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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Lets wait and see shall we. The only way it will happen is if for some reason SW and TA break from their usual 40/60 split and there is no reason to suspect they will, even a huge event movie in 2012 couldnt break the pattern. Given that Fantasy always splits nearer 30/70 or even 25/75, TH is going to be right up there for some time.Simple fact is you massively over estimate how much the international market likes Americana. SW and TA is that, TH, Potter, even Avatar are not. Toy Story, very American, low OS gross, Ice Age, nationality neutral, huge (relative to DOM). Your bias isnt allowing you to see the big picture!I just dont see the next Avengers matching the first WW, not by at least $250M and SW has no chance, simply not going to happen.

I don`t overestimate anything. The patent to overestimation belongs to TH fanboys.
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Not really. Its going to get a 28/72 split give or take a little, thats a bit more OS than ROTK, which is expected given 10 years of international expansion. Feed in the likely DOM figures and you get your answer..

Noe of those movies will be #1 of the decade when decade is over.
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People are alreading counting on PacificRim sequels like locks? Ok.Avatar should go to Christmas 2015.A summer battle with it + SW7 + TA2 would be just too much to handle for these boards. lolSince TH3 is for summer 2014, what will be the BIG movie of Christmas? (Bond24 ok but want another one)

Bond 24 would be for November, maybe 20,000 LUS if they get it sorted out.
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Lets wait and see shall we. The only way it will happen is if for some reason SW and TA break from their usual 40/60 split and there is no reason to suspect they will, even a huge event movie in 2012 couldnt break the pattern. Given that Fantasy always splits nearer 30/70 or even 25/75, TH is going to be right up there for some time.

Simple fact is you massively over estimate how much the international market likes Americana. SW and TA is that, TH, Potter, even Avatar are not. Toy Story, very American, low OS gross, Ice Age, nationality neutral, huge (relative to DOM). Your bias isnt allowing you to see the big picture!

I just dont see the next Avengers matching the first WW, not by at least $250M and SW has no chance, simply not going to happen.

What? $648 million compared to $415 million domestic is low? Ice Age is by far the exception, not the rule. Edited by Sogno
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That is just hysterical.

I'm sure all the sci-fi stuff was all his invention, but he can't pretend as though the story he came up with was in any way, shape or form an original story. I could literally predict everything that was going to happen. Hell, South Park's 'Dances With Smurfs' came out a month before the actual film and they recognized it for what it was. The same old story we'd seen a billion times.

I enjoyed Avatar, but not for its story.

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Tell me how many movies told the story of a paraplegic marine that become a giant blue alien using mind control and saves a planet by fighting against his own race?The archetypes and the trope may be as old as the universe but all in all as a sci-fi movie, it can be labeled as original.

Edited by dashrendar44
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"A ripoff of Dance with Wolves" is just one of many ways that naysayers came up with to downplay the movie, and that's nothing new. It's the same old shit when Titanic beat SW to be the highest grossing film ever.

Inception is regarded as one of the most original sci-fis in recent years (and I agree with that), but I dont see many calling it a ripoff of Paprika (or many of its elements to be exactly.) Guess what? Not many have seen Paprika, and Inception didnt become the highest grossing film of all time, which is one of the key reasons of the backlash against Avatar.

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But the point is, does it matter that your story has the similar structure, or the similar elements to those which had been told before? No. Because you will always find sth in common between one and another. There's a reason "classics" exist, because they often presents something that the audience will aways find connective no matter how many times you "recycle" it, as long as you tell it well in your own format.

Besides, this era is dominated by sequels, prequels and adaptations. You paid to see those and enjoyed those, you ate them up, and now you are bitching about one movie being not original?

Edited by vc2002
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You nailed it perfectly.

You can do the same with Black Swan/Requiem for a dream vs Perfect Blue which is another Satoshi Kon's anime that Aronosky ripped off entire shots and sequences. And yet, it was praised as a original and daring masterpiece.

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Edited by dashrendar44
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Terminator was a small hit, which is why it increased so much 7 years later. Avatar, imo, will decrease when it finally comes out.

who cares whether A2 makes 700 or 500 DOM?The question is 200 or 500 in China, 100 or 200 in Russia,....
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You nailed it perfectly.

You can do the same with Black Swan/Requiem for a dream vs Perfect Blue which is another Satoshi Kon's anime that Aronosky ripped off entire shots and sequences. And yet, it was praised as a original and daring masterpiece.

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Yup. Actually Japanese anmations often have the most original stuff as the whole country dig that, and they often provide a lot of ideas for the Hollywood film-makers.
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Did Aronofski adress his stealings from Perfect Blue ???

I'm pretty adamant he said "he was paying homage"...

When Cameron genuinely pays homage to his acknowledged influences, it's called blatant rip-off. Haters don't even know that it's Cameron himself that labeled Avatar "Pocahontas/Dance With Wolves in space" as the easiest way to describe the story at its core.

Edited by dashrendar44
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