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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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On 22/05/2016 at 3:35 PM, Elessar said:


You are not giving enough credit to JJ. I director calls the shots on a daily basis, he's still the most important cog in the machine, even when Disney is behind. JJ is not some no name director.


He did well in the directorial department, storywise he didn't have that lucky a hand, though.


3 hours ago, The Futurist said:


And people don't understand why studios hire directors in the first place.


This idea that directors (even the rookie ones) don't really direct their big tentpoles movies is absurd.


Each time we hear about sudio meddling, people put the blame (an absurd notion anyway when you know how chaotic filmmaking is)  on the studio, well it s more complicated than that.


The Avengers Age Of Ultron situation is a perfect example about how people have agendas in those situations.


I'm not sure if you guys think I don't know what directors do, but I do and you're missing the point of my post. Which is any servicable director could have been hired and the outcome would have been the same. JJ even helped with the script (which wasn't great) but as I said the plot doesn't even matter.


All they needed was an ok script and director and massive production and marketing budget.


Normally films work by Directors finding a script they want to direct and pitch it to a studio so they can get a budget.

Star Wars The Force Awakens worked the otherway around, Disney decided they wanted a Star Wars 7 and went out and found some script writers and a director. Then through all the money in the world at it. Cape crap movies do the same.


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3 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

Normally films work by Directors finding a script they want to direct and pitch it to a studio so they can get a budget.


I would say when it comes to big budget filmmaking, that's more a rarity.


I get what you are saying. JJ is more than an okay director in my book, though, and Ep 7 benefitted having him on board in many ways. That said, he also approved (and co-wrote) of that script, which was a pretty lazy retread, so he should take at least some blame for that.

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18 minutes ago, Elessar said:


I would say when it comes to big budget filmmaking, that's more a rarity.


I get what you are saying. JJ is more than an okay director in my book, though, and Ep 7 benefitted having him on board in many ways. That said, he also approved (and co-wrote) of that script, which was a pretty lazy retread, so he should take at least some blame for that.


Also another point to why Jim would not want to send the letter of congratulations to JJ is the fact Star Wars isn't JJ's.
It's locust's child which got taken away from him, and Jim's only congratulations letter came from Locust. It would be bad manners to Locust to send JJ a letter.




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On 5/24/2016 at 11:12 PM, Kalel009Shel said:

Lol look up the old bom Bo threads. I believe iron Jimbo and others here have stated the after Bo hv market was enormous ww. Seems studios gave him the first  120 m budget , so obviously abyss made money beyond Bo. Jimbo see if you can get those links for hv and after Bo revenue for abyss. Just because you post old inundated data tele, doesn't mean it's not fantasy as well. We need some good hv sources again.


BOM is dead. No threads exist anymore. Anyone can state all sorts of wild numbers (and people have). No one's provided any sort of link to anything that would remotely support those numbers. I welcome any data. Someone, please provide it, if it's out there. Otherwise, what's commonly accepted as fact will continue to be accepted: that THE ABYSS was a financial disappointment, grossing 50m and change domestically from a budget somewhere around 70m, not doing particularly well overseas, and with HV returns that were decent, but nothing remotely spectacular nor even enough to fully break even.


In terms of giving Cameron a huge budget the next time around -- well, it was a different studio, with a new stream of outside financing, and it was a sequel to a popular cult movie that also starred arguably the biggest star in the movie at that time. And it wasn't a more contemplative drama/thriller (like THE ABYSS) but a straight-up sf/action movie, the very sort that tends to do well worldwide.

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On May 24, 2016 at 2:49 AM, IronJimbo said:

Disney decided they wanted a Star Wars 7 and went out and found some script writers and a director. Then through all the money in the world at it. Cape crap movies do the same.



Not sure it really matters, but Star Wars 7 was already deep in pre-pre-preduction before Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney.


