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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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8 minutes ago, trifle said:


She told the story during a Catching Fire promo, which is likely where Graham Norton heard of it to spring it on her this time. THEN she explained that there had been a cast briefing about the sacred rocks while she was still working on another project, so she missed it.  She doubled down on the physical comedy this time, but did not look like she was enjoying herself (her hands covered her face more than once).  She also apologized.

gotcha, thanks for clarification. Should have fact-checked first to jump on the conclusion cause the only bit I saw was like a 2-min clip. 

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A sci-fi musical set in space, now that would be original for once, a musical that doesn't revel in the past but celebrates looking forward to the future, a far cry from all those rose-tinted glasses twee mimicries of "Hollywood Golden Age" that bring nothing new to the table except marveling at their nostalgic navel gazing (s)lavish simulacra of the real deal.


(I realize Kubrick kinda did that in 1968 when he made 2001 aka "Mankind the Space Opera" and it is still the unsurpassed milestone. Goddamn genius. The only musicals set in the future are rock operas taking place on post-apocalyptical earth. Speaking of which, a Mad Max musical set to indus and thrash metal music would be dope, it looked like a big Rammstein music video).

Edited by dashrendar44
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10 hours ago, trifle said:

I'm no less excited for the film.  I haven't read all of the reviews because I don't want to know any more about the film than I do, but I've seen so much snark it's hard for me to consider it thoughtful criticism.  I'm sure there is some in there somewhere, but I am sure I'm going to enjoy this film.  It is just a matter of how much.  Between the actors and the visuals and the effects and the score and having read the script, I know I am going to like it.


I have no idea what the numbers will be.  I guess we'll find out next week!



Yeah, this has been pretty depressing, but I'm still looking forward to it. Seems like there are issues with the ending, but I'll wait and see for myself before I judge. I'm also still sure I'll enjoy it, just maybe not as much as I could have. A lot of the stans on Twitter who read the Black List draft seem very upset that the ending was changed, so I'll be curious to see how it differs once I've seen the movie.


Many of the critics seem to have been unaware of the core concept and take issue with it, but that at least is a concern I won't have -- it's a major part of the reason why I became interested in the movie in the first place.

Edited by amelin
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24 minutes ago, amelin said:

The score is on Spotify now! For those of us who still care, lol.


do you have a link?




I know a whole lot of people who still care!!






I tried to search spotify but came up with all this 'Dark Passengers' stuff which...


is there a keyword?

Edited by trifle
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On 12/12/2016 at 6:32 PM, Cochofles said:

39 % Rotten 
Average Rating: 5.2/10 
Reviews Counted: 194 
Fresh: 75 
Rotten: 120 
Pratt and Lawrence valiantly try to elevate the material with their individual charms, but there is a palpable lack of romantic chemistry, while the director, Morten Tyldum, fails to steer John Spaihts' undercooked script into a narratively cohesive whole.



How close will @Cochofles be?

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Been hearing lots of criticisms from reviews about the problematic core concepts and the even more problematic way that concept was handled (or more accurately, not handled at all) But what's the consensus, any praises/comments on Pratt/Lawrence chemistry in the romantical sense? That would still be a big factor that can make this movie BO-wise in spite of scathing reviews.

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