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Weekend Est: 22JUMP 60.0M| HTTYD2 50.0M|Male 19.0M|EOT 16.1M|Fault 15.7M|DOFP 9.5M

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Why is HTTYD making small numbers OW compared to other animated movies? The last movie was pretty damn good and I would expect the goodwill from the audience to transfer to this one and lead to a bigger OW. Very disappointing. 

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So the lesson here is: DreamWorks Animation should never release a sequel to a well-regarded movie against an R-rated comedy sequel that also had a very well-regarded predecessor?

Yes. DW needs start learning from their mistakes, and not show everyone how to fuck up a release for a potentially huge animated sequel. :blink:

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Hmmm....so Dragon 2 cost twenty million less to make than the first....and is as good/nearly as good as that one....lesson here for DW: it's okay to have smaller budgets.


Yet over in the Home thread, every comment is about how bad it looks. Perhaps they are trying a lower budget: every DWA film since HTTYD has been under 150m. But also perhaps people are just going to complain about something.


(Completely separate is the issue that DWA needs to scale back to 2 films a year.)

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Why is HTTYD making small numbers OW compared to other animated movies? The last movie was pretty damn good and I would expect the goodwill from the audience to transfer to this one and lead to a bigger OW. Very disappointing. 

They ran into 22 Jump Street. These motherfuckers are scary.


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