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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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I used to respect the Lannisters for their power but they will forever live in shame for their sins (especially the Red Wedding) 


In the books, the Red Wedding was all Walder Frey though. Still, the Lannisters are screwed up and with the exception of Tyrion and Tywin, not even close to being good at playing the game as they think they do. Cersei and Joffrey's behavior is a shrill scream to everybody else to assassinate them ASAP.




'the good guys are the Lannisters'

they know their stuff!!! :D


That was really enjoyable. :D Just goes to show how hard it is for people who don't watch it to understand anything about the characters and tone. Lol @ one of the comments saying that people like Jon Snow can turn into direwolves!

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All the time I was a big fan of Dany in Game of Thrones but for some reason I am really starting to like Margaery Tyrell a lot because she can be manipulative but not in a mean way like Cersei but more in a kind and friendly way.


That and because she is really hot :drool:

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Tywin is a master of international and medieval politics, but his failing is his inability to develop a functional family to handle the things he personally can't. He's a guy who spends so much time looking at the big picture he ignores the small cracks in the foundation (Joffrey, Cersei, etc).



He seems like a classic INTJ lol


Also he fails to see the effects of his actions for the long term. 

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there's this guy on twitter whose handle is king joffrey


he had me cracking up reading his tweets :rofl:  :rofl:   , last night ....who knew joffrey would be so much fun now 







is it true jack gleeson is retiring from acting? i just read that on a french site 

saying he's been working since he's 8 and its not really what he wants to do , surely something got lost in translation 


i have to say as much glee as i felt during that scene, i have to also congratulate jack on how he played the scene , that was perfect ! it wasnt over the top , it was very realistic , plus it was a nice touch he was with his parents then ...you're only as good an actor as your character is loved or hated and he was someone fans loved to hate and deservedly so! 


here's an oldie but a goodie gif of one of joffrey's finest moment 

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:bravo:  :hiphiphoray:  :congrats: 

Edited by Lady Daenerys SNOW-STARK
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Did the old lady kill Joffrey? 


Essentially yes. In the book it's one of three people who did the actual poisoning: Olenna, Margaery, or Garlan Tyrell (a brother of Margaery cut from the show for some odd reason). In the show, it's either Olenna or Margaery.


In either case, Olenna was the Tyrell who put the plan into motion with the assistance of a party whose identity you will learn next episode





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I think fake as well but I hope he is blackfyre/brightflame instead of just illyrio's son. But I like him a lot and the fact that he has already taken storm's end and varys and jon conngton are on his side are also pluses. I think he will take the throne rule for a while than war with dany ultimately losing

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What do you think of Aegon just wondering


He's a Blackfyre descended through the female line, son of Illyrio and Serra. I hope very much he is no relation to Aerion Brightflame. Nothing good can come of that.


I also like the theory that Varys is Serra's brother, which explains exactly why the one sorcerer wanted to use his genitals in a blood magic routine.

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He's a Blackfyre descended through the female line, son of Illyrio and Serra. I hope very much he is no relation to Aerion Brightflame. Nothing good can come of that.


I also like the theory that Varys is Serra's brother, which explains exactly why the one sorcerer wanted to use his genitals in a blood magic routine.

How successful do you think he will be

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He will take the throne, but then things will slowly begin to go south for him with things like a greyscale plague. I expect him to still be in charge (even if a bit precariously) when Dany finally arrives, but I'm not even going to attempt a prediction at what happens after that

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Don't forget there's a thread for that.

In the books, the Red Wedding was all Walder Frey though. Still, the Lannisters are screwed up and with the exception of Tyrion and Tywin, not even close to being good at playing the game as they think they do.

No, Tywin Lannister was corresponding with Walder Frey and gave his consent to the Red Wedding.
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Yeah. Walder wanted to jump ship but he needed assurances from Tywin that if he massacred/imprisoned Robb and the Northern leadership he would get a pardon + benefits. Roose worked out his own deal with Tywin and was instructed to coordinate with Walder (you can see their early plans to betray Robb as early as the final bits of Book 2, hell Roose was playing kind of a double game from the very start of the war based on how he handled the Battle of the Green Fork).

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Freys or no one would ever do such a thing unless they had full assurances.


I wonder if it was worth it for the Freys, they are forever known for that now.



Anyways I watched Season 3 again and many found the seasons ending scene to not be that special.


However I think after the Red Wedding which is likely one of the saddest darkest scenes in recent television they had to end on a positive note.


I think Danys character will have a major role in the end. 


Many of the best scenes in the entire series have to with Dany showcasing her power. 

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