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John Marston

Friday, Dec. 26 Box Office: Hobbit 15.6, Unbroken 12.3, ITW 12.2, NATM 7.4 (full BOM weekend #s on p14)

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I've been seeing this in twitter today too. Unfair depiction of LBJ or something of the like.

Which is why I am skipping the movie.


Edited by Captain Jack Sparrow
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Wait, so in Exodus an all-powerful being controlling forces that affect the lives of a multitude of people by causing a cascade of disasters killing untold numbers and wrecking the lives of many others as part of an ultimate plan to "save" some people is represented by a child avatar?

Who the fuck let Casey Hudson and Mac Walters in that writing room?

Not sure if youre being sarcastic or not, but yep. A group of friends I know went to check it out and it upset them. There was some not-so religious people in the group too and even they thought that was a ridiculous move.

Maybe in the obligatory Adam and Eve movie, God can be a block of cheese becuase why not. And then in the Judas movie he'll be a fart because again, why the fuck not.

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What could have they done more? Marketing was great, IMO. 


Made a more faithful adaption that millions of religious people would of flocked to see.

Basically remake the amazing 'The 10 Commandments' with todays technology, just imagine what it could of looked like.


I still had hoped to see Moses stood on the shore of the Red sea and slam his staff into the water and then two walls of water blasts up into the sky with light blinding across the screen, just imagine what that would of looked like done today.


How Fox could not see this, i'll never know. How they could not see the potential backlash by not being faithful, i'll never know.

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1. Not make God a human child.

2. Not make everyone white.

3. Make the actual sea part.

4. Basically make it how people who believe in it were expecting.

Its not a coincidence that the 2 major religious movies this year have bombed, while all the smaller, more FAITHFUL movies have been successes. Who saw Heaven is for Real making $91M? Nobody. HIFR will beat Exodus. Thats not supposed to happen, but it will happen when one movie alienates its audiences while the other gives them what they want to see.

I don't think filmmakers have any obligation to only show people what they expect.

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To be fair to Exodus, I don't think God having a child avatar is too out of character. Jesus really up talks the Children and it also fits the Biblical theme of the small and meek being the most.

It's an interesting directorial choice, I don't see how it's insulting.

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I don't think filmmakers have any obligation to only show people what they expect.


Filmmakers can do whatever they want, but studios shouldn't be surprised when these efforts tank and end up being break even/money losing projects. It is show business after all. Not all filmmakers are afforded the luxury to get funding for $100+ million to make off-the-wall versions of Bible stories. At least Ridley has a track record of multiple global hits, unlike Aronofsky. But I suppose it isn't Ridley Scott or Darren Aronofsky's fault that no major studio would ever hand Lee Daniels or Kathryn Bigelow over $100 mil to make Jonah with mermaids, or even half that much, to manifest whatever wackadoo spin "creative vision" they want to put on an Old Testament story.

Edited by BoxOfficeChica
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To be fair to Exodus, I don't think God having a child avatar is too out of character. Jesus really up talks the Children and it also fits the Biblical theme of the small and meek being the most.

It's an interesting directorial choice, I don't see how it's insulting.

To be fair, i wasn't THAT bothered by God showing up as a child, i was more bothered about the fact that Scott made it look like Moses was hallucinating by getting hit in the head right before he sees God.

Scott just couldn't hold back his feeling even once.

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I don't think filmmakers have any obligation to only show people what they expect.

Youre right they dont, but dont act surprised when your movie bombs. Youre not making a movie about 2006-2011 Lindsay Lohan where you can just bullshit anything and no one will really know or care, youre adapting a biblical story.

Thats like them putting Darth Vader in Star Wars 8 and then making him pink and instead of a lightsaber he has a crossbow. Thats like making Mad Max but instead of the desert, this new one takes place in the Amazon jungle. Since the filmmakers have no obligation, they can do it. So be honest, would that not make you upset? If Disney decided to bring back Vader and make him pink, would you be okay? I doubt it. Im not a big SW fan but even I wouldnt be okay with it.

So why is it okay to take a biblical story and just wipe your ass with it almost? And from a money standpoint, why adapt a biblical story but jot make it faitful...when the Bible is centered on faith? Thats why Exodus is doing what is it and why Noah did what it did. You dont have to adapt word for word, but dont turn it into a joke.

Edited by Jandrew
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Glad Big Eyes is failing. I like Amy Adams but she is trying way too hard this year

I never understood the fascination with that woman. She, Carey Mulligan and Marion Cotillard I find to be some of the most overrated "oscar" actresses around. The only thing I was interested in with Big Eyes was Christoph Waltz, but, I save my theater going experiences for the big action/epic type movies. Dramas like Big Eyes can wait till it comes on Netflix.

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