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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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Cap 2 did the third time as well, TASM2 did...not.



I liked both TASM2 and Godzilla, but both have their problems.


The good parts of TASM2 are fantastic, but the bad parts don't get any better with repeat viewing.

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Awe, Blank.


I'd give you a hug right now if I was there, and I'd take you out for some fun and being dorks.


I love ya, bb. Stay strong.


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Thanks Claire :)


Thanks. It's the typical superhero sidekick relationship with the sidekick being smarter than the hero.


Can I be involved as a government agent?


It's very well written though. And sure? Haven't started planning it yet but it really won't be about the government persay...

DOFP was the movie of the summer for me.



Yeah,Blank, look into your hobbies. Don't be afraid to diversify your hobbies either. You're young, put yourself out there a bit. The world's a big place and you've got your whole life ahead of you. That phase doesn't last long, trust me


The thing is... my hobbies are writing for CAYOM and watching movies. :lol: 


I have looked into community theater in the area but of course no one is actually putting on a show before August 15... You know that's the real issue, I think. I miss the stage. The applause or laughter of an audience is one of the few things in life that makes me consistently happy, and even though I have awful memories of people that went down in the plays this year, I don't regret doing a single one of them.


I just wish I could do one now.

I am sorry to hear that Blank. If you hangout with friends it will probably help your depression. Just doing something fun will help it a lot. 


Also, remember in a couple of months you are off to college, so you have that to look forward to. 

In all honesty? What I want to do with friends is crazy roadtrip, but half of my friends already went on to the Speech and Debate Nationals (something thinking about still gets me saddened) and aren't in the mood for another one. The other half is pretty much not-Seniors so not interested in Senior Road Tripping. Add to the fact that I actually don't have a license and that's another shitty thing I can't do

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Detailed TF4 impressions:


The movie doesn't make a lick of sense if you think about it for even a second. There are plot holes big enough to drive Optimus Prime through them. The logical leaps required to piece the plot together are way too many to count. Michael Bay geography is in full display here, especially when characters somehow drive from Shanghai to Hong Kong. The acting apart from Wahlberg is horrid, the movie has the feel of 3 different movies in one, especially when the plot focus changes every hour or so.


Despite all of this, I would still recommend the movie to anyone. It is a true spectacle worth watching. Michael Bay has somehow managed to make a movie which i simultaneously awful and awesome. Well worth your money for sure. Watch it in IMAX 3D.


That really sums it up well.

Parts of it are just poorly poorly put together.

That blond scientist chick (Darcy I think) just shows up out of literally nowhere in the middle of the final Dinobot battle.


But the awesome parts are just awesomely awesome.


Unless you're the biggest poser snob out there, your eyeballs will absolutely thank you for watching this movie.



It's a must watch.

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What do you mean?


The scene at Pangu plaza when the Chinese defence minister says "We will not let Hong Kong down. Send in the fighter jets" or something to that effect. Just seemed like the weirdest thing possible at that moment since there was no actual reason to cut to the minister apart from to reaffirm China's commitment to Hong Kong.

