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THG Catching Fire $25.25m Thursday Previews

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Obviously CF is gonna have a huge weekend. That being said, I think Lionsgate screwed up in one area and theaters screwed up in another. This is a movie that has about the same amount of real IMAX footage as TDKR. That's tremendous, it's a clear highlight to really make the film stand out and feel big, epic, etc. Why on earth didn't Lionsgate really hammer this point home? It should've been a talking point for every single guest on a talk show. People need a reason to spend the extra money on IMAX, simply advertising it as "in IMAX" is meaningless.


Secondly, all the IMAX theaters in SoCal had their IMAX shows starting at 11pm or later. The few that had an 8pm show did it as an additional screening. The bulk of the sellouts for the southern California area came for earlier showtimes (makes sense). Again, why on earth wouldn't you have all your IMAX shows start at 8pm, and then add an additional show as needed. You'd probably have sold out more IMAX screens -- which means more money for everyone.

Completely agree with this, which is why I've been asking how the IMAX looks since no one was talking about it.  Heck, I didn't even know CF was shot in IMAX until recently.

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I bet if Jennifer Lawrence was gushing about how amazing it looked in IMAX and how cool it was they'd suddenly care. ;)


But more to the point, shouldn't they be trying everything to maximize profits? What's the point (from a financial perspective) in shooting natively in IMAX anyway, if you're not trying to drive people to IMAX theaters?


I agree with this actually.

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Lionsgate messed up in 2 areas IMO. 1. They didn't clearly market the IMAX. They could easily had the VO guy in the commercials say "with 1 hour of footage shot in IMAX. Catching Fire, rated PG-13, starts Thurdsay night everywhere". They couldve had posters and online ads, the whole shebang. But they didn't.


2. They didn't market the characters well. I have no idea who the new characters are because we didn't get any kind of reference to them. For non-fans, don't they want to know why the characters are important so they can decide whether to spend the money? Yes, we have Katniss, but other than her whats so great about the others? What can Finnick do? What is Peeta and Katniss' status? Lionsgate should have made this clear. That wouldve been a big way to get non-fans back. Its like Spiderman 2 - "I already saw Spiderman on the screen 2 years ago, so whats so special about this Doc Ock guy that I need to spend my money? Are MJ, Aunt May, and Harry all the same or will they be doing something different?". Not many people want to pay for the same thing again. Also, not necessarily Lionsgate's fault, but Suzanne C couldve written the books with a little more racial diversity as well.



Tell me more please.

Did the opening day numbers come in or am i missing something?

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How do know if the Imax is a real Imax. The only real Imax in Minnesota I have heard negative things about. 


In terms of the screen shape, it should look more square than widescreen and it should really fucking tall (60 feet tall or taller). Anything less than this in widescreen is a LieMAX screen. There are some nice sized LieMAX screens out there (40 feet tall or so) but they still aren't tall enough and have the wrong aspect ratio to display IMAX film footage.


A bunch of the real IMAX screens, such as Edwards Marquee in Houston, have been recently switched from IMAX film projection to IMAX digital projection. The IMAX digital projectors cannot project at true IMAX aspect ratio, so on the real IMAX screens you end up with black bars even for supposed IMAX footage.


Not only is the aspect ratio wrong for IMAX digital projection, but the image quality is not up to snuff. They use two 2k digital projectors, the equivalent of a poor man's 4k projector. IMAX film projectors can theoretically handle projection at 10k or higher. When you're dealing with actual IMAX footage, makes a big difference whether you project it at ghetto 4k (two 2k projectors) or 8-10k from a single projector.

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In terms of the screen shape, it should look more square than widescreen and it should really fucking tall (60 feet tall or taller). Anything less than this in widescreen is a LieMAX screen. There are some nice sized LieMAX screens out there (40 feet tall or so) but they still aren't tall enough and have the wrong aspect ratio to display IMAX film footage.


A bunch of the real IMAX screens, such as Edwards Marquee in Houston, have been recently switched from IMAX film projection to IMAX digital projection. The IMAX digital projectors cannot project at true IMAX aspect ratio, so on the real IMAX screens you end up with black bars even for supposed IMAX footage.


Not only is the aspect ratio wrong for IMAX digital projection, but the image quality is not up to snuff. They use two 2k digital projectors, the equivalent of a poor man's 4k projector. IMAX film projectors can theoretically handle projection at 10k or higher. When you're dealing with actual IMAX footage, makes a big difference whether you project it at ghetto 4k (two 2k projectors) or 8-10k from a single projector.


I agree that obviously digital projection pales next to 15/70, and for 2D presentations you're right. But for 3D the stacked double-projectors give greater light output than a single one, which reduces dimness. So there are some benefits... for 3D shows.

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4K projection (to start) with up to 10x the light output. Should (in theory) do away with dimmer 3D.


Hopefully it'll help do away with 3D altogether  :ph34r:



(With a few *Cameron, Cuaron* exceptions)

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Did the opening day numbers come in or am i missing something?


Ya, 20 hours from now. How did you not see them?


4K projection (to start) with up to 10x the light output. Should (in theory) do away with dimmer 3D.


Thats neat! I'ma google this I want to know more. I'm surprised theaters haven't looked into in non-glasses 3D yet. Doing like what the Nintendo 3DS, smartphones, and some TV's do now and just make 2 screens overlapped with different image angles, brightness, and etc. to achieve the depth and illusion. I personally think people will show up for that 3D.

Edited by Jandrew
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