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THE MARTIAN | Oct 2, 2015 | Will compete as a comedy at the Golden Globes

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Great trailer. I think the poster is great too since It conveys the story and sells it to audiences well. People really respond to clear and concise marketing campaigns these days and they like to know what they are getting from a movie. This trailer and poster lays out of the simple premise very well.

Edited by Clavius
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LOL @ 




Even got Jessica in it, LOL.    Listen this concept of being "Stranded" on a planet isn't new.  I liked concept but sadly "Interstellar" is taking the wind out of the sails of this.  Amazing cast and of course Ridley is a living legend.   But the trailer showed way to much of movie.   You know in the back of your mind he's probably going to make it.   The Trailer didn't make me feel he was going to die.  The Trailer didn't make me feel he was lost.  The Trailer made me feel he was lost for a little bit and rescue is on the way.   Again I'm a junky for Sci-Fi and Space Travel but they again showed way to much in that trailer.  

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^^ Good thing there's plenty left to surprise you. ;)


I know there's surprises.   I didn't read the book cause I don't want to be spoiled.  Lets see if Matt can pull it off like Will did in "I am Legend" and Tom did in "Cast away".  But it is a really good cast.  His little farm was interesting and the storm scenes did look good. 

Edited by filmscholar
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BTW guys the trailer released today is the same reel screened at CinemaCon beat for beat. With the two 2-minute (MoS-esque alternating ones intended to run simultaneously in theatres, I've been told) teasers all rated and ready to go I can only imagine this was some last minute change of plan, and the lack of green band in front of the US YouTube version means surely online-only. Will let you know if I hear more.

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