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Thurs Numbers STID 11.4 GG 3.4 IM3 3.3

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I remember people predicting 100M+ OW... When i said it wouldn't touch that they called me crazy. THEY CALLED ME CRAZY. WHO'S CRAZY NOW YOU NARGLES...? 

Uhm, nevermind.

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I took a quick sample from the summer game and the average prediction for the first ten people was 295 mill.

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Hindsight is always 20/20. Certain people/someone said it would be impossible for IM3 to do a billion...


Yea, I also said the original Hangover would make 15 million total.


I don't hide from my predictions.

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I`m loving this. They wasted too much time marketing the villain instead of the iconic crew. As if the villain is The Joker, Vader or other icon GA knows and want to see. And spent too much time making ST look like anything but ST which sits so well with Trekkies...not.


All these blockbusters try and try and try but none can ever match the Joker. Heath set the bar too high.


Bardem in Skyfall, Guy Pearce, Hugo Weaving in CA, Mickey Rourke, all flop wannabes.

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Damn I went to bed and all hell breaks loose!


STID only 14m? Does that include Wednesday previews?




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I'm not putting much stock in STID's Thurs number. I watch BO numbers closer than most (not NEARLY as closely as some of you folks, though, admittedly!), and I honestly thought Trek opened on Wednesday! I kept looking around on Wed for Tues midnight numbers.  I eventually found that it was a Thursday release (strange strategy, IMO), but surely I'm not the only one who was in the dark about STID's release date.


I won't draw any conclusions until today's numbers pop up.

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Well, it should go up by about 300% in Ontario today. The reason it did poorly here is because of the impending LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) strike.  Now that it has been averted, everyone is going to rush out to see Trek today.   :)


And Victoria Day on Monday.

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Cumberflop fo' real. I always knew this would fizzle and flop.


serves them right. Instead of selling the chemsitry of the crew, they were selling Lector/Joker/Loki/Bardem-whatever-his-name-was-in Skyfall Redux.

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Greatest prediction ever. :lol:



It's my best worst prediction ever.  


Some runner ups include:


TTT 264 mill

The Day the Earth Stood Still:  200 mill

No summer film opening over 140 and finishing with 400


Those are just off the top of my head....I'm sure there are at least 10 more terrible predictions I could find of mine if I thought about it more.

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You should have hidden that one. :lol:


Naaaa...why hide from your epic fuck ups.  They are just as much fun as the ones you nail.

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I think you hit the bulls eye when you mentioned novelty.


ST09 had it by the ton and ST2 barely has any at all.


It just feels like a TV episode with bigger budget. The filmmakers (incl the writers) do not bother to build suspense or come up with an inventive sequence that audience gonna love (EMPIRE's Falcon chase through the asteroids, JEDI's hovercraft sequence, MI4 Dubai scene etc). The film also has convoluted plot,  creating unnecessary labyrinth of plots that never go anywhere. And we all know sometimes, the best movies have the simplest plots (The convoluted-ness of INCEPTION & USUAL SUSPECTS is the point of the story). They spend more than $200 million on this project? It's crazy.

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