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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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My friend said it was the worst super-hero movie he has ever seen. I thought that was alittle harsh though. 

Your friend is either a master of hyperbole or not seen more than one super-hero movie.


Did you at least play devils advocate? 


Jay - Hey man I get, for me personally, it's not that great but it's not the worst by a long shot. Have you not seen ............

Friend - this is the only superhero movie I've seen, ergo its the best and worst


I mean really, worst....LOL at the insanity of that comment. 

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I should've kept reading, sorry.

I agree with you on all of those you listed. And yeah they really wasted Hall, that was another problem I have. 


My friend however is an idiot lol. He graduated acting and film school at Chapman and hasn't seen any Superman movie, Jaws, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, or any movies listed above besides Spider-Man 3.  I just showed him Star Wars 2 weeks ago for gods sake.


I'm training him, hopefully he will gain intelligence when I'm done with him. 

How do you even ENTER film school not seeing these movies?


I know formal education has gone down hill but this is a unique field that one typically goes toward due to overexposure of the topic. Your friend strikes me as an anomoly. I have to believe just talking to peers after class on topics comes up relating to directing, lighting, exposure, filters from some of these movies would occur vs current methodologies. 


I bet he considers himself quite the "educated" film student doesn't he?

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I had an extremely sheltered childhood when it came to movies and even *I* saw all those 70s/80s classics.


One of my fondest memories as a kid(10 at the time) was New Year's Eve 1989.  My dad and sister were off doing something else so it was just my mom and I.  She rented two movies to watch while we waited for midnight to roll around.


Robocop and Alien.


Needless to say I love my mom very much.

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One of my fondest memories as a kid(10 at the time) was New Year's Eve 1989.  My dad and sister were off doing something else so it was just my mom and I.  She rented two movies to watch while we waited for midnight to roll around.


Robocop and Alien.


Needless to say I love my mom very much.


Oh lord.


My mom got my older brother Terminator 2 for his birthday but realized that was a mistake and tried to hide the tape. Needless to say, we found it and had it on rotation on a regular basis. My brother also showed me Robocop when I was about that age and Alex Murphy's death has stuck with me ever since. I have a very hard time watching the first half of Robocop as a result.

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lol there is always one friend who never seen any film.


I have a friend who never seen a comic book film. I made him watch IM1 and Thor and then TA and loved all three and now trying him to see BB and TDK. 


Are superheros as big in the US as in Canada?


Hmmm is that a grammar mistake? Maybe I should ask are superheros as big in Canada as in the US?

Edited by vc2002
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I'd agree, it's far from perfect. My biggest problem with it is the Extremis story and bad guys. Didn't take any of them seriously. Also sad to see a great actress like Hall wasted in such a limited role. Still though, there are a lot worse movies in the genre. Steel, Batman & Robin, Batman Forever, Spider-Man 3, Superman 3, Superman 4, Superman Returns, Elektra, Catwoman, both Fantastic Four movies, both Ghost Rider movies, etc. So yeah, I think your friend was being pretty harsh.

how you dare throw SM3 and SR in this bag
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This just isn't a memorable film. Rebecca Hall's character could have been great but she was wasted. I thought they amped up the humor to aggravating results with the Mandarin. There are some awesome scenes and it's enjoyable enough...but it just doesn't really stick with you. Not much of a lasting impression at all despite the great ending. 



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There somethings I like about this film like the opening song, character focus on Tony Stark. There are some things I hate an example being Aldrich.  His character is horribly written. I find it lazy all the Iron Man villains have a former relationship to Tony Stark in some way. Aldrich held a gauge since he was standing on a roof top. IMO, that is what hurts this film the must is Aldrich.

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a lot of people say they had no choice but to change the Mandarin because he was a "Racist caricature". OK then, change the racist part of him and still make him an epic villain! . For example,  wasn't Bane originally some Mexican wrestler type stereotype? But in The Dark Knight Rises they changed that part of him but still made him a threatening villain. The trailers promised an epic villain that would be the ultimate challenge to Tony Stark and possibly almost ruin his life completely and that didn't happen In Iron Man 3 they made the villains a total joke. Kingsley hardly had any screentime to the point where you realize he is obviously not the main villain and it turns out the Mandarin and they guy who was potentially behind the Ten Rings organization was just some butthurt businessman? I found this disappointing as hell.  

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