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Kirk goes "pew pew" with phaser.Vader deflects with lightsaber.Vader uses Force Grip.It's Super Effective.Scenario resolved.


If you want me to, I can post the argument here... tbh, I probably should just to try for last minute campaign for me as funniest member :P

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Trekkie: impossible, kirk better than darth. the only vader that's good is Chad Vader


Warssie: If I had to put Kirk and Vader into a fight against each other I would place all of my money on Vader. Kirk may have physical strength and quite the wits but Vader has at least as much muscle strength as Kirk, not even counting the strength added by his mechanical limbs. On top of that Vader has a lightsaber and the force. 


Trekkie: are you saying Chad Vadeor Darth Vader? either way, Kirk could just say," Scotty, beam Lord Vader out of the enterprise into dead space" and Vader would die, also, through the transport, all of Vader's life support could be shut down

Warssie: Not necessarily. I'm not an expert on the Star Trek beaming system, but if their electronic gizmos work on both ends of the transport then Vader's life support (which is probably of way high quality than what they would have on a star fleet ship [He is pretty much the prince of the empire and there fore wouldn't have standard issue phasers like they would aboard the Enterprise]) would still function, therefore live in space. Kirk wouldn't be allowed to live long enough to even say those words. Also if that happened Vader could use the force to A) disrupt the transport beam, B) use the force to reboard the ship. 

The actual Vader character, Darth Vader.


Trekkie: the enterprise beams (aside from those abord the NX-01 Enterprise) were able to deactivate any technology, clean people (as like a shower), and in some cases clone people (The Evil Within StarTrek T.O.S.). Kirk is capitan of the NCC-1701 and the NCC-1701-A, which had these abilities. The abilities of the NCC-1701-B and NCC-1701-C are never disclosed in detail, but the NCC-1701-D (Captained by Jean-Luc Picard) was capable of beaming only parts of an object (thus not only could they beam up vader and deactivate his life support, they could also not even have it onboard the ship), and the NCC-1701-E (also captained by Picard) had the same ablities of the one abord the NCC-1701-D.

also, the shields that come standard issue on a Starfleet vessel were much more advanced than that of any in the Star Wars Empire, and are able to block unauthorized entry into the vessel.
 also, There is no Teleportation mentioned (aside from that of Force Spirits) in Star Wars.
Warssie: Re-entry: lightsaber. Enough Said.

Also how do know the armor are not comparable?
There is no reason to bring up teleports in Star Wars, its irrelevant. I think my point still stands that Vader would kill Kirk before he even got finished saying that. Once Kirk flipped open his communicator and opened his mouth Vader would realize he is doing something and probably force choke him, then slice him to pieces with his lightsaber. Vader wins easily, it cannot be forgotten that Vader is AT LEAST as smart as Kirk.



I have 260 more comments in this argument. I'm not afraid to post them all  :ph34r:

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Trekkie: Vader would die, in fact, if he was identified, and his threat powers were there, according to Starfleet Regulation, General Order 13 would be commenced, followed by Starfleet Order 2005. (I did not make up these numbers, look them uphttp://en.memory-alpha.org/.../Starfleet_General_Orders...)

When the vessel self destructs, Vader would be destroyed
Warssie: 13 is evacuation. That has nothing to do with killing Vader, just Vader not killing every single person on the vessel.
Trekkie: all hands evacuate, not those who are prisoners
Enterprise go boom
 rip vader
Warssie:  Your link says absolutely zero about that.

"General Order 13: Evacuation Order for Starfleet vessels. (Star Trek)"
RIP Kirk


Trekkie: Yet, so that a Quarantine Code would not be issued for the system, they would leave him because he is an immediate danger to the Prime Directive.

Warssie: None the less if the two were pitted head to head Vader would be victorious over Kirk. 

That statement really does need proof, it's not common knowledge/sense.


Trekkie: given the statement that the picture that started this debate shows that Vader is being held in a Federation Brig aboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise, Vader would be subject to Federation Law, so my point about Starfleet Regulation is entirely relevant.

Random third party: Star Trek bores the shit out of me
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Ride Along is hilarious, filled with cliches and Chekovs guns but hilarious nonetheless. The audience erupted for the "Today was a good day" moment.

Grim knows whats up. Edited by Jandrew
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