some of the reviews make it out to be..

What film?
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Paranormal Activity 4 (3,412 theaters) will scare up around $15M Friday for a $34M weekend. That’s less than Hollywood estimates for the Jason Blum pic, and less than PA2‘s hefty debut of $40.7M and way less than PA3‘s even huger release of $52.6M. It only received a ”C’ CinemaScore from audiences which wiill hurt word of mouth.

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