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2nd Annual Forum Games - Tributes Sign Up Now. First Part Premieres TBA January, 2015

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Hello, BOF. It's that time. "It's Friiidayy, and I ain't got shit to do." So therefore, the Forum Games are returning. 1st Annual was pretty popular and I was pleased with the reader turnout (and likes, thanks). That's not without criticism. I've taken those criticisms to heart will improve this installment.

We had 66 members sign up last time, but something tells me this one wont be as popular. Also I won't be PM'ing people because I don't want to bug anyone that doesn't want to be bugged, so I doubt we'll get to 66, but that's okay. Also, this story will be shorter. Part 1 I stretched out to fit the whole Summer, but this one will be shorter. I will also have the parts pre-done. There was cough cough accusations of me rigging things and some people didn't like me incorporating current-forum affairs into the story, so therefore after sign ups, I will write all the parts, then release them.

Even though many liked the direction the last one went, this one will be more faithful to the The Hunger Games. The storyline will continue, so since many of you will be returning, you'll have to bear with me here. I'll have to use you again. So for instance, everyone but 1 person died last time, but if you return, you just have to come up with a way to explain how you're in this one.

It's not a "came back to life thing" or clone or reincarnation thing, its just the fact that to be able to continue the story, people have to be used again. Back in May, I envisioned Forum Games to be one long, cohesive storyline, so this is something we kinda have to deal with each new one.

So yeah, sign ups start now. I'd say PM me, but I said that last time and everyone just posted in here so that's fine as well. Like I said this one will be shorter, it wont be 24 parts. I hope all you return. I know the likes wont be as plentiful this time, but thats okay, I just wanna show off my storytelling and provide you guys with some great E-N-T. I have not determined when I'll end sign up, probably after Xmas, but Part 1 will premiere New Years Day. Oh, and yes I'll be doing the hat draw process again.

Welp, here's a link to 1st Annual. Reread parts and see the death roster. Happy holidays! http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/index.php?/topic/14987-1st-annual-forum-games-part-21-116-final-part-on-117-we-have-a-winner-after-credit-scene-page-119/

There will be no zones this time. All fighting will be done in the TERRARDOME. The dome allows moderators to control all aspects, such as weather, climate, intensity, floura and fauna, night and day, etc. Tributes will be put to the test, depending on the mood of the Mods.



Sixteen16 (ALIVE)

Mango (ALIVE)

Mr. Pink (ALIVE)


Empire (ALIVE)

Snoopy (ALIVE)


Ethan Hunt (ALIVE)

Spaghtti (ALIVE)

Films (ALIVE)

Blankments (ALIVE)

Alpha (ALIVE)

Claire Holt (ALIVE)

Darkelf (ALIVE)

Mulder (ALIVE)

Jack Sparrow (ALIVE)

K1stpierre (ALIVE)

Fancyarcher (ALIVE)

Ruthie (ALIVE)

0 DOWN, 21 TO GO

Edited by Jandrew
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