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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. That makes sense. The finale of the the first film has a weird feeling of 'well the main bad guy's still alive, I guess we might as well finish him off too'. I hope the sequel maintains the urgency throughout this time.
  2. I'd always assumed Bad Boys 2 made tons of money, but 273m WW against a 130m budget is nothing special. Do people really want a follow-up?
  3. Still find it funny that, fake news or not, this was the hill/film people were willing to die on. It flopped because it looked shite.
  4. The assassins hotel in the first was a very neat idea. Sounds like the sequel is doubling down on the mythology, though God knows how.
  5. Don't have too much interest in this movie, but the Japanese soldier debate reminded me of an exhaustive video essay I watched a while back discussing the techniques Spielberg employed on Ryan to (rightly or wrongly) humanise the Americans and dehumanise the Germans. I like SPR but it's hard disagree with a few of the points this makes:
  6. It'll be way dumber than the source material, but that's hardly a hurdle to big money. Audiences dig Johansson as an action hero and the production design looks pretty amazing. Be very surprised if it's not a hit.
  7. Finally got round to watching the first. It's rough around the edges but when it's good it's amazing. Definitely game for the sequel, and it's been literally years since I was excited for an action film.
  8. I liked Inherent Vice, but reading the book and knowing the story beforehand helped a lot. While there is some humour to be derived from being as lost as the protagonist — a la The Big Lebowski — I think it would have become too trying for that movie. Anyway, excited to see PTA's vision of 50s Britain.
  9. The paradox of this forum is that its users know far more than most about a movie's likely chances of success and yet they're still also incredibly optimistic about almost any blockbuster on the horizon. Never change, guys.
  10. So excited to get reacquainted with Jake Sully!! But seriously, is there any word on the previously touted underwater sequences? That's something I'd be really interested to see — even/especially in 3D.
  11. This has become a love or hate it movie. I've heard from many people on both sides.
  12. I don't think Civil War really 'said' anything that Winter Solider hadn't already covered, it just used Iron Man to stretch the point even further. Rogue One's political themes aren't any more specific than the usual SW movie (that it to say, deliberately broad as hell). But Zootopia is a fair shout. The tone of animation has become a lot more daring and sophisticated in the last couple of decades.
  13. Nice to see reviews are solid. Kind of strange that, even here in the UK, the buzz for the sequel to the most notorious British movie of the 90s is so minimal — but I guess people don't like being reminded that they're much older now.
  14. Well, PR war aside, movie that looks shit turns out to be shit. The world keeps on spinning.
  15. I can't claim to have followed the 'controversy', but is this movie really worth defending anyway? It's got Josh Gad in it, ferchrissake.
  16. Whatever 3D's cinematic future is, it seems the format is now totally dead in the water on TV for now: http://uk.businessinsider.com/3d-tv-is-dead-2017-1?r=US&IR=T (Not a cheap shot at Avatar, just seems vaguely related.)
  17. I've yet to see it (maybe I'll really like it!), but this certainly plays into the belief that Hollywood fucking loves movies about itself.
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