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Shawn Robbins

Weekend Discussion: IM3 @ 175.3m wknd est

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Springboarding off The Avengers and Iron Man 3, could Thor 2 pull a Skyfall and approach $1B WW? Certainly plays well to the OS crowd and Marvel/Disney are ruling OS right now. I'm starting to think if it's any good, TDW will gross close to $300M domestic and close to $700M oveseas.

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Fake is such a troll when it comes to Hunger Games. Pretty funny to watch.

Funny.....until I am proven right. You'll see.CF is not touching 800m WW. It will probably finish under 700m.
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Springboarding off The Avengers and Iron Man 3, could Thor 2 pull a Skyfall and approach $1B WW? Certainly plays well to the OS crowd and Marvel/Disney are ruling OS right now. I'm starting to think if it's any good, TDW will gross close to $300M domestic and close to $700M oveseas.

Yes..... and that's some bad news for CF especially OS.
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So I saw Iron Man 3 last night and OMG it was like the greatest film ever!  Like when Robert Downey Jr made that one joke about being rich and famous....hahah so funny!! I was dying!  And when that one thing exlpoded at the end of the movie....wow, totally did not see that one coming.  Such a visual masterpiece! Ah, loved it so much, it was like better than The Avengers which has to be  one of the best movies ever!!


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Have to agree that the 3D was crap.  Movie was great though so it didn't matter to me much.

The 3D was completely useless.The movie was alright. I'd go as far as to compare Ben Kingsley to Heath Ledger, had it not been for the 2nd half of the movie which ruined it.
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