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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Thanks to Cochofles for this post in another thread I did some search on google and find that the screenwriting guru Syd Field is apparently a big James Cameron fan, and in fact a big fan of his writing as well. Here's his article how Terminator 2 really impressed him and him interviewing Cameron.(Part 1) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron/(Part 2) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron-part-2/ Here's him even sort of fanboying Avatar and saying how Inception didn't impress him as much as Avatar did. (Sorry I'm not trying to stir thing up. It's just what he said in the interview.(Part 2) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-2.html(Part 3) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-3.html(Part 1, not much about Cameron tho.) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-1.html I guess saying Cameron is a great writer doesn't mean anything if it's from a nobody like me, but those words surely mean a lot coming from a screenwriting guru.

Cameron's vocal detractors only parrot what they read from other fanboys and other detractors. The reality is that Cameron is an unparalleled storyteller. Yes, storyteller. Very few screenwriters know how to effectively use the writing tools at their disposal with economy, potency, and absolutely unerring precision. Every scene in a Cameron film moves the plot along, every single scene, and his scripts are always predicated on the principle of the audience connecting with the characters and the characters connecting with the audience. I laugh when I hear the old "OMG, Cameron's characters are so cardboard and flimsy!"; they forget that his characters always connect with audiences because they embody timeless tropes. A film may have the best FX money can buy, the best action scenes in the world, and endless marketing buzz, but at the end of the day, for a film to have the word of mouth to make TEN times its opening week, people have to care about the characters. Detractors will never admit to it because that goes against their monotonous complaint about Cameron's alleged inability to write, bur if audiences hadn't cared about Jake and Neytiri, the film would not have grossed almost three billion dollars. I know that I was mesmerized by their love story, and that is what captivated me the most about AVATAR. The film captured my heart not because of the colors and the 3D, but because of that scene when Neytiry tenderly holds Jake's human form in her arms, and tells him “I see you.” Of course, is hard for a Cameron hater to admit that the man is a brilliant filmmaker AND storyteller, so the narrative that they came up with is that “nobody cares about Avatar's story; it was a blockbuster because of the 3D." Yeah, right.
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Thanks to Cochofles for this post in another thread



I did some search on google and find that the screenwriting guru Syd Field is apparently a big James Cameron fan, and in fact a big fan of his writing as well.


Here's his article how Terminator 2 really impressed him and him interviewing Cameron.

(Part 1) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron/

(Part 2) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron-part-2/


Here's him even sort of fanboying Avatar and saying how Inception didn't impress him as much as Avatar did. (Sorry I'm not trying to stir thing up. It's just what he said in the interview.

(Part 2) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-2.html

(Part 3) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-3.html

(Part 1, not much about Cameron tho.) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-1.html


I guess saying Cameron is a great writer doesn't mean anything if it's from a nobody like me, but those words surely mean a lot coming from a screenwriting guru.

Wow great post chocoflies...... Just one of the many reasons... Folks laugh at people comparing Nolan to Cameron and why if you think anyone has forgotten Avatar , your off your medication lol.

Edited by Superman001
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Cameron's vocal detractors only parrot what they read from other fanboys and other detractors. The reality is that Cameron is an unparalleled storyteller. Yes, storyteller. Very few screenwriters know how to effectively use the writing tools at their disposal with economy, potency, and absolutely unerring precision. Every scene in a Cameron film moves the plot along, every single scene, and his scripts are always predicated on the principle of the audience connecting with the characters and the characters connecting with the audience. I laugh when I hear the old "OMG, Cameron's characters are so cardboard and flimsy!"; they forget that his characters always connect with audiences because they embody timeless tropes. A film may have the best FX money can buy, the best action scenes in the world, and endless marketing buzz, but at the end of the day, for a film to have the word of mouth to make TEN times its opening week, people have to care about the characters. Detractors will never admit to it because that goes against their monotonous complaint about Cameron's alleged inability to write, bur if audiences hadn't cared about Jake and Neytiri, the film would not have grossed almost three billion dollars. I know that I was mesmerized by their love story, and that is what captivated me the most about AVATAR. The film captured my heart not because of the colors and the 3D, but because of that scene when Neytiry tenderly holds Jake's human form in her arms, and tells him “I see you.” Of course, is hard for a Cameron hater to admit that the man is a brilliant filmmaker AND storyteller, so the narrative that they came up with is that “nobody cares about Avatar's story; it was a blockbuster because of the 3D." Yeah, right.

Lol cochoflies... I think the Cameron jealously rares its ugly head, but not even Spielberg can say he had 2 All time films back to back or created a franchise out of his head that will dwarf HP  franchise within 3-4 films at the BO LOL and likely merchadising as well.. :) 



Hmm did they forget Cameron also gave us Titanic and Terminator 2 .... Hows that for perfection.. Terminator 2 is easily the best sequel of all time along with Cameron's own Aliens,

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Cannot wait!  I loved the first one and this is my most anticipated film like ever! I am dying to go back to the world of the Nav'i!!

