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Everything posted by Daxtreme

  1. I think wtf and disbelief might be redundant a bit? They kinda convey the same message Otherwise I like the new set
  2. What the actual fuck This is hilarious. So to know the real profit a movie made at any point in time, we also need to know the US/CA exchange rate at that time And also the $CAD total the movie made So basically DOM total is a somewhat misleading number. At least it joins OS in that category. No one is left alone in the confusion train
  3. 1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 4: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 5. Star Wars: Andor 6. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 7. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 8. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds 9. The Mandalorian 10. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 11. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 12. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 13. Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi 14. Obi-Wan Kenobi 15. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 16. Solo: A Star Wars Story 17. The Book of Boba Fett 18. Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
  4. It's a good and audacious movie that's also too long and over-indulges in itself a bit too much. The Great — The visuals are expectedly utterly awesome. The Good — James Cameron is one of very few American filmmakers who understand how to put together an exciting action sequence. The action climax in this movie was delightful. Just clean, well shot action that you never lose track of. Wonderful editing. The Bad — Too long. I do admire the fact that James Cameron seems to have been able to put in any scene he wanted in this movie, including completely pointless ones, and while those scenes contribute to the overall feel and aesthetics of the movie, it still felt overlong to me. A lot could have been cut, especially since the story is stretched… quite thin. The Ugly — The recycled soundtrack. It felt very sterile to me. Jamer Horner was sorely missed. Still, I'll take this kind of blockbuster over many other uninspired regurgitated fare coming out of Hollywood. ★★★½
  5. Korea performed exactly the same as last time, Hong Kong lost 2 Japan what have you done?
  6. Really good last few picks, good job BOT More Hong Kong is always good!
  7. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a Hong Kong movie in my headcanon Also, bruh it's after midnight in Korea right now. Is this a drunken top reveal?
  8. Congrats guys don't break the mod panel on your way in
  9. I will of course watch it, I love the GOTG, but this trailer doesn't seem to tell us WHY we should watch this movie beyond, well, it's a Guardians story. It's lacking a hook, a money shot, something that goes like "oh yeah this is a must watch" for people who are not big GOTG fans
  10. I can't bring myself to watch Grave of the Fireflies. I don't wanna be depressed for days.
  11. To go from playing a throwaway fanservice role only relegated to a deleted scene in REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005), to guest-appearing as a throwaway nod to fans in a 2016 prequel movie, to then starring as a main character in the prequel show to said prequel movie in 2022... 17 years after first appearing as the character, and 39 years after the character's first appearance in canon... Genevieve O'Reilly has accomplished a truly unbelievable upset in the history of mainstream acting lmao. She must be counting her blessings. Who else could say they did something like that? And I'm all for it. Mon Mothma forever. Now that being said, I'm finally caught up. ........ WTF? Why is this good? People actually put care in a Star Wars product? Great writing, directing and production design? What? Episode 6 was mind-blowing. What an episode! The show never reaches those highs again after that but few shows do. Reminds me of that one episode of THE EXPANSE (called 'Home') where I was just utterly speechless when the credits rolled. Watching great TV episodes is so nice, so fulfilling. The worldbuilding in this show is so goddamn good it makes you cry at all the wasted opportunities in Star Wars. Anyway -- Stellan Skarsgård Jesus the man can act. That's it. That's all I'm going to say.
  12. I've seen them. They're terrible, but sometimes in a "so bad it's good" way, like the 5 fps dinosaur-like thingies. It has its charms
  13. Play Cyberpunk 2077 and then be depressed that this is the future we are headed to if nothing changes. Corporatocracy.
  14. So basically no one played literally the best Star Wars media ever created, got it In all seriousness though, looks interesting. I have voted 'No' on the poll because I think it's silly to have negative rankings. So here's to (hopefully) someone else than me putting KOTOR at its rightful #1 ranking
  15. what an absolute PogChamp of an announcement to make on a Sunday night
  16. The real tragedy here is Hong Kong at 2 and South Korea at 4, both have been so influential (Hong Kong more in the 80's and 90's, South Korea more in the 2000's and above)...
  17. Well what a bummer The chances of the remaining parts of this show being good are... in the gutter. Not zero, but damn close to it Oh well
  18. If you wanna watch Lee Jung-Jae in a great antagonist role I recommend the Korean war espionage movie ASSASSINATION (2015) Let's hope he's gonna deliver here! Love him
  19. How come I have missed this like... existing at all? This is easily the most I've been excited at a Star Wars project since Force Awakens Finally something that happens outside of the Skywalker saga. Fucking finally And they seem to have assembled a capable team. BLESS
  20. Kiki is basically "wholesome movie" incarnate
  21. Yeah for instance my top 100 is mostly comprised of Hong Kong / Korean / France / Japan movies Others will have say India and Italy (making some shit up but you get the idea) There are just so many foreign films that unless you've watched thousands of movies, you're gonna miss whole countries easily.
  22. Luckily the last episode came in at the right time and salvaged this, because I was starting to really tune out towards the end. Tatiana Maslany is massively talented but this show doesn't do her any favors. And then the horrible CGI comes in. It is so close to looking good… Yet so far. It's aggressively okay. 6/10 4th wall breaks and laughing at itself do not a great show make.
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