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Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( More than $700M WW, Huge Success!)

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How? Besides "IronMan 3" and "The Avengers", none of the Disney produce(marvel) Material have outgross the reboot of MOS (WW)...Even if CAP3 were to compete it will be no contest with MOS2(Supe,Bat,WW) -- it will be a blood bath.

You should think twice about it.Let me explain: Marvel put Cap3 there not to beat it,everybody knows a movie with Batman and Superman won't lose. Marvel's strategy is to impede the arrival of WB in this ''multiple heroes'' field by decreasing its gross with a good competition.Disney/Marvel can withstand a less-profitable-than-expected Cap3 because they have a lot of successful comicbook movies,WB doesn't have this luxury,it badly needs MOS2 to be a real success to launch its Justice League universe,and Marvel knows it.It's a bold and smart strategy to hinder competition,this release date's purpose is plain obvious.Disney is an evil schemer :P
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You should think twice about it.Let me explain: Marvel put Cap3 there not to beat it,everybody knows a movie with Batman and Superman won't lose. Marvel's strategy is to impede the arrival of WB in this ''multiple heroes'' field by decreasing its gross with a good competition.Disney/Marvel can withstand a less-profitable-than-expected Cap3 because they have a lot of successful comicbook movies,WB doesn't have this luxury,it badly needs MOS2 to be a real success to launch its Justice League universe,and Marvel knows it.It's a bold and smart strategy to hinder competition,this release date's purpose is plain obvious.Disney is an evil schemer :P



that is stupid. So they want one of their successful solo franchises to heavily underperform just for some stupid game like this? 

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that is stupid. So they want one of their successful solo franchises to heavily underperform just for some stupid game like this?

It's not a game,it's economic competition.The business world works this way.An aweakened WB means a weaker competition for Marvel's next movies,it's not stupid at all.And it's not like they're sacrificing Cap3,it will benefit from the excellent reputation of Cap2 and the Avengers 2 effect,so it won't beat MOS2 but that won't prevent its success.That also means they're believing in their Cap franchise and are highly satisfied about its BO run.
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You should think twice about it.Let me explain: Marvel put Cap3 there not to beat it,everybody knows a movie with Batman and Superman won't lose. Marvel's strategy is to impede the arrival of WB in this ''multiple heroes'' field by decreasing its gross with a good competition.Disney/Marvel can withstand a less-profitable-than-expected Cap3 because they have a lot of successful comicbook movies,WB doesn't have this luxury,it badly needs MOS2 to be a real success to launch its Justice League universe,and Marvel knows it.It's a bold and smart strategy to hinder competition,this release date's purpose is plain obvious.Disney is an evil schemer  :P




Isn't that what WB did with CA2 in most of the OS country's? I mean CA2 got 2 weeks to get it Bo gold and that TASM2 comes out seems liked planned by WB to me...

Edited by pepsa
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Isn't that what WB did with CA2 in most of the OS country's? I mean CA2 got 2 weeks to get it Bo gold and that TASM2 comes out seems liked planned by WB to me...

TASM2 is from Sony,not WB. Edited by Fullbuster
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It's not a game,it's economic competition.The business world works this way.An aweakened WB means a weaker competition for Marvel's next movies,it's not stupid at all.And it's not like they're sacrificing Cap3,it will benefit from the excellent reputation of Cap2 and the Avengers 2 effect,so it won't beat MOS2 but that won't prevent its success.That also means they're believing in their Cap franchise and are highly satisfied about its BO run.


No, that's not how it works in business world and no one is stupid enough to try this in the movie world either. Marvel has Avengers. Thor and Captain America are its rising franchises but what else do they have ? If GOTG underperforms and then they sacrifice CA3 then where does that place TA3 when they no longer have Iron Man franchise to fall back upon ?

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that is stupid. So they want one of their successful solo franchises to heavily underperform just for some stupid game like this? 