When we fly over 3 billion WW this time.. I wonder what Cameron haters will say next Cocho ;).. We should dust off the number 1 all time spot yet again I think.. LOL :D.. The Navii and Pandora experience was the greatest all evolving film tour de force of my life and one of my best friend's lives as well.. Nothing like it... You really pretty much never wanted to leave the theater.. The world is going to go back with Cameron.


Wow his Networth is now almost a billion. :) Where it stops no one knows after Avatar 2 :)

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Post doesn't make any sense.

Neo I mean I dont think even SWs 7 and Avengers 2 combined can match what Avatar 2 will gross WW my friend. And that Avengers had more screens and more 3D theaters and still got beat by almost 1.4B.. This Avatar will be in as much if not more screens than Avengers... Its going to be embarrassing . Avengers does not mesmorize and hold onto its audiences hearts for 3-4hr...Cameron's brillance will do just that..


The domestic war should be interesting though :)

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Think between 700-900+M domestic and 2.5-3+B OS :)


450-500M in china alone :)..


I don't know if it will see increase in Europa, probably it will decrease a bit, but SA and Asia should make it up (easy) XD

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That is one of many scenes from AVATAR that give me goose bumps.Others are:* When the seeds of Eywa surround Jake.* When Home Tree is destroyed and the natives look on in horror, disbelief, and utter heartbreak.* When Pandora's ecosystem fights back; that scene game me goosebumps AND made me cheer right there in the movie theatre!* When the Tanathor dies at the hands of that bastard Quarritch. That made me cry. Heck, even writing these makes me a little misty-eyed.* When Jake first rides his ikran* When Grace dies. Ugh, that was sad as heck....* When Neytiri discovers that her father has been impaled * When Quarritch gets his comeuppance at the hands of Neytiri* That scene towards the end when Neytiri first sees Jake's true form (after he almost died due to the planet's toxic atmosphere) and Jake first sees Neytiri through his human form's eyes. God, the way she holds him in her arms tenderly...the way they look at each other with love, and the way theay finally "see" each other... I was devastated, and bawling like a child.Sorry, but once again I have to remind people that this is exactly why AVATAR connected with audiences: at the end of the day, the allegedly flimsy, cardboard thin characters is what made people care. I know I did, and everyone I know did. Of course, those people that I know are not vocal internet fanboys who hate Cameron because he decided to make a —GASP!— romantic epic. The Horror! And of course, since AVATAR is also a romantic epic at heart, those fanboys are even more hateful towards the guy.
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That is one of many scenes from AVATAR that give me goose bumps.Others are:* When the seeds of Eywa surround Jake.* When Home Tree is destroyed and the natives look on in horror, disbelief, and utter heartbreak.* When Pandora's ecosystem fights back; that scene game me goosebumps AND made me cheer right there in the movie theatre!* When the Tanathor dies at the hands of that bastard Quarritch. That made me cry. Heck, even writing these makes me a little misty-eyed.* When Jake first rides his ikran* When Grace dies. Ugh, that was sad as heck....* When Neytiri discovers that her father has been impaled * When Quarritch gets his comeuppance at the hands of Neytiri* That scene towards the end when Neytiri first sees Jake's true form (after he almost died due to the planet's toxic atmosphere) and Jake first sees Neytiri through his human form's eyes. God, the way she holds him in her arms tenderly...the way they look at each other with love, and the way theay finally "see" each other... I was devastated, and bawling like a child.Sorry, but once again I have to remind people that this is exactly why AVATAR connected with audiences: at the end of the day, the allegedly flimsy, cardboard thin characters is what made people care. I know I did, and everyone I know did. Of course, those people that I know are not vocal internet fanboys who hate Cameron because he decided to make a —GASP!— romantic epic. The Horror! And of course, since AVATAR is also a romantic epic at heart, those fanboys are even more hateful towards the guy.

I don't dislike Titanic (okay I don't dislike this one I just find it highly overrated.) and Avatar for being romantic epics, even though Avatar really isn't a romantic epic.Avatar is a visual wonderful with an immersive visual environment, it sucks you in, especially on that big screen with 3D. I was definitely suckered when I first saw if, it was only when I finally went back to watch it at my own home that I realized how weak the movie actually is. At home it was no longer as immersive as before, and I realized that all aspects that didn't correlate towards the technical visual aspects were extremely weak.The film ended up feeling overly long and boring and directly stealing from many movies in the past. There wasn't anything original about it, it relied solely on the epic immersive aspects to carry the movie, and for the time it was released that worked wonders. But there is a reason you rarely see people talk about Avatar as movie nowadays (besides it grossing a lot of money), it was a visual wonder that everyone flocked to see and after many other visual marvels came out however it was never truly ingrained into culture like titanic was.
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