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Oz The Great and Powerful


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This was a weird movie for me. There were parts that I thought were stupid and boring and then like the last twenty minutes of the film I really liked. Okay things I liked:Franco,Williams,Braff and Mila before she turned into WW. Things I didn't like:Kunis transformation into WW felt so random and out of place. She barely knew Oz so I didn't buy her being in love with him. And I know Kunis is getting a bad wrap as WW but that character was so badly written I don't think anyone could have saved it.I'll give it a 3 caue of the ending and Raimi's direction but it felt like a missed oppurtunity.


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Ok wow, this movie was awful.  I can't believe it but it managed to be worse than Alice in Wonderland... and so much worse too. The acting was awful... Franco, Kunis, Weisz and Williams are good actors but somehow they all gave poor, crigeworthy performances in this.  The writing and dialogue were so unnatural and forced and the script had so many faults in it.  Even the CGI which was the whole reason I went looked really unrealistic and plastic at times. I was literally bored out of my mind throughout this film and it felt like it was at least 3 hours.  I probably fell asleep like 4 or 5 times.



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Finally caught up with this today.  Liked it a bit more than I was expecting going in.  A number of very memorable (and sometimes very touching) moments (poor China Girl) throughout and thought Michelle Williams was especially good (pun intended I guess).  For the most part I also think it captures the spirit of Oz.


But, you can also throw me into the choir of those who weren't impressed by Mila Kunis at all.  Not wicked, simply bad.  Singling out a single performer negatively in a film is actually a pet peeve of mine, but in this case, umm yeah...


Tone-wise, I also would have liked if the film felt a little more 1939 and a little less 2013, but I also realize that may be asking too much of a film of this size.


B+ / 8.5

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I liked it a good bit, but it has some major flaws.


For one, James Franco isn't very likable in this. He pulls dick move after dick move after dick move and we're supposed to root for him to do the right thing in the end, which he does, but by that point you're not really caring for him. I wouldn't have been surprised if he actually took off on the balloon and just left the people of Oz to die in the end.


Mila Kunis was awkward. As the nice, innocent Theodora she was fine, but once she turns into the wicked witch, man does it backfire. The transformation scene was pretty intense, but after that she really failed in coming across as threatening and her lines just made me cringe. If you can't do over-the-top right, you just shouldn't bother.


Zack Braff was annoying. I almost expected Franco to pull a Doctor Cox on him a few times. The munchkins weren't too bad but some of their lines felt kinda out of place for a setting like this (particularly with Tony Co- I mean Knuck.  ;)


The script could've used some work. Even if you didn't follow the marketing and got spoiled on every single plot twist before hand, the film pretty much telegraphs them from the start. Some parts in general feel rushed as well.


I liked everything else though. Raimi put more energy into this than Tim Burton did with Alice in Wonderland, and the land of Oz looks colorful and inviting (for the most part). China Doll was very sweet, in fact the scene in which she was introduced almost got me to shed a tear. Rachel Weiz probably pulled the strongest performance out of this and Michelle Williams wasn't bad given that her character wasn't that deeply written. Danny Elfman's score was the best I've heard from him in a while, it really helps elevate the material at hand.


The climax was pretty clever in how it was pulled off. Oz uses his sense of illusion and cunning wit to save the day, which for a film like this is in fact kinda rare. They left things open for a sequel, which I myself wouldn't mind if it happened (though they'd have to recast the Wicked Witch and work more on the script next time). So overall, I liked it, but it could've been something special with the proper script and the right casting.

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Kunis transformation into WW felt so random and out of place. She barely knew Oz so I didn't buy her being in love with him.

I think it's pretty obvious that she was rejected by everyone in her kingdom (probably because Evanora's dictatorship) and given how selfish and manipulative was her sister, probably Evanora downplayed Theodora a lot. What I said gets clear when Oz says "I'm sure you have dozens of admirers." then Theodora says "You don't know much about witches, do you?" and "Now you're gonna tell me no one's ever asked you to dance before.", "No one ever has."

Her self-esteem was low and she would love anyone who at least didn't hate her. 

Edited by Goffe
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Bout a hour into it-thoughts so far:It is decent, Zach Braff should stick to voice acting.

Now it is kind of sad when the best part is Mr. Braff and a talking doll...

The opening was pretty good though I think. And I do like the score.

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Well it was pretty good, not great but a fun film. The opening was good. And the last half was not that bad. The visuals were amazing though. And I did enjoy the score-even if it sounded like MIB meets Nightmare before Christmas (Hmmm I wonder why :P)

Zach Braff was the best part though-he really should stick to voice acting. I did enjoy the China doll also. And the references to the original Oz.

Now shouldn't I be worried that China doll was never in WOZ?

I think the worse part was James Franco-I don't know he just seemed odd in this part (He was trying to hard to be Mr. Depp). Well he wasn't bad but yeah...

Nice seeing Ms. Wiez though, have not seen her in a while! (She is married to Daniel Craig I do know that)

Some did complain about the witches being played by pretty actresses, at first it seemed odd but then I was thinking it fit more into it as beauty was on the inside...

I was just hoping to see a munchkin with a lollipop though :P
Anyway I give this a B+

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Not a bad film, but not that good either. While I understand that they went for an "established" franchise instead of shooting an original fantasy film, the storyline often felt hampered by all the necessary references and considerations. Just as an example, in an original script, there would have been the possibility of regaining Theodora's lost heart - in a prequel, of course the witch is doomed from the start. Otherwise, production values were ok (if flashy). But I don't feel a need to rewatch this anywhen, it has very little impact.

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I didn't find it bland like some were saying and it started out well but it slowly descended into cheesiness. Now of course it's a Sam raimi Film and while that worked in the first 2 Spider-Man movies it did not work in this one. James Franco and mila kinks were both doing a good job up until the middle of the film but once she turned into the wicked witch she just became laughable. James Franco, who I actually think has amazing capabilities as an actor looks bored by the end. The part where he was floating head was just hilarious and not at all in a good way. Overall it was nothing terrible or overtly annoying and I liked the monkey, the china doll was cute and some of the visuals were nice but in the end it is just poorly written to come together as a satisfying product.C

Edited by WINston churCHILL
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I just watched Oz recently and yikes! James Franco and Mila Kunis were completely miscast! The only things I liked about the movie were China Girl (Franco was once again outacted by another CGI character after Apes), and Michelle Williams. :wacko:



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