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Thanks Blanks,



Carl The Angel in I Take No For An AnswerWritten, Directed and Created by Dan DavisWe open in the suburbs, the sun has just come out and the morning has just started. Jim an artist is at his house looking at a painting.Jim: The tabarere. A work of art, a masterpiece. Took me over a year to make this thing (Turns his head). I’ll throw it away this afternoon, it’s been bothering for me sometime. The stare on that man’s face really gets to me.Jim walks around his house.Voice: Hey buddy.Jim looks.Voice: Yeah buddy.Jim looks again. He doesn’t see anything.Voice: Hey Buddy I’m right next to you. Turn your head, doofus.Jim looks and sees that the painting is staring at him. He jumps.Jim: Did that painting just talk and move its head?Painting: It sure did. I hear you’re a struggling artist.Jim: What ticked you off? The fact that my breakfast lunch and dinner consists of the exact same thing, burnt toast.Jim holds burnt toast in his hand.Jim: Its delicious (has a fake smile on his face).Painting: Well do I have proposition for you.Jim: Does it involve getting back at my higher-ups?Painting: Uh… no.Jim: Then I’m not interested.Painting: Oh come on! I have ways of helping people like you.Meanwhile Carl the Angel is flying in the sky.Carl The Angel: Well here I am. Gotta stop a struggling artist from selling his soul to the devil. Hope this one doesn’t have a pet boar.Carl shakes off the boar that is still trying to bite him on the leg.Carl The Angel: Shouldn’t have made myself so apparent to that animal.Carl flies to the house and through the door. He stops and looks and then sees that Jim is talking to a painting.Jim: Listen is this supposed to be some kind of sick twisted joke.Painting: No not at all, come with me and you’ll be able to sit down on a comfortable cushion.Jim: Oh, I like that.Suddenly the painting sucks Jim in. Jim screams “woah!”As Jim falls into an endless void. He hears a voice.Voice: Hello Jim welcome to the best thing that can possibly happen to you. I can make your dreams come true. Look down there.Jim looks down and sees that he is a successful artist who is signing autographs at an art museum exhibit.Jim: That’s me I’m a success artist, look at me, that’s me, hey… I look too handsome.Voice: All you need to do (suddenly a figure appears, a salesman wearing a red suit) is sign this contract.Jim looks at the sheet.Red salesman: Of course there will be some details that come along with signing this paper.Jim: What?Red salesman: Oh, uh, oh, nothing, nothing at all, forget what I just said.Jim just ignores him, and signs the paper, as the man laughs “ha-ha-ha”.Jim: Say why you are laughing so… evil-like.Red Salesman: Oh… that was just me testing out… my vocal cords. I’m planning to be a world renowned soprano singer. HA, HA, HA!!!! Lovely isn’t it.Jim just looks. As Jim finishes signing the paper. It disappears. Suddenly Jim finds himself in his house again. Everything is back to the way it used to be.Jim: Hmm, must have been one freaky dream I just had there.Carl the Angel shows up.Carl The Angel: I wonder if I’m too late. Hello Jim, I’m an angel, well not necessarily an angel, I’m trying to earn my keep in heaven, but I’m here to help you, from selling your soul to the devil.Jim looks at him.Jim: Is this supposed to be some kind of early April fools prank or something, cause I’m not laughing.Carl The Angel: But wait.Jim walks to the door and Carl the Angel follows him.Carl The Angel: You don’t realize what you’re doing? You made a deal with the devil. The side effects will be damaging. Sure you’ll find fame and fortune, but the cost will be dearly…Before Carl the Angel can say anything. Jim closes the door on him.Jim: I don’t know what you’re talking about Mr. Angel, I don’t believe I ever encountered someone called The Devil in my entire life.Carl The Angel: Well this one sticky situation I’ve gotten myself into it.Jim is at his house when he gets a call on the phone.Jim: Hello? Oh Mr. Bobbinstock. I’ll be glad to present my art at the museum. By the way why are you selecting me?The scene cuts to Mr. Bobbinstock holding the phone at the museum.Mr. Bobbinstock: Well you see, your art is so good and unique that the rest of the world just needs to see it.Jim: Okay, I’ll be over there in a second.Mr. Bobbinstock: Good, good. I’m getting very tired of the art that’s being shown right now. It’s not good for the locals.Scene shows a hillbilly displaying his slime collection.Hillbilly: This is my slime collection that I hold dear and truly. If anything of you people leave, I’ll get my shotgun.The next scene shows magazine covers displaying the headlines “Jim a famous renowned artist is going to present another masterpiece at the Davisville Art Museum”, “Jim the breakthrough star of 13”, “Jim The Hot New Thing, found out the secrets of how he makes his magnificent art work”.Carl the Angel is reading that headline.CTA: Hmm, well I wouldn’t call his artwork magnificent, more like a middling ground that you blast your feet at.Garbageman: Hey guy with fake wings pick up the trash.CTA: Yeah, yeah, coming (looks at the garbage). I’m never gonna look at spinach the same way again.Carl throws the trash away. As he does a light shines down on him.Carl: God is that you? Why in the world did you only shine that light on me?God voice: I got free coupons. Eh hem, you must save that artist from destroying himself.Carl: He brought it upon himself, why should I help him? I mean there’s no point in helping him, it’s kinda useless at this point.Carl gets struck by the wind.God voice: Do it now or ELSE!The wind strikes Carl and throws him.Jim is in his mansion reading a book, when his butler comes in.Butler: Your steak, sir!Jim takes the steak rudely from his butler, and then proceeds to eat it.Jim: Yuck, what’s with this steak, why is it made of so much flower? I want to see the cook of this house? Why can’t I get some really food around here?Butler: That would be because you threw out the only pan we had yesterday out of frustration and anger.Jim: Aw forget that. I’m gonna watch some TV.Jim goes to a blank screen and tries to turn it on, using the remote.Jim: Why is this not working? He drops the remote and stomps on it. This blows.Maid: That would be sir, because you threw out the TV out two days out of rage and frustration.Jim: Aw! Forget this! Forget this whole house! It’s junk.Carl the Angel appears.Carl the Angel: Okay, okay stop! Look at yourself, you’re a mess, getting anger over the fact that your TV can’t work. What a failure.Jim looks down in shame.Jim: What have I done, I’ve basically become an egotistical monster. I want it back, I want my old life back, and I don’t care about becoming famous and rich anymore.Voice: You want it back?Jim: Yes, I want it all back. No more hot women in bathtubs, no more unlimited supply of relaxing cushions. I want it back, I want it all back, my old life.Voice: Never. I have your life now and there’s nothing you can do about it.Carl the Angel: Just wait one minute there nothing guy.Voice: Uh!Carl the Angel: I’ll make a deal with you!Voice: You will!Carl the Angel: Of course I’ll make a deal with you, but I know the devil would double cross me.The red suited salesman shows up.Devil: Well good to know you know who I am.Carl grabs the devil and throws him across the room. He then holds him up right.Carl the Angel: Alright listen, you’re gonna give this guy his own freedom back, understood?Devil: Oh well this isn’t backrub refreshing, if anything its more mellow if nothing. Very well you can have your old life back, I don’t care anymore.Just as Devil pulls his staff out it falls. Jim touches it.Devil: Wait don’t touch that…. Oh no!The scenario changes. Carl the Angel waves his hand, suddenly he Jim and The Devil being chased by giant pork across a blackened street.The Devil: When I get out of here, nobody’s getting their souls back, not even mine. (End).

