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Transformers: The Last Knight | 6/21/2017 | Big Budget, Weak OW?

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3 hours ago, aabattery said:





That's the thing with Bay. A lot of explosions in his movies have been like fireworks rather than a real explosion. Just too many sparks. I mean I understand explosions in movies are often for visual impact, but I dont remember any other director make his/her explosions this "sparky".  I guess it speaks for Bay's approach to visuals.


PS: is "sparky" the proper word for "so many sparks" ??





Edited by vc2002
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1 minute ago, Matrix4You said:

Does this at least up the action ante from 3 and 4???



Transformers 1 - action level = 10

Transformers 2 - 12

Transformers 3 - 15

Transformers 4 - 15


where would 5 be???


One guy on Twitter said the robots don't even fight until the two hour mark of the movie, so make of that what you will.

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7 minutes ago, aabattery said:


One guy on Twitter said the robots don't even fight until the two hour mark of the movie, so make of that what you will.


So all the action is in the last 2/3rds of the movie, got it.

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8 minutes ago, Gavin Feng said:

The Transformers films can do 1 thing right: stupid awesome robot fights. THE LAST KNIGHT takes TWO DAMN HOURS for robots to fight.


fighting for 2 hours or fighting after 2 hours plots


I think it's the latter, cause right under that the guy says this:


Edited by aabattery
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POTC5 below 800 WW was disappointing but digestible. If this one does sub-800 WW then hell will break loose and explode in sparks.

For the sake of the argument,

165 dom + 280 Ch + 370 OS-Ch = 815 WW.

These are not unrealistically low numbers, and WW could potentially go below 800 though it's not likely I guess. Sub-850 won't be surprising.

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I'm not a fan of hyperbole so when someone says "worst ever" it may be true but I doubt it because it's the era we live in...  these critics are often trying to throw out the wittiest tweet or get the funniest headline for clicks. 


And like I said, I'm not a huge Transformers fan, I just hate what some critics have become. 

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2 hours ago, aabattery said:


I think it's the latter, cause right under that the guy says this:




Robots talking is something the franchise should've had a lot more of. I've been saying this since TF2, let them talk, let them have argument, let them be a character (one-demension or not) rather than just mindless walking machines. Cut some of the screentime of human characters and give it to the robots. Transformers should not be the sidekicks like they've been in 4 TF films.


Along with that, they should've thrown away a lot of those explosion bullshit, gun fighting crap, human intervene junk and replaced them with fist fight like the forest fight in TF2.


I think I remember we discussed this long time. Robot characters in TF films should be like (or at at least somewhat close to) the apes in the new Planet of Apes films.


But of cause, that'd increase the budget to an unbearable level, and require a much more capable director than Bay.



Edited by vc2002
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