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Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)


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quote from my crowd report which i will expand on:



ove the movie and will be seeing it again, i loved the twist esp as i feared all along it might be


which would put a dent into my OTP romance of star trek 


one thing i have to say ,its a real treat when you have read the comics leading up to this movie ,one of them deals with the little furry animal dr mccoy was experimenting on,lots of other stuff which gave a better understandment of where the characters are as the film happens

ps :

did anyone else get feels of farscape and star wars watching this, opening sequence reminded me of an episode of farscape

"I , E.T.", the star wars bit can't remember what made me think that but i'll try to catch it next time


kirk has a really nice arc in this film , he's becoming the captain we know, and how great was it , a victory for all communications officers in starfleet  UHURA ACTUALLY SPOKE AN ALIEN LANGUAGE YESSSSS  :hi5::bravo: i was like no way are you not using zoe saldana talented tongue for weird fake languages , the girl can speak na'vi HELLLOOOO love love that scene


spock and uhura  :cloud9: .....


first scene benedict cumberbatch appears in , i said aloud "sherlock holmes" i'm such a geek -_-




my one quibble with this film and i actually paused as i thought this, this should have added 20more minutes easily, i rarely if ever say this about a movie , i usually can easily shave off 30mn of most films, the action in this is awesome but they could have had some slow moments, i wanted more spock and uhura scenes, can't believe they shipped off nurse chapel without us ever seeing her (i feel for her and mccoy fans)

i was sad captain pike died, and i feel dumb for not seeign kirk death coming, and i recently rewatched all trek films about a month ago ( i suspect my non-stop viewing of iron man 1&2 and avengers for the past 3 weeks might have obliterated any info i had been re-acquainted with lol, i'm slowly getting off my tony stark induced phase)


one thing that makes me sad is to see how little star trek is loved in america compared with star wars , i know you can't apply logic to things that depend on one's opinion and passion but i wished it was loved just as much ,that 's why i was so please GA liked ST09 so much!

anyway its all good ,they still love it plenty ! it has its fans.


if some of you haven't read the comics leading up to into darkness you should give it a try ,i'm going to read them again before watching this a 2nd time!



in all honesty though, something i've been reluctant to say  about the 3D but as much as it gave great depth to the visuals and colours were vibrant etc, my one pet peeve and i had the same thought watching the hobbit in 3D was how small everything looks, in star trek the ships look like toys , like the props that were probably used anyway, in the hobbit stuff and people looked like toy versions, maybe its my 3D that's available here i dunno but i hate it  and that's why i hope i can see star trek in 2D next trip 


now i'm a trek fan big time so i actually spend a lot of time watching behind the scenes of the films and the TNG series available on DVD,i'll watch any documentary talking about the history of star trek , the different ships , i actually have the william shatner film "the captains" and a doc on fans called trekkies etc , so yeah if you're GA it might not bother you unless you've been use to seen the different props used for the movies and the tv shows


but that was mostly in far out shots scenes , close up the enterprise was beautiful as usual , and i'm wondering if we'll get the enterprise B in next film seeing this one has already gotten its fair share of banging up

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but that was mostly in far out shots scenes , close up the enterprise was beautiful as usual , and i'm wondering if we'll get the enterprise B in next film seeing this one has already gotten its fair share of banging up

Well, technically, these one would be the A, right? (Although I'm pretty sure this one is just a spiffed-up, repaired original 1701.)
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Well, technically, these one would be the A, right? (Although I'm pretty sure this one is just a spiffed-up, repaired original 1701.)


Star Trek/Trek Into Darkness shows the NCC-1701, like TOS and the first three movies.


The A didn't show up until the very end of Star Trek IV. The B was under construction at the beginning of Generations. The C was destroyed sometime before TNG takes place. The D was in TNG and destroyed in Generations. The E goes through the rest of the TNG movies.

Edited by 4815162342
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On 5/19/2013 at 5:58 PM, dashrendar44 said:

Once again, Abrams and the whole cast elevated some weak sauce material.


I mean the whole revenge part and Admiral Marcus mischievous deed were really uneven, their motivations were not properly fleshed out, I didn't really care and feel for Khan's vendetta but Cumberbatch does a great job with so little with his magnetic presence and acting. Writers tried to add some depth to his badass Terminator-like character but magical blood, really?!


Although, the whole scene on Kronos when he is obliterating Klingons with Giacchino's Ode To Harisson theme blaring, that was thrilling. In a same way, the transition from the drawing to the real Enterprise revealing the opening title, the suicide bomb in London with the camera pulling back on the sick daughter's picture focusing in the frame. But that were just little sparks in a movie that goes through the motion most of the time trying to revisit WoK. (Original Spock's cameo again?! Like the scriptwriters were really running dry on fresh ideas, blame Lindelof!!!!).


Basically, the movie begins full throttle and loses steam the moment Harisson reveals that he is Khan. Then, the whole movie comes at a stop (Marcus with useless shenanigan with his daughter) and then falls apart like the Enterprise in Earth atmosphere trying to revive it with drama (Kirk's death and resuscitation riffing on WoK) but damage was already done, the movie didn't recover and felt in "dragging territory". It's just the remarkable chemistry between actors that holds the thing together till the end because it would be a bit boring otherwise suffering of that deflated script. It lacks that surprise effect ST09 benefited and we're just left hanging with something that lacks scale and sense of momentum in its structure despite a boost on action scenes. The movie just stalls and seems like ST09 1.5 and not a proper ST13.


A- at the beginning/B from the middle to the end so




This review is spot on. Thank you.


as noted before though if you just watch a lot of scenes individuality you would think this movie was an A. So disappointing cause this could have been so damn good. 

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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There was absolutely no reason for "my name is KHAN" to be revealed halfway through the film. The revelation is useless to newcomers of Star Trek who don't know who the character is, sure to piss of fans of WOK (since this Khan is basically a boiled down version of the original canon's Khan), and everyone else who did any research on the movie could figure out who Cumby was playing. For the character to jump around everywhere under the guise of John Harrison added nothing to the intrigue of the character. 


Though, strangely enough, the movie is mostly at its best before the reveal and goes downhill afterwards...

Edited by Gopher
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There was absolutely no reason for "my name is KHAN" to be revealed halfway through the film. The revelation is useless to newcomers of Star Trek who don't know who the character is, sure to piss of fans of WOK (since this Khan is basically a boiled down version of the original canon's Khan), and everyone else who did any research on the movie could figure out who Cumby was playing. For the character to jump around everywhere under the guise of John Harrison added nothing to the intrigue of the character and resulted in a lot of wasted time.

Actually, I don't have a problem with that particular reveal at all. Unless they chose to mimic "Space Seed" a lot closer than they did, it's gonna be awhile before he's announced anyway. If anything, the sense I get from fans is that it's a fun moment: everyone gets to think how clever they are and whisper to their friends "I TOLD you so". The scene that has a few Trekkies in a tizzle is the fanwank rework of the TWOK conclusion (and I agree that it's entirely a silly scene that doesn't really know what it's trying to say). (However, it's also worth pointing out that I've heard from a number of people who are casual Trek fans at best that they really liked that part, so go figure.)
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Unless they chose to mimic "Space Seed" a lot closer than they did, it's gonna be awhile before he's announced anyway. 


Which is why if they had to do Khan, Kurtzman and Orci could have put their own stamp on the material, instead of submitting to fan service. They have given themselves free reign to operate on any timeline they want. They could have created anything, but instead they tackled WOK and took no risks with the material, they offered nothing new or exciting. 



If anything, the sense I get from fans is that it's a fun moment: everyone gets to think how clever they are and whisper to their friends "I TOLD you so". 


From my experience, anyone who knew anything about Khan or the production of STID knew very well who Cumberbatch would be playing. And watch how much fun that guessing game will become in repeat viewings, which I fear this movie would hold up horribly in. 

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Which is why if they had to do Khan, Kurtzman and Orci could have put their own stamp on the material, instead of submitting to fan service. They have given themselves free reign to operate on any timeline they want. They could have created anything, but instead they tackled WOK and took no risks with the material, they offered nothing new or exciting. 


I agree in part, but not entirely... because they actually played around pretty well with him: teaming him up with Kirk, etc. But the whole literalization of TWOK was a waste. FWIW, I've generally been against them reprising characters from the old movies ever since the first Khan rumor broke.

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The other thing to remember is that in WOK Khan had spent 20+ years on a harsh desert planet slowly seething about Kirk. This Khan hasn't gone through that. Although I didn't mind the play on WOK it would have been interesting to see a different take.

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I just feel that it did enough to be an entertaining viewing experience.


However, it does have multiple issues.  The villian could have been handled much better, and the story could have developed in a more fluid manner. I thought it felt a little overlong and discombobulated 


Perhaps it's just as a result of the baseline dropping regarding blockbuster quality, but it was better than most blockbusters I've seen of late.


Likely a B/B-.

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This was an annoying mess and incompetently directed to the max. Everyone shouting, Giacchino score blaring over shouting, lense flares hurting eyes, choppy action editting that made you wonder what the hell was going on, tons of messy stuff happening but nothing really happening plotwise.


I strongly disagree that there`s any improvement in villain department over ST09. At least Bana caused some serious damage such as making Vulcan implode. This hack Khan couldn`t even hit Star Fleet Academy proper when he crushed that mega ship into its front lawn. Plus all he was doing was glaring menacingly, speaking in highly-stylized patterns and then screaming like a typical movie loon towards the end of the movie. There`s also a scene where his tears fall down his unmoving face which was supposed to make him symapthetic but didn`t because his motives were so ridiculous and pretty much a rehash of Bana`s only with less personal attachement (Bana was avenging his wife while Khan was avenging crew that was really safe and sound in hybernation).


Speaking of rehash, once again there`s a personal connection between Kirk and the villain except that this time it`s forced. They killed off Pike unceremonially to give Kirk a personal stake in chasing a villain who is suppsedly the most dangerous man alive but who really doesn`t induce more damage than averige pre-9/11 Al Qaida. There`s  obligatory dive and obligatory fight on a moving platform. And, of course, a much briefer Basil Exposition apparerance by Nemoy.


Color me unimpressed with actors who have movie bad guy faces so you know right of the bat that Cumber and Robocop are going to be evil. So Marcus "twist" falls flat cause, gee, would a guy with that face be a good guy? Like, seriously?


So what`s the point of saving Khan and his brotherhood of uber-mensch bent on exterminating anyone who fails their standards of perfection? His super blood? Ugh, what a cop out. Like, seriously, this just kills any stakes 3d movie may have which I strongly suspect would deal with Klingon war. Speaking of Klingons, why the fuck they look like I Am Number 4 aliens?


What works is interaction between the crew. That really doesn`t fail and especially Spirk works splendenly and Kirk`s coming out moment was perfect slash. Pine is fantastic lead and really played last several scenes like he is in love with Spok which is perfect. Quinto was impressive as well save KHAAAAAAAAAN which I guess he felt was shoehorned and fake and it came off exactly like that.


LOL at wasting their marketing on a villain who really is barely in the movie and doesn`t really cast a presence that is felt when he isn`t on the screen, and on 3-4 seconds of mass destruction that is really as long as in the trailer, not a second longer.


This is strictly for JJnites. Completelly unnessential viewing for fans of ST09 not to mention Trekkies.

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People may say that Eric Bana wasn't as good as Cumberbatch. But his villain had the benefit of being an original creation for the sake of the movie, and the time travel element with him and Nimoy made the latter's involvement less superficial. Here Nimoy's involvement is akin to young Spock watching part of Wrath of Khan to get an idea of what's in store for them.

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I wasn't a fan even of Spock appearing in the first movie. There's no need to retcon all this parallel universe bullshit, just have it be a straight reboot.


That being said, they did do it and it wasn't terrible. Spock's little cameo here is so insignificant it's a trifle; not really worth getting worked up about either way.

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People may say that Eric Bana wasn't as good as Cumberbatch.


Neither was good, IMO, since they were basically the same villain. Same underwritten, personal vendetta-driven characters except that Nero`s reason was more emotionally valid and he actually caused a big ass damage.

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