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Weekend Estimates - (BO.com forums <3 RTH)

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I think post-TA all of these Marvel movies are going to play out like family films. Kids adore TA, and want to see more of the characters.


That should be huge for Thor and help its legs vs Catching Fire since I think there's no animation between Cloudy 2 in late September and Frozen in late November


Great point, should help with legs.


OMG.....Coulson. :wub:  :wub: Agent of shields coming soon on abc promo just aired:wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Edited by druv10
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Great point, should help with legs.OMG.....Coulson. :wub::wub:Agent of shields coming soon on abc promo just aired. :wub::wub::wub:

If that SHIELD show takes off it'll help TDW and CAWS. Talk about constant advertising of the MCU.
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Agree with your first point. Family movies, especially animations can really do big in April, let's see how Rio 2 perform next year, I think we might be in for a surprise. Being a summer opener is really a big advantage. TASM2 is already locked to be the opener next May, and TA2 in 2015. I can see the May 2016 onward spots claimed by SW series.

I think Star Wars will take the Memorial Day slot which has been the slot previous films have taken. I wonder if WB will do a spoiled and have a DC film in that first weekend of May slot. Unlikely as it seems,I could see a comedy or something similar scheduled against a superhero film. Didn't Notting Hill do very well as counter programming against TPM
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If that SHIELD show takes off it'll help TDW and CAWS. Talk about constant advertising of the MCU.

I'm glad to see Joss back on doing TV shows  :) At least ABC is owned by Disney, so the chance of him getting screwed over like what Fox did is slim this time. That's a relief I suppose  :lol:  :lol:

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What did these haters predict? lol


All people here are saying 68 M - 71 M including me.



No. ;) Most were predicting low to mid 60's after the weekdays. 


Ok...it's nice to have that perspective.   A 72m weekend is pretty far above the dreaded "expectations".   :)

If MoS breaks out it will be due to what effect?Most certainly will not be any type of Snyder Effect.


He's Superman.   Make a good (i.e. a movie the public likes) Supes movie and the money will roll in.  I'm getting the sense you are trying to promote the idea that Nolan should get all the credit for some reason...   You certainly seem to bring up Batman a lot.   ^_^

Of course.Now pick the better movie.

You can't pick the better movie because that concept does not exist.   Bring up any method you can think of to measure quality in art and you'll have people who don't agree with the results.  Bring up RT score and you'll have to say that TDK was the 28th best movie of 2008 alone.   Bring up IMDB rating (no one would do that would they?) and you'll have to say that 6 other movies are "better" than TDK.  ...And that The Shawshank Redemption is the "best movie of all time".   So right away you may notice I've only brought up two methods for measuring quality in art and already they have massive disagreement with each other.   We fail at finding quality in art again.


Art is about our reaction as individuals and you can't measure that in a way which would apply to any other person.    I don't have Avengers or TDK as my "favorite comic book movie"....that would be a three way tie between Watchmen, Kick Ass, and Mystery Men.   RT scores don't mean a thing because none of those have great RT scores...but I'll take them over TA or TDK every day of the week.


If I'm going to pick between TA and TDK I'll take TA.   I like a comic book movie that is not ashamed to be a comic book movie....I never was happy about this idea from Nolan that comic book movies need to be "transcended"....as if the genre really isn't very good or something.


Also...Batman fans can be obnoxious.   You can't even say you like Superman around them.  


Well...Until now...when Nolan is involved with MoS.  It used to be "Superman is boring!  He's unbeatable!   Batman is more interesting because he has weaknesses!"     Then it would get confusing as the Batman fan normally would immediately insist that Batman beats Superman if they were to have a fight.      (Wait...which one is "unbeatable" here?   ;) )


The Dark Knight destroys The Avengers...it's not even a question. You may think The Avengers is ok, but that's fine, you're all entitled to your wrong opinion.


NOTHING in The Avengers comes even remotely close to this scene.



Not seeing a "fact" here.   A lot of people confuse "things I like" with "fact".   That's not really the same thing.   How can an opinion on art possibly be "wrong"?


TDKR was pants but any Catwoman scene beats the shit out of any BW. Sorry Scar-Jo but there`s a big reason why Anne is an oscar winner (with another nomination under her belt) and you are not. Not that Scar-Jo wa sbad, she was good but not nearly that good.

Johansson has been awarded and nominated quite a few times herself.   Lost in Translation, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and Ghost World were considered stellar performances by her.   Do the number of awards really prove anything though?   Won't it always come down to the one you prefer as an individual?


TDK is the most iconic movie of the aughts. It`s by far the most referenced, the most discussed and most influential as far as film industry goes (see Skyfall). Whether TA will come out of this decade as the most influential remains to be seen but TDK wins the previous one. Fact not fanboyism.

Since we are currently in a time period when super hero films are dominating the box office...I'll go with the first X-Men movie (2000).   That's got the whole thing started and showed the industry that comic book properties were viable.   By contrast, the TDK "serious, gritty, realistic, and dark" thing....didn't last long.   The Avengers went a completely different route and surpassed TDK at the box office in the process.   Now DC/WB is looking to copy what TA did.


The most influential in making everything in fucking 3D these days.

Good point....Avatar had a massive influence.  


Not liking the influence..(I don't like 3D either)...does not mean it does not exist.

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So far weekend top engagements NYC has 6 of top 10 (4 are TGG) and of cause TGG @ Empire 25 is #1 now there's a suprise :) & IM3 NYC  entry is E-Walk 13 (across the road from Empire 25) & Lincoln Square (also for TGG as well) more suprises LOL

LA has 1 Arclight Hollywood with TGG which is to be expected does well with that type of film.

Edited by Rth
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