As a matter fact, near as I can tell, Disney has a very 'hands-off' attittude when it comes to Lucasfilm and SW.  And why shouldn't they, since at the moment SW is practially a license to print money.

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The talks about SW7 and Disney in an Avatar thread reminded me that Disney almost got ahold of Avatar if it's not for Fox deciding to hold onto it.


Seriously, imagining the world where one studio held both Avatar and Star Wars as theirs kinda terrifies me.

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1 hour ago, Captain H said:

The talks about SW7 and Disney in an Avatar thread reminded me that Disney almost got ahold of Avatar if it's not for Fox deciding to hold onto it.


Seriously, imagining the world where one studio held both Avatar and Star Wars as theirs kinda terrifies me.


They wouldn't have needed Star Wars.

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22 hours ago, Telemachos said:


BOM is dead. No threads exist anymore. Anyone can state all sorts of wild numbers (and people have). No one's provided any sort of link to anything that would remotely support those numbers. I welcome any data. Someone, please provide it, if it's out there. Otherwise, what's commonly accepted as fact will continue to be accepted: that THE ABYSS was a financial disappointment, grossing 50m and change domestically from a budget somewhere around 70m, not doing particularly well overseas, and with HV returns that were decent, but nothing remotely spectacular nor even enough to fully break even.


In terms of giving Cameron a huge budget the next time around -- well, it was a different studio, with a new stream of outside financing, and it was a sequel to a popular cult movie that also starred arguably the biggest star in the movie at that time. And it wasn't a more contemplative drama/thriller (like THE ABYSS) but a straight-up sf/action movie, the very sort that tends to do well worldwide.

Abyss was no disappointment as a whole. As proven by the regular VHS, VHS extended, laserdisc and now DVD editions Tele. Does it not compute if it did only decent sales it would not have all these formats. Actually someone on Bo forums saved the DVD thread info from bom and posted info from  . Hopefully they will return. I'm not sure if it's this thread or Bo buzz thread or discussion thread. Anyone that can find hv sales more updated for abyss..Post away. 



Rem CGI chocofles, Ethan , Jimbo, kayom, 75, tele,zilla to post in the paranormal thread.


We're back



Edited by Kalel009Shel
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22 hours ago, Telemachos said:


BOM is dead. No threads exist anymore. Anyone can state all sorts of wild numbers (and people have). No one's provided any sort of link to anything that would remotely support those numbers. I welcome any data. Someone, please provide it, if it's out there. Otherwise, what's commonly accepted as fact will continue to be accepted: that THE ABYSS was a financial disappointment, grossing 50m and change domestically from a budget somewhere around 70m, not doing particularly well overseas, and with HV returns that were decent, but nothing remotely spectacular nor even enough to fully break even.


In terms of giving Cameron a huge budget the next time around -- well, it was a different studio, with a new stream of outside financing, and it was a sequel to a popular cult movie that also starred arguably the biggest star in the movie at that time. And it wasn't a more contemplative drama/thriller (like THE ABYSS) but a straight-up sf/action movie, the very sort that tends to do well worldwide.

Actually fox owned abyss too. And was the big backer of the enormous hv run. Also backed aliens i think. The studio correct or whatever it was, wouldn't have put up the biggest budget ever if abyss didn't make profit on the hv market and became another cult classic tele. Come on now guy. Abyss is in what 5-6 different hv formats ww.. VHS 3 hour versions and ld versions and DVD versions made definitely over 350m ww by now on top of the TV revenue and Bo it made 

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I love Cameron as a film maker and his stance on veganism is awesome.


But his attitude towards Hollywood and filmmakers basically saying that there's not a lot of talent out there is just ridiculous. There have been a lot of films that have come out in the last decade that we're really Innovative in terms of you fax and so on. What Cameron did with Avatar was really awesome to look at but sorry I didn't really see it as being that incredible. I know I'm probably in the minority on that but that's just how I feel. I think he's being a real dick by coming in and saying stuff like this.

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