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Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014)

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes  

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  1. 1. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

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Just got back from seeing it. The film is tense, smart, action-packed, sometimes heartwarming, and well-made. I think the beginning is the strongest part of the film as it sets up this beautiful contrast between the apes (who are evolving) and humans (who are decaying). However, even though the film portrays the humans in a worse light than the apes, it also makes sure to show that both sides have their moral shortcomings. Both sides are too distrustful of the other (admittedly for good reasons), which leads to petty conflicts. And each side has members who are willing to lie/cheat in order to help their side gain an advantage in the conflict. The result is something admirable: a film that isn't ready to just feed you a simple tale of good guys vs. bad guys. Sadly, the film's complexity is undermined with the character of Koba who turns into the main villain of the film. I know they gave him a back story to explain why he is so distrustful of humans, but I just felt like any sympathy that the writers had tried to give to the character was lost in the aftermath of all of the terrible things he does. He became a simplistic villain, and I thought that such characterization was a step back for the film. (Then again Koba is in Rise, and maybe if I rewatch that, I'll change my mind). Even with that misstep though, I enjoyed the film. That's because of the stuff I wrote above, the fact that it's filled with awesome action sequences, the fact that Caesar is awesome, and the solid performances (especially by Oldman). 3/4 (sorry for the long review).

Koba was already pretty messed up in Rise. Caesar had a blind spot for trusting all Apes and didn't want to believe Apes could have a dark side like what he had seen in humans. He thought Apes were different, a family.
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Excellent visuals, top-notch acting (especially the motion capture, damn! :o), and one of the most tense movie atmospheres I've seen in a long time.


The apes in this are AMAZING. That aspect of the movie cannot be understated. 


The film's powerful themes were very well-crafted and represented, IMO.


The story itself is not actually complex, but it is done with so much passion, sincerity, and earnestness that it just drags you in and never lets you go. 



Edited by kaijukurt
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Nope. Thank god. 


Maurice was awesome. There was just something great that I can't put my finger on about that moment when Caesar has been shot, the town is on fire and he just tells the humans to run. Such unwavering belief that they were not responsible in any way regardless of the apparent evidence.

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Maurice was awesome. There was just something great that I can't put my finger on about that moment when Caesar has been shot, the town is on fire and he just tells the humans to run. Such unwavering belief that they were not responsible in any way regardless of the apparent evidence.


Which just goes to prove that the apes are such interesting characters in the film. They have such a great on-screen presence, and Maurice is a prime example of that. His vocals, his gait, yup, he was great in this. 

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I loved Rise but I was worried what will happen to this one because they changed the whole cast and the director. I did not have to worry because this is the best movie of the year so far. I don't know how Wyatt would have handled it but Matt Reeves nails the tone of this movie which is a total and necessary turn from the first one. This is one of those rare times when dark and gritty is a compliment :D


Andy Serkis - once more fantastic as were all the other motion capture performances. Jason Clarke and his family were also good and they gave the movie that necessary human connection. Clarke especially just felt like your ordinary guy with whom you would want to have a beer with or just hang out. Oldman had one great scene but apart from that not much else to do unfortunately.


The best thing about the movie though are the relationships - Caesar and Blue Eyes, Caesar and Koba and Caesar and Clarke (wow, that's a lot of Caesar, yeah he was great :P) I though this one would lack that aspect but it delivered even more than Rise; the struggles, the friendships, everything was there and everything was great.


This is a movie you just can't get your eyes off of: perfectly paced and unpredictable enough to keep you on you toes for the whole ride. One of the best blockbusters of all time.




