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Star Trek Beyond | 7.22.2016 | Not an Oscar winner.

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Exclusive: Next ‘Star Trek Beyond’ Trailer to Premiere at Fan Event in May



It ends up Paramount is saving a lot of the marketing for the movie, including the next trailer premiere, for a fan event being held in Los Angeles next month. While I’m not sure who will be in attendance at this time, I’ve confirmed with Paramount the event is happening and the details, including how to attend and which of the cast and filmmakers will be attending the event, will be revealed soon.


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Still sounds all sorts of fishy... almost like Paramount just doesn't know what the hell to do with the film - which if it is as "trekkie" as Pegg implies would make sense but still.... I just feel like ST09 will always be the peak and Paramount will forever be trying to recreate that magic which face it is now all gone with Star Wars back on the Screen.

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Just now, narniadis said:

Still sounds all sorts of fishy... almost like Paramount just doesn't know what the hell to do with the film - which if it is as "trekkie" as Pegg implies would make sense but still.... I just feel like ST09 will always be the peak and Paramount will forever be trying to recreate that magic which face it is now all gone with Star Wars back on the Screen.

It feels like the news that J.J. was leaving this property for Star Wars a few months before the second Star Trek movie even opened pretty much took the wind out of this series.

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9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

It feels like the news that J.J. was leaving this property for Star Wars a few months before the second Star Trek movie even opened pretty much took the wind out of this series.

Yup exactly how it feels and of course the 2nd film not quite living up to the first didn't help matters.

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3 hours ago, Black Hawk said:

Exclusive: Next ‘Star Trek Beyond’ Trailer to Premiere at Fan Event in May




Sounds ok I guess? Still don't get why they skipped showing anything to the exhibitors yesterday, these are the guys you want to convince to give you their biggest screens during a packed summer. And no footage ever leaks from CinemaCon since it is just exhibitors and critics there, so they could have shown a sizzle reel. Really strange decisions all around.

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8 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

Let's be honest: the series peaked in 1982. Or maybe 1986, if you wanna stretch things a bit. And it got a lovely send-off in '91. 


True, if you want to go at it from that perspective. ST09 gave it a good jolt with a Box Office Gross to Rival the 80s heyday. Course that depends on what you consider to be the best trek (TV or Movies) Undoubtedly the movies peaked in the 80s although First Contact showed that given the right material a good film could have come from TNG crowd to keep the Film line going in a good direction. Sadly Insurrection and Nemesis killed any hopes along with the terrible Enterprise TV show.


I don't know. I grew up on ST (both TOS and TNG) and didn't see SW for the first time till I was 16/17 so I will always desire more (and better) ST over SW.

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6 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

Let's be honest: the series peaked in 1982. Or maybe 1986, if you wanna stretch things a bit. And it got a lovely send-off in '91. 

Yeah but the '09 reboot was widely acclaimed and seemed like it would open the door to making Star Trek "cool" and beyond a niche "nerd" property (it's always been much more limited in appeal than Star Wars). But then the second film came along (some would argue too late, four years does seem like a long time to crank out a first sequel in today's environment) and it became apparent that film's immense success was a fluke. Even the stars of this franchise seem to have fallen on curiously rough times (especially Chris Pine, going from headlining a franchise to playing a superhero's love interest definitely feels like a step back career-wise).

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26 minutes ago, narniadis said:

Still sounds all sorts of fishy... almost like Paramount just doesn't know what the hell to do with the film - which if it is as "trekkie" as Pegg implies would make sense but still.... I just feel like ST09 will always be the peak and Paramount will forever be trying to recreate that magic which face it is now all gone with Star Wars back on the Screen.


Actually, it could be that they realize that the teaser trailer was big mistake marketing-wise. It continued the action-sci-fi vibe of the Abrams films, which they thought would work, but instead gave them a lot of backlash, especially from the fans. However, if they know (and are cool with) the actual tone of the film being much more Trek-like, they may not want to risk dropping a trailer that has vastly different feel. It might appease fans, but it would also seem confusing to general viewers.


The fan event gives them an out, though. By premiering it there, they already have a ready-made and theoretically enthusiastic audience. If it does click with them, they have a group that is set to evangelize the film from the get-go. And that could be far more effective than the standard, release on youtube just prior to a tentpole release and hope for the best. It's basically like they're putting their sales fuel in one place before setting it off.


(There's also a possibility that the entire landscape of how to market films is changing. Because tentpoles are spreading across the calendar, it may behoove studios to actually wait to market until later than in the past in order to get the most impact. The "dead zones" of the year when you could get more conversation about distantly upcoming films are turning out to be not so dead.)

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8 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

The new Star Trek show is rumored to be set in the original continuity and take place between Star Trek 6 and TNG




I'm not sure about this seasonal anthology thingy, though. I want a great crew i gotta get to know and love, not switching around settings and cast every season...

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