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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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Luthor is lame, especially compared to the Joker.


I wouldn't say lame. In the comics he has genius level intellect that can challenge even Superman so add in Metallo or Doomsday with him for MOS2. You've a perfect combo to push Superman and in the process, save Brainiac for MOS3 and Darkseid for JL.  :D

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Lindelof:Gave the worst possible copout endings to one of the greatest tv series.Cowboys & Aliens ...lolPrometheus, one of the worst Ridley Scott and Alien (s) movies everStar Trek Into Darkness... a rehash of the Original with a white guy as


Love lost and its ending. Promethesus was good as was both treks. Agreed about C&A
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They don't need more destruction porn. Just make Lex Luther so annoying and so frustating for Superman that it tests his NEW no kill rule ESPECIALLY a human. Just like the Joker, a man who will test Superman's psychologically to the limits, frustrate him, make him mad that he cannot use his superhuman powers to defeat him rather he needs his humanity and more and in the end give a great ending to destroy lex.

I agree, I think going for a psychological threat is a much better strategy. It's going to be difficult to top the threaf of fhe first movie, so they shouldn't even try. I think one of the reasons the Joker worked so well in the DK was that he was unpredictable and enjoyed torturing his victims psychologically. MOS didn't really require Superman to use his brain, which was fine for me given the circumstances, but I want to see more the next go around.
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I wouldn't say lame. In the comics he has genius level intellect that can challenge even Superman so add in Metallo or Doomsday with him for MOS2. You've a perfect combo to push Superman and in the process, save Brainiac for MOS3 and Darkseid for JL.  :D

Yeah although I like the Donner films, i think it's the interpration they chose that make people think he is a lame villain. They could portray him like they did in the animated series. 

Edited by ban1o
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You're high is all I can say and furthermore, I'm so confident TA2 will not only beat AVATAR 2 Domestically, but MOS 2 with ease and will be a repeat performance like I had at KJ when everyone doubted me for a year over this, over this movie beating TDKR for heaven sakes.. TA2 has no where to go but UP Kal, not down, but UP.. AVATAR 2 will be nothing more than the same regurtitated story from the 1st time out with deleted scenes from the 1st movie to sell the 2nd and unless Cameron introduces some new technology greater than 3D...

Right, because TA2 (just like TA) won't be the same ole regurgitated comic book superhero team BS: huge threat looms over the planet, the heroes join forces, but not before some of them bicker and fight, suddenly there is some sort of energy source/magical contraption/technological gizmo that will destroy the villain's plans, the heroes finally find a way to use that gizmo (usually then least poerful of the heroes, the one that everyone thought would be useless, is the one who manages to make the magicalgizmo work) Threat averted, heroes sigh in relief, some lame jokes are uttered, The End.
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I thought the Smallville battle was excellent. The final battle got old fast.


I wouldn't have minded at all if the battle ended with the black hole closing. Make Superman fights Zod in parallel of the military flying to crash the Black Zero. Then at the last moment before black hole closing itself, Superman managed to push Zod into the phantom zone in that big explosion with his ilks. Superman catches Lois as she falls. Done.

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Superman Returns was so boring, not enough action.


Man of Stell was so boring in the third act, too much & repetitive action.



Posted Image


Is this glass half full or half empty ?

But...I liked Superman returns lol 

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I don't know. That's probably it. But I've never been a fan of mindless action films and although MOS definitely wasn't mindless, there were some parts that just seemed like "insert action scene here." And it got to the point where the action scenes were going on forever. 


I get it. It's just that Supes is a character who relies on his physical strength and what, his laser eyes. He is not like Cap who has a shield, Thor who has a hammer or Iron Man who has an armor and a bunch of missiles among other weapons. The same complaint was said regarding THE INCREDIBLE HULK. The fight between him and Abomination was long and repetitive, but that's how it should be imo. They don't have these paraphernalia to at least break the monotony.

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Prometheus was such a none event, such a letdown although Lindelof can't take all the blame, Scott is in full blown sleepwalking mode in his career. As for Lost, how can you have a series thats built on questions after questions after mysteries after questions then answer NONE of them in the end?, its obvious they were just making it up as they went along imo.

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Prometheus was such a none event, such a letdown although Lindelof can't take all the blame, Scott is in full blown sleepwalking mode in his career. As for Lost, how can you have a series thats built on questions after questions after mysteries after questions then answer NONE of them in the end?, its obvious they were just making it up as they went along imo.


Prometheus was a disaster because Scott had no sense of direction about where the story was going.


That s why the movie kept pilling up stupid questions and bland mysteries one after another.

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