One nitpick though: do their guns have infinite bullets? I never saw them reload :D

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I loved Rise but I was worried what will happen to this one because they changed the whole cast and the director. I did not have to worry because this is the best movie of the year so far. I don't know how Wyatt would have handled it but Matt Reeves nails the tone of this movie which is a total and necessary turn from the first one. This is one of those rare times when dark and gritty is a compliment :DAndy Serkis - once more fantastic as were all the other motion capture performances. Jason Clarke and his family were also good and they gave the movie that necessary human connection. Clarke especially just felt like your ordinary guy with whom you would want to have a beer with or just hang out. Oldman had one great scene but apart from that not much else to do unfortunately.The best thing about the movie though are the relationships - Caesar and Blue Eyes, Caesar and Koba and Caesar and Clarke (wow, that's a lot of Caesar, yeah he was great :P) I though this one would lack that aspect but it delivered even more than Rise; the struggles, the friendships, everything was there and everything was great.This is a movie you just can't get your eyes off of: perfectly paced and unpredictable enough to keep you on you toes for the whole ride. One of the best blockbusters of all time.10/10One nitpick though: do their guns have infinite bullets? I never saw them reload :D

Apes firing guns and riding horses is believable, but you draw the line at them not reloading?I guess that speaks VOLUMES about the series and just how good it is.
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Apes firing guns and riding horses is believable, but you draw the line at them not reloading?I guess that speaks VOLUMES about the series and just how good it is.


Well yeah :D Not just apes, Gary Oldman too, it was like they had hundreds of bullets in their magazines :P

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

3:50 PM-Not that crowded but this was not at the newer theater that is more crowded then the one I was at.


Trailers:Lucy-So tired of this trailer!

Gone Girl-Looks dark and depressing, well it is David Fincher.

Mokingjay 1-This amusing teaser is back.

Guardians-Laughs during this one.

Sin City 2-Forgot about this movie.

Exodus-Looks good, even if Bale looks miscasted in this (I still think Kingsley was great in the made for TV version from the 90s)


Movie: Pretty good. Though the opening is a bit slow. I really dislike Koba, that is one memorable villain! The music was great also. Some amusing moments also in the film. And I actually think I have determined the 3rd movies title!

I give this a A- for now.

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This was amazing. I've never been this impressed by a movie since Gravity. Everything about it was truly great. The visual effects were spectacular and gosh, I loved the themes the film had. I didn't know who to root for, which I guess was one of the points of the film. Apes = Humans. Great job done by Matt RevesA

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Overall its fantastic, but while the humans stuff doesn't work well, the Apes are captivating. You can't take your eyes off them. The story kept me on my toes, but the movie felt like it had a layer missing something holding it back. The dialogue for the humans wasn't great but I loved that the apes started the war. 


The interesting thing here is where do we go? At some point we will have to change to human being the leads, can we root for apes to wipe out man?


The Apes on horses are beyond badass though.


B+ (87.5) Tied for my favorite big budget blockbuster of the year.... Still waiting on my A movie.

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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The humans definitely weren't the focus, but I thought they were good when they were given stuff to do. Oldman's scene with the IPad after the power was turned back on was very emotional. Clarke was good throughout. The kid's scene with Maurice and the book was cool. 

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Brilliant on all levels.

That said, a very pessimistic film, both toward humanity and (to my surprise) toward the apes.  Not one to really leave you feeling pumped, imo.  I thought it was an incredible film, and I can't wait to see the sequel, but I doubt I'll go see this one in theaters again, because it's just too heavy a slog.


Add me to the "Andy Serkis deserves a nomination" camp, though.  He did incredible work. 

Edited by Brilliant Dynamite Neon
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What a damn fine movie. The focus being placed on emotional and intensity buildup payed off remarkably, and the result produces real characters that we almost never see in these kinds of movies, and it makes the violence that ensues between apes and humans even harder to watch. The conversation between Caesar and Malcom near the end of the movie drives this point home, and it certainly had me misty eyed, as did many other scenes in the movie. In spite of this, the movie glows on an aesthetic level as well, given the bleak and powerful worlds created as a result of the simian flu, as well as the obviously amazing CGI done for the apes. It really just moves along smoothly, and the only real complaint I have is that I felt like Gary Oldman's character didn't really have much too him, and the iPad scene seemed almost like an obligatory "emotional backstory" moment just to keep him relevant, even if it's still somewhat effective. Hell, the human actors in general don't have as much to do as the apes, but that might have been the point, and in the end, it was a good choice. This is how you do it, boys. Edge of Tomorrow, Snowpiercer, and now this. Dayum.

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