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Is your opinion of a movie influenced by forums?

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I have been pondering this for a while. Since the internet brings out the worst on both sides of the spectrum, do forums like these hurt your view of movies?

Let me explain. I know not all people are like this but a good amount happen to be. When you read about a movie that you are really not interested in and there is someone just gushing about it, no matter how bad it looks, and is really obnoxious about it, does it make you "root against" said movie? I will not name names, but you know some of the people here, that hijack threads to just trumpet "their" movie over and over. Does it make you sick of hearing about it to the point where now a movie you didn't care about is on your crap list?

Same goes the other way, when people and again, not naming names, do the opposite. Where they continually bash a movie to make the movie they like seem better, or completely criticize an actor/actress over and over for really no reason since it has nothing to do with the thread. Do you have to urge to now defend that subject just to shut up the other person?

I have seen negativity towards movies I never knew existed or even released and vice versa. I have seen campaigns to have movies fail. There are beliefs that people are not allowed to like 2 different movies. People are railed against because one person believes a movie deserved to make more and no one can tell them any different. I have heard excuses as to this reboot is too early, but a sequel in the same amount of time was too long to wait.

It just seems like the enjoyment of actually seeing a movie and the magic of watching a film is being replaced by arguments or just the idea of hating or gushing.

So basically, as fun as forums like these can be (and I am not bashing this place at ALL), do they also hurt people's opinions of films no matter which side, as well?

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That is a very relevant question. Personally, there is nothing anyone can really say on here (opinion-wise at least) that would make me want to root against a movie; especially when considering the fact that we have nothing to do with them other than being fans. I have seen some very eccentric posters on here, but none of them could make me wish failure upon films like The Avengers or The Dark Knight.......or The Amazing Spider-man : D

Having said that, there are tons of extremely intelligent posters who have pointed out flaws in films that I likely would never have noticed. I have learned a ton about film making, marketing, and financials from this site. But I do have one rule when I visit, I ignore people are who are completely-ridiculous or hateful no matter how tempting it is to respond (and sometimes it's extremely tempting). The more we do that, that behavior will get less attention and diminish over time.

Edited by Clavius
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If members on here mention how good a movie was and I did not care to see it but I notice a lot members are liking than I most likely go and see that movie.I only time I want a movie to fail if there is a troll talking how _________ movie is the best thing ever. Just to see there reaction but I usually want movies to do well since a lot people put worked hard on the film.

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Depends.I find when I dislike a movie and the forum gushes about it, I tend to dislike it even more.It's basically something ordinary being masqueraded as something fantastic and of course the obnoxious air in which they are perpetuated by posters.Something like Prometheus.edit: Everyone can have their own opinion, of course, but when most of these flock are so illogical, rude and ill-bred...but that's why I love this site's ignore list. Saves me a lot of time skipping over nonsense.

Edited by BK007
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Most of the time, no. But with big movies that are discussed and discussed, it might have a small effect. I think my first viewing of TASM may have been slightly affected by what was said for months on here.

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I admit they can affect my opinions at the outset, though it could manifest as either going with the crowd to avoid argument or defiantly going against the crowd (usually happens if it's a movie I've been looking forward to for awhile). With time, though, I generally am able to settle on a view that I'm confident with.

Edited by tribefan695
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Not really. If I'm not interested in a movie, I'm not interested. If I am interested, it would take a lot of bad-mouthing to make me not want to see it. Not going to lie, I definitely listen to critics, though. Sure, they can praise a lot of pretentious snore fests (ala The Artist), but most of the time they give a movie the praise or panning it deserves.

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When your brain is genetically superior through natural selection and sifts through needless garbage in a way that the mindless sheep are unable to........no need to apologize for having superior, pretentious taste, IMO.

I'm not saying RT is always wrong. I check it all the time and If a film is in the 50-60% range or under, I usually avoid it because at that point I start taking it seriously. Its just hilarious and pathetic when its used as a tool in fanboy/hater wars on the internet for big tentpole films. But RT isn't always a good depiction of a films quality because it also depends on what kind of film it is. The fact that Cloud Atlas is almost rotten on RT is a good example. Edited by Shpongle
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I'm not saying RT is always wrong. I check it all the time and If a film is in the 50-60% range or under, I usually avoid it because at that point I start taking it seriously. Its just hilarious and pathetic when its used as a tool in fanboy/hater wars on the internet for big tentpole films. But RT isn't always a good depiction of a films quality because it also depends on what kind of film it is. The fact that Cloud Atlas is almost rotten on RT is a good example.

Yeah, I'm mainly just messing around.I've come up with a system in regards to my movie-going and the RT score. It's as follows:I've really anticipating it: Has to be below 20% for me to be dissuaded, and even then I'll add it on NetflixI'm wanting to see it: Will for sure if above 80; if reviews are 30-50%, will do a case-by-case basis and see how I feel at the time.I'm indifferent: Has to be at least a 70%Don't want to see it: At least 90%
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When your brain is genetically superior through natural selection and sifts through needless garbage in a way that the mindless sheep are unable to........no need to apologize for having superior, pretentious taste, IMO.

True intelligence is not solely measured by IQ. An IQ test doesn't measure your ability to relate, multitask or make informed decisions in the heat of the moment. The smartest person in the world can be rendered a blithering idiot if he's overwhelmed with fear or pressure.Regardless, I think any normal person is affected at least slightly by others' opinions, whether on an internet forum or in "real" life. Anyone who says they aren't are either...A. LyingB. In DenialC. A SociopathDespite what you may have heard, it isn't a good thing to not care what others think. At best, it makes one anti-social, at worst a sociopath. And if one cares what others think, then they can't help but be affected.
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