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Blanks, what's your focus going to be in college? You could always get an early start getting a feel for whatever it is.


Seriously, read some books! I don't care if they were written a thousand years ago or yesterday, there's such an insane wealth of wonderful stories in every conceivable genre out there. Not only will you enjoy them, they'll inspire you creatively.


Write something that has a greater outlet for potential than fan-fiction mashups. It may be harder, but it may also be more rewarding (creatively or otherwise). 


Is your reason for not having a license that you don't have a car? Even if that's a longterm logistical issue, this is something else to do. Learn how to drive and get your license. You'll absolutely need it in life, might as well get it out of the way, and sounds like now is a great time to do it.


Up through high school life tends to be very regimented. One of the transitions that everyone has to make is when you head off to college... for the first time, you're essentially in charge of your time. The sooner you can begin to grasp that and begin not only to structure yourself accordingly but also take advantage of it, the better. It's not a limitation... it means the training wheels are off. You are free... in so many ways. There's a whole world out there. The sky's the limit. Whatever other cliche you can think of.

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I survived.


Quick thoughts:


Optimus Prime is still a homicidal maniac. He said "I'll kill you!" no less than three times.


He also spouted many lines about freedom that reminded me of various Soccer discussions when the US game...except those were parody posts.


There were so many Mark Wahlberg-isms that I lost count of some good ones. I walked away with two favorites. "I'M AN INVENTOR! THAT'S WHAT I DO!" And then there's a slow motion of him throwing his fist to the ground yelling "NOOOOOOOOO" in slow motion that is destined to be a gif classic.


Nicola Peltz is predictably bad. Jack Reynor is not much better. And that Irish accent got on the nerves.


It took me half the movie to find out who was voicing Hound. It was John Goodman but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was.


I couldn't understand about 30% of Drift's dialogue. Ken Watanabe returning to Inception mode with his unintelligible dialogue. His delivery of OPTIMUS PRWWWWWWWWIME after he mounts Grimlock (not sexual) is a future classic.


I started yawning about 90 minutes into the film. Of course, there was still over an hour left.


They played Battle Cry no less than 5 times.


Stanley Tucci = :ohmygod:


I like that he was kinda crazy like Turturro and Malkovich but not a complete joke of a character. He even gets a decent arc.


It wasn't as aggressively bad as Revenge of the Fallen. About the best compliment that I can give it.


Interstellar trailer in IMAX is always great...PEACE.


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