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Thurs #s AM2 5.1, DOS 5.0/Don't act like you're not impressed

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Lol. Actually everyone is trying to say the DOS will see same increase as AUJ. Just gonna point out that this weekend is further from Christmas than last year. I'll use 2002. Films increased by 50 to 150% in 2002 on the Friday. Under 90% typically saw a loss of theaters. While I don't 150%, a 90 or 100% isn't out of the question. By comparison when AUJ jumped 52% the market bump was between 30 and 90%.

There is some truth to that. Holidays were even further in 2003. Christmas fell on a Thursday as opposed to Wednesday in 2002 and this year. And the Friday jumps were even bigger:



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Nice try Ed, but I trust Whedon more with the sequel to the #1 grossing comicbook movie of all time than I do with Nolan and his thrown together, uneven of a mess in concluding his TDK Trilogy, that being TDKR which only got a free pass cause of Nolan's name attached to it and if it were from Zach Snyder, you and the rest of the Nolan fans would've ripped the movie a new asshole.. Truth and you know it..

You trust whedon more? lol?I'm pretty sure The Avengers making 1.5B had nothing do with the director everyone knew would make a good movie. Edited by #ED
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