Agreed, Marvel has had that May date for 2016 for some time now. They didn't put Cap 3 there for some kind of mark attack on another studio, they didn't even know Batman vs Superman was going to get moved. Feige has that 'map' in his office that lays out their place years in advance. Why WB chose that date knowing Marvel already had it? I just think when they felt they couldn't meet their 2015 target they just picked that date that seemed most profitable as only one new is scheduled. I wouldn't be surprised though after Cap 2's run is nearly over Disney pushes Cap 3 back to April, explaining how well Cap 2 did in that slot. If not that then I could WB using their usual July slot for BvS and move one of their other movies (Tarzan or King Arthur), or neither studio does anything.

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No, that's not how it works in business world and no one is stupid enough to try this in the movie world either. Marvel has Avengers. Thor and Captain America are its rising franchises but what else do they have ? If GOTG underperforms and then they sacrifice CA3 then where does that place TA3 when they no longer have Iron Man franchise to fall back upon ?

I will say it again : the business world works this way.The world won't be different even if you say it as much as you can.
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How? Besides "IronMan 3" and "The Avengers", none of the Disney produce(marvel) Material have outgross the reboot of MOS (WW)...Even if CAP3 were to compete it will be no contest with MOS2(Supe,Bat,WW) -- it will be a blood bath.


lol, Marvel will have four franchise that are either close to MOS in WW gross or twice the size.


Warner Bros is way behind.

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lol, Marvel will have four franchise that are either close to MOS in WW gross or twice the size.


Warner Bros is way behind.

I'm talking about Disney/Marvel property....not including other Marvel properties own by Sony/Fox etc.....

Think about it, only IM3 and The Avengers have gross more than MOS/TDK/TDKR for Disney. Disney only have two Superhero Movies that cross 1B, so does WB (TDK, TDKR).....

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I'm talking about Disney/Marvel property....not including other Marvel properties own by Sony/Fox etc.....

Think about it, only IM3 and The Avengers have gross more than MOS/TDK/TDKR for Disney. Disney only have two Superhero Movies that cross 1B, so does WB (TDK, TDKR).....



I'm talking strictly MCU also. Both Cap 2 and Thor 2 will end up around MOS' WW gross. Iron Man and Avengers made double what MOS made globally. That's four franchises Marvel Studios has that's either close to MOS's WW gross or twice as big.


TDK and TDKR don't count because that series is over.

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I'm talking about Disney/Marvel property....not including other Marvel properties own by Sony/Fox etc.....

Think about it, only IM3 and The Avengers have gross more than MOS/TDK/TDKR for Disney. Disney only have two Superhero Movies that cross 1B, so does WB (TDK, TDKR).....


But in 2015 Disney/Marvel prpety will be the only one with one +2 Billion movie XD Who even maby can out gross titanic!

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As some of us has been saying all along

CA2 will more than double CA1 internationally and if it hit $250M domestic, it will have had a near 50% increase on the domestic front.  Which is phenomenal.


All the solo movies post Avengers featuring an Avenger will have had an international take over $400M versus less than $400M for MOS.


With that type of increase, projections for the last installment of both Thor and CA after the usual Avengers movie bump (AOU) put them over $600M on the international front, wich will increase their chance to come near or enter the one million dollar club with their last installment.


I personally think that CA2 has increased tremendously its chances for its last installment to enter that club.  The increase perecntage is just too more important for the last movie post TA to attribute this type of increase only on TA.  


It's all on CA2 and a change of perception of CA character after this movie.  This movie has made him a top tier and he has won many fans who will follow him just like they follow RDJ/IM.

Edited by Ent
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lol, Marvel will have four franchise that are either close to MOS in WW gross or twice the size.


Warner Bros is way behind.


Marvel/Disney is tops for business.


Warner for creativity. After all it is the studio that is behind SUPERMAN '78 (classic superhero template) & BATMAN '89  (a darker superhero template) & DARK KNIGHT (mixing superhero genre with serious contemporary message: war on terr0r)

Edited by zackzack
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