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No it's not lol. :P The Sand Snakes succeeding in a coup attempt and subsequently restructuring and revising Dornish laws on inheritance and gender would actually bring a very interesting new angle to the gender and heirarchy-related politics of the series. So far, everyone is adhering to an overall patriarchal system, even powerful and influential women like the rogue queen Daenerys, a matriarch-run family like the Tyrells, Yara/Asha despite her rebellion, and ESPECIALLY Cersei. The Snakes overthrowing Doran would however be the first real blow to Westerosi patriarchy, something Book Arianne never truly dared to do despite her indignation against her father and her Queenmaker aspirations. It would also be a major blow to bloodline elitism if the Snakes arm-twist an already turbulent King's Landing to recognize them as legitimate heiresses to Sunspear.


But let's see what D&D have in mind regarding Dorne.


Sun's Son is right. Your way would essentially obliterate the one thing that makes Dorne different above all...just so it can adopt that way in the show, wasting time that could be spent actually advancing the story instead of contorting it into an oddball version of the status quo.

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Sun's Son is right. Your way would essentially obliterate the one thing that makes Dorne different above all...just so it can adopt that way in the show, wasting time that could be spent actually advancing the story instead of contorting it into an oddball version of the status quo.


If there's no Arianne then you should wish they go with my theory. Otherwise the importance of Dorne would be obliterated altogether and just reduced to holding Myrcella captive.

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Arianne is the heir not Quentin or tystane and her whole plan is to crown myrcella queen because she is older than her brother. That is already radically different we don't need to charecter assassinate the sand snakes and prince doran as well


The Sand Snakes hardly have much character in the books to "assassinate". Doran is also not that radically different a character from say, Balon Greyjoy, though he is definitely more smarter and ambitious. Still, we don't have any idea where his arc is going in the books and it may not be that impressive anyway. If there indeed is no Arianne on the show, Doran loses everything interesting about him. So might as well be taken down by the Sand Snakes, who I feel haven't earned their moniker by their representation in the books. They should drive home the point of how lethal Oberyn's daughters really are, unlike any other women in Westeros.

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The Sand Snakes hardly have much character in the books to "assassinate". Doran is also not that radically different a character from say, Balon Greyjoy, though he is definitely more smarter and ambitious. Still, we don't have any idea where his arc is going in the books and it may not be that impressive anyway. If there indeed is no Arianne on the show, Doran loses everything interesting about him. So might as well be taken down by the Sand Snakes, who I feel haven't earned their moniker by their representation in the books. They should drive home the point of how lethal Oberyn's daughters really are, unlike any other women in Westeros.

In the sixth book Obara is hunting Darkstar and may end up joining him, Nymeria is going to be on the Small Council, and Tyene is infiltrating the Faith, likely to sit on Margarey's trial. Plus Sarella will have Oldtown hijinks with Sam. Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Going off from this on the rogue prince I seem to be siding more with the greens now daemon was an arrogant bastard and people would be generally frightened to be ruled by him and he would rule in everything but name. And rhaenyra s children are undoubtly bastards besides. King viserys is basically tytos lannister and criston cole is a badass probably an all time fighter better than barristan i say. Oh yeah the king and brother are the sons of baelon and the great council chose viserys over any female or female descended heir

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If Fairley isn't lying about Stoneheart not appearing in the show, I won't be too bothered by it. I don't like it when dead characters are brought back to life. Didn't like the Beric Dondarrion stuff either. It just cheapens death. TV shows and so on have done this sort of thing too often.If you do it even once, there's a question mark hanging over every death that follows.

Edited by Magic
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Wasn't Dondarrion supposed to be unintelligible and a lot more zombie like in the books after the first time he died? The show deviated there.Anyways, I agree. I always found LS a bit too hard to swallow. The show wouldn't lose much if they chose to exclude her entirely.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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i remember i was shocked to see LS alive ! they wouldnt deprive the tv viewers of that now would they but i have no problem with them witholding that news until its relevant tv wise 

They wouldn't dare cut out LS. It is a key part of Brienne, Jamie, Pod, the lannisters, and the frey's storyline as a whole. If they do why put in the Rat king story, the Brotherhood ( just have the hound find arya) or resurecction. D&D can't be this stupid

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Wasn't Dondarrion supposed to be unintelligible and a lot more zombie like in the books after the first time he died? The show deviated there.


Not at all. He was less "human" in that he was more and more distant and emotionally cold, as his soul/essence was thinner and more stretched each time Thoros brought him back.

Edited by 4815162342
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Things I'm looking forward to seeing for season 5 if not cut or changed from the books:


Drogon in the arena

Doran's speech to Arianne

Stoneheart reveal

Jaime ending the siege of Riverrun 'with a trebuchet'

Cersei drowning in stupidity and paranoia (though I didn't enjoy reading those chapters)

Quentyn realizing he's made a huge mistake

The ides of march for Jon Snow

Slynt's execution


Things I'm not looking forward to in season 5:

Spoilers from WoW which is why I won't be watching season 5

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They wouldn't dare cut out LS. It is a key part of Brienne, Jamie, Pod, the lannisters, and the frey's storyline as a whole. If they do why put in the Rat king story, the Brotherhood ( just have the hound find arya) or resurecction. D&D can't be this stupid

The show should have the Blackfish do something useful and avenge the Red Wedding instead of LS. Also, BwB had to sell Gendry to Melisandre too in addition to inadvertently getting Arya and the Hound together. Plus, they also serve as an extension of the Red God cult rising in power and influence in Westeros angle.Brienne and Pod however, I have no clue. With Jaime down in Dorne, will Brienne replace him in the Riverrun storyline?
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Which was?

The seer tells Cersei that after her tears have drowned her the "valonqar" will choke the life from her. Valonqar means younger brother.

So I can or cannot talk about spoilers from the leaked episodes here after all? The title says something, you people say smth else.

You cannot. Only Episode 1. Edited by 4815162342
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