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Titanic | James Cameron | Pretend it's 1997 all over again (The pure awe of Titanic's run)

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2013 baumer


75:  Sorry about your loss at that time....so close to Christmas too.  


It's amazing reading this thread and seeing how how people remember so much about what was happening to them at this time of their lives.  You are your loss, Tele and his bad stomach, I remember who I was dating and who I saw it with and so on....really interesting stuff.


Back to 1997

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I'm jealous of you guys

I can't go and see it here in England as they put a 12 rating on it which is really mean. I'm already 6 and I read like an 8 year old so i can watch a boat sink without crying like a baby right?


In reality I actually do envy you guys, I don't have that kind of generational moment in movies that those of you who were around for Titanic and some of the other classics had. While


was a big deal, it wasn't the same I can imagine that Titanic was. I'm yet to have that sort of movie where you can remember who and where you saw it with, but I can only hope that I get one soon. Pacific Rim anyone? ;)

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I just saw this movie with friends (bunch of 12-13 year old) and i must say.....i had to fight back my tears :( this was such a sad movie. Haven't felt this sad since Princess Diana died a few months back.


i still cant get this out of my head. So much emotion. Brilliant character development. Exceptional special effects. I just don't know what to say. I'm blown away. 


FYI was a full house with 70% of the show packed with females. 


p.s i think i have a crush on Kate Winslet :wub:

Edited by Omario
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hmm, I think this is a positive review, but I'm not sure...




'Titanic' Sinks Again (Spectacularly)


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To the question of the day--what does $200 million buy?--the 3-hour-and-14-minute "Titanic" unhesitatingly answers: not enough.

Note that despite the hopes of skeptics, aghast at the largest film budget of modern times, money enough to run a full-dress presidential campaign or put a serious dent in illiteracy, the answer is not nothing. When you are willing to build a 775-foot, 90% scale model of the doomed ship and sink it in a 17-million-gallon tank specially constructed for the purpose, you are going to get a heck of a lot of production value for your money. Especially if your name is James Cameron.



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Ebert's is great as well:




  | Print Page

Like a great iron Sphinx on the ocean floor, the Titanic faces still toward the West, interrupted forever on its only voyage. We see it in the opening shots of “Titanic,” encrusted with the silt of 85 years; a remote-controlled TV camera snakes its way inside, down corridors and through doorways, showing us staterooms built for millionaires and inherited by crustaceans.

These shots strike precisely the right note; the ship calls from its grave for its story to be told, and if the story is made of showbiz and hype, smoke and mirrors--well, so was the Titanic. She was “the largest moving work of man in all history,” a character boasts, neatly dismissing the Pyramids and the Great Wall. There is a shot of her, early in the film, sweeping majestically beneath the camera from bow to stern, nearly 900 feet long and “unsinkable,” it was claimed, until an iceberg made an irrefutable reply.

James Cameron's 194-minute, $200 million film of the tragic voyage is in the tradition of the great Hollywood epics. It is flawlessly crafted, intelligently constructed, strongly acted and spellbinding. If its story stays well within the traditional formulas for such pictures, well, you don't choose the most expensive film ever made as your opportunity to reinvent the wheel.


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Okay, I finally got better and dragged my wife back to the theater. What a great ending! In fact, that last hour was just brilliant, sinking the ship in real time and watching the chaos slowly build. And Cameron really nails those last few seconds, giving a great conclusion to such a sobering and sad event. I have to see this again.

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i everybody! i'm gophar an i am in kindergarden. i love to color and count numbers and watch movies. my favorite movie is toy stories and the loin king! 


(this is 1997, right?) 

I hate you child prodigies.  I couldn't type until I was like 15!

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Just got back from the theater, almost fell asleep until the iceberg thing and oh boy, Cameron is back!!!

This is what this guy was born to do: smash things! Who wants to see Cameron doing love stories!!?!?! Please....

And with an opening like this, they are going to lose a fuck loads of money, so we have almost guaranteed that Cameron will be back next year doing T3!

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I don't get why every female I know wants to see this multiple times.  Like my stupid neighbor's daugter.  Look at her - her mom wasted money on a cell phone for her, and they buy botteld water.  Like either of those things will take off.


Maybe that boy-band looking kid will be a decent actor some day, but not yet.

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Ok dragged into this very reluctantly. Seriously it's a 3+ hr movie. But DAMN!!!! That was truly epic. It didn't feel like 195 minutes. Jaw dropping scenes. Disaster movie galore. Some really touching moments that puts a lump in your throat. This movie has it all and in spades. Can't wait to be "dragged" into it again.And it looks like repeat business will be good. Almost everyone was excited about the movie.BTW I need to find a cure to that My Heart Will Go On song. It's stuck in my head and its getting worse!

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The actuals are in and Titanic was under estimated by a full mill.  Guru now thinks it could have a decent run and make it to about 150 mill.  If it can do about the same or a bit more overseas, it won't make the money back, but it won't be a total disaster.


Here is what he had to say:


Many elements contributed to Titanic's huge launch. There was no doubt that adding to the opening rush to see Titanic was its 8 Golden Globe nominations, best of any film this year, which were announced on the day before its release. Audiences were curious to see what James Cameron did to make the most expensive movie ever made. Hot young stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were big draws for teens and young adults and the romance story made it an event film for the date crowd. Titanicgave Paramount its biggest opening weekend of the year and could enable the studio to surge ahead of Warner Brothers for the third spot in the year's box office market share. Paramount's reported $65M investment for domestic distribution rights looks almost certain to pay off as the upcoming holiday weekend activity, strong word-of-mouth, and award consideration should all contribute to a prolonged domestic run that could see Titanic reach $150M. Fox, which foot the bill for the rest of the $200M production, will handle international distribution where the film is also likely to be a huge blockbuster.


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Seen a lot of trailers for this on Star Movies in India, love having a 24 hour English movie channel here finally. It is not releasing here till the end of March.


I hear people complaining that it is over 3 hours long, that is actually 30 minutes shorter than "Hum Aapke Hain Kaun" which I watched twice in the theater. So sitting through this should not be a big issue, especially with the intermission in between.


Got to log off now, Internet access is really expensive in India, costs me 50 rupees for half an hour of browsing and the connection can't even load a picture properly.

Edited by